
Apr 24, 2004 16:41

**Have You Ever?**
*. KISSED YOUR COUSIN? In a 'non-romantic' way.
*. RAN AWAY? Yea, but only for a couple hours, and no one knew me and Kellee were gone, anyway.
*. BROKEN SOMEONE'S HEART? Yes, two actually. But the heartbreaking for one of them was kind of a 'mutual heartbreak'.
*. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN? Yes. *cries*
*. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED? But of course! I'm not that heartless.
*. DRANK ALCOHOL? Well, yeah.
*. CRIED IN SCHOOL? Yes, but I made sure not many people saw. I despise crying in front of people.

::This or That::
*. COKE OR PEPSI? Pepsi. Cause I think young. RaWr.
*. SPRITE OR 7UP? Eh, Sprite, but I love Cherry 7-Up.
*. QUIET OR LOUD? Eh, it depends on my mood. For the most part quiet.
*. BLONDES OR BRUNETTES? Uh, I don't really care.
*. TALL OR SHORT? Wait, are we talking about in guys? Oh well, I'll just be safe and say taller.
*. JEANS OR SHORTS? JEANS! My legs and I are kind of sworn enemies.

*..::The Last Time You::..*
*. SHOWERED? A few hours ago.
*. HAD A GREAT TIME WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX? Well, with my guy friends, in a non-romanitc way, I do all the time. But as in a romantic way, prolly like...November.

?...::What Is::...?
*. YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM? My white guitar pick, and my black hair tie.
*. PERSON YOU HATE MOST? I don't know anymore.
*. LUCKY NUMBERS? 4, 12, and 22.

::?::What is your favorite..?::
*. COLOR? Black, red, pink and blue.
*. MOVIE? Moulin Rouge, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Superstar, Jerry McGuire, Road To Perdition, The Emperor's New Groove, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Sixteen Candles, Pretty In Pink, The Breakfast Club, and Say Anything. Woo!
*. BOOK? The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, A Walk To Remember, That Was Then This is Now, The Outsiders and Of Mice & Men.
*. SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? Anything but math. 'Tis the work of the devil, I tell ya.
*. CARS? Civics and Benz. Oh, I like classic 50s cars too, like the 1958 Cadillac, 1957 T-Bird, and 1952 Buick Roadmaster.
*. ICE CREAM? Chocolate and Cookies n' Cream
*. HOLIDAY? Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving.
*. SEASON? Summer lovin', had me a blasssst! - Grease
*. BREAKFAST FOOD? Poptarts are bomb!!

*. MAKES YOU LAUGH THE MOST? Jessica, Kellee, and Jack from Will & Grace.
*. MAKES YOU SMILE? Ewan McGregor, baby.
*. WHO HAS A CRUSH ON YOU? Nobody that I know of.

*?::Do You Ever::?*
*. SIT BY THE PHONE WAITING FOR A PHONE CALL ALL NIGHT? No. I have accepted the fact that I am a pathetic loser with no friends. Nah, none of my friends are "phone people", so eh..whatevaaaah!!
*. SAVE AOL CONVERSATIONS? No, I used to, though.
*. SAVE E-MAILS? Haha. Yea, my inbox has like, a million messages. I just never delete them for...sentimental reasons, I suppose.
*. WISH YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE? Story of my life.
*. CRIED BECAUSE OF SOMEONE'S MEAN WORDS? Yes, I'm a self-proclaimed pussy.

\*\::...Have You...::\*\
*. FALLEN FOR YOUR BEST FRIEND? Uh, not my best friend, but a good friend yes.
*. MADE OUT WITH JUST A FRIEND? I prefer to remain silent about that. *remains silent*
*. BEEN IN LOVE? No. But if you consider famous people counting as being in love, then yes, plenty of times.
*. BEEN IN LUST? Of course.
*. USED SOMEONE? Not that I recall.
*. BEEN USED? Yes, but it's ok. I'm behind that...Really, I am!! No! I seriously am, STOP INTERROGATING ME!!!
*. BEEN KISSED? Many-a-times...
*. DONE SOMETHING YOU REGRET? Well, yea. Who hasn't?

...::Who was the last person::...
*. YOU TOUCHED? Uh, Bekah.
*. YOU TALKED TO? My mother
*. YOU HUGGED? Bekah
*. YOU IM'ed? Ali
*. WHO BROKE YOUR HEART? Chris Deleon...and Justin, but we weren't going out or anything. I just had a big crush on him, and then he got a girlfriend. Not his fault, I know. But nevertheless, I was hurt by it.

*..::Do you::..*
*. HAVE TATTOOS? Soon, man! Soon...
*. HAVE PIERCING [S]? Yeshhhh
*. HAVE A BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND? Yes, his name is Ewan Gordon McGregor.
*. EVER GET OFF THIS DAMN COMPUTER? Lol, occasionally. I've gotta eat and piss, man!!
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