Okay… here are the *rules* :
A. Choose some of your friends at random.
B. Write something about/to each of them.
C. Don't tell anyone who the statements are about, good or bad. No matter how they beg. Or how much they guess.
*Complicated. You're tough but you have so much heart you can't even hide it, even though you stuff it down under a hat and call it a man.
*Sometimes I wonder if it was in a dream I found you, I can hardly remember the day that I didn't know you or love who you are. There are so many eccentricities of yours that I know I could not live without... and one day when your garden grows I will love to help you keep it.
*Frustration can be overwhelming but I love you just the same. I see in you a friendship that will never diminish. So many stories, so little time, but we all know there is no turning back.
*It didn't take too long to realize that you were sent to me for a reason, and I will always speak another language for you.
*We've come a long way, and somewhere in the ups and downs we found in each other a shelter. I can go on and on but you know that I simply love you.
*A pixie isn't far from the truth. I see you and I know that even if time hasn't given us much opportunity to get to know each other, you're still a great person.
*There was a time I thought I would be left here alone but you came and saved me and showed me how beautiful it can be to be me and to be here and to be your friend and to be loved by you.
*Sometimes I want to be inside your mind just to feel what it's like to be such a beautiful person.
*When the road is long and the way is hard, you've always been there to hold my hand and make sure that when I fall you tend to my wounds. There are no words to describe how much I love you, only a thousand hidden feelings.