Jun 11, 2010 21:01
- 07:49 hey, allergies. i really really really hate you. please go away. thanks. #
- 11:58 allergy meds + decongestant + advil apparently makes my brain all mushy. this doesn't bode well for the conference call i'm about to do... #
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Jun 09, 2010 21:02
- 20:02 Saying they got a 2nd year on the show sort of doesn't have the same effect when I know they have a 3rd already confirmed... #glee #
- 07:50 the tourist/locals lanes on sidewalks was a joke, but can we make it real please? Video: #
- 17:29 Note to self: always check the menu first to make sure they haven't changed what you
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Jun 08, 2010 21:00
- 07:24 look at google maps, the PP fence is just extended from the school next door. clearly not public space. ug #prochoice #
- 08:38 not gonna lie, I missed a couple. Take @NARAL's quiz about anti-choice CPCs. The truth might surprise you! #prochoice #
- 10:20 My mind... is... just... wow. Newsies do "Bad Romance" Video:
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Jun 07, 2010 21:00
- 10:50 Pretty much in love with this. Coeur de Pirate - comme des enfatnts Video: #
- 13:37 ugh.... not getting lunch till 3:30 on a day when I'm tired and hungry = the worst. #
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Jun 05, 2010 21:00
- 06:16 Off to do some clinic escorting. At least it's a beautiful morning. #prochoice #
- 11:12 Well, that was fun. Now I want a Mojito. #
- 13:55 @ GawkerTV Boston #
- 16:38 @ TheMagNess tis the season for them! I just made my own simple syrup so I have one waiting in my immediate future #
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Jun 04, 2010 21:00
- 09:22 So You Think You Can Dance is back with a vengeance. This makes me SO happy. Video: #
- 11:08 seriously in love with vegetarian chili. LOVE. Who has an awesome recipe to give me so I can make it all the time? #
- 17:42 Best Friday night plans ever? Hint: the answer is yes. #
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Jun 03, 2010 21:00
- 10:00 Eclipse Soundtrack streaming - I’m still listening to this all day… It might not be as good as New Moon’s... #
- 10:31 uh oh... Rue McClanahan (Blanche from Golden Girls) passed. Betty White is the only one left. Maybe we should start a facebok group for her? #
- 15:25 apparently I'm so obsessed with TV that I was the only
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Jun 02, 2010 21:00
- 07:36 excited for @springstandards tonight at DC9!! Video: #
- 09:50 my nerdyness for the day... RT @mashable: AP Stylebook Adds 42 New Guidelines for Social Media - #
- 12:38 oh man. @curbsidecupcake was SO needed today. mmmm. #
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Jun 01, 2010 21:00
- 20:13 #donald4spiderman and #alisonbrie4maryjane would be pretty awesome for the spiderman remake. can we add #dannypudi4auntmay? please? #
- 08:04 hey, vampire weekend, why are you so damn catchy? I just can't quit you. or give up the gun, whatever that means. #
- 10:18 oh yeah, rabbit rabbit. I almost forgot. #
- 11:17 Thursday, who's going? RT @
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