My Stance on Being TRULY American

Mar 22, 2003 14:47

You can sleep with your brother in law, sister in law, and her sister in law if you want to, as long as they are all of legal age. You can be single, married, gay, bi-sexual, transsexual, asexual, heterosexual, or NON-Sexual if you so choose. This is your right to be any or ALL of the above if you want, as long as you are an American.

You can speak your mind if you want. You can live without a mind if you want. You can stand outside your house naked and scream that your neighbor doesn’t have a brain if you want. Okay, so you will probably be arrested, but it is okay to say your neighbor is brainless. It’s okay if you sleep with his wife or his husband too. Actually, it is okay to be naked too, as long as you do so respectably. You won't get killed for doing any of the above, as long as you are an American.

You can enlist in the military and fight for your country. You can choose not to enlist and protest the war. You have that right to do either, because you are AN AMERICAN.

We have free speech, free press, free trials, Free Willie--we have it all, because we are AMERICAN.

We have a constitution in place and a democratic system in place. We are allowed to worship as we please, and disagree on who we think is God or even if we believe that there is a God. I have listened to all those protests about freedom of religion, and the separation between church and state. Although I don't believe in many of the things that are stated in our court systems, I have a right to voice my opinion. After all, I AM AN AMERICAN.

I believe in the rights that we enjoy as being an American, to a certain extent.

However, don’t you DARE deface my flag. Don’t you dare turn your back on my flag either!

The flag that flies over our buildings and outside of our homes stands for our country as a whole, and not for just one cause. That flag stands for truth, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. In this country, you have all of the above. That flag stands for me, you and everyone that lives around you as your neighbors. That flag is the heart and souls of every American that risked (and some that lost) their life so that you could live with the freedom to live wherever you want today.

That flag does not represent one president or one policy that you don't agree with. That flag stands for the one nation, as a whole. It stands for our ability to elect a president, and those that will help write our laws or fight for those laws that we want in place. We have the right to not like our president, and to try and vote him out in the next election.

That flag doesn't stand for war. That flag stands for the peace that we have in place in our country today, because of those AMERICANS that fought FOR THAT PEACE.

When you stand up and denounce the policy that our country has, that is your right as an AMERICAN. You have the ability to change what you believe is wrong in this country by lobbying towards that cause. You have the right to send letters to those that you elected into office, and voice your concerns about changing those laws.

You do NOT have the right to denounce this country and the flag that flies as a symbol thereof.

You do NOT have the right to deface my flag in any way, shape or form.

I am disgusted at the college student that is allowed to turn her back on the American flag while the national anthem is playing. I am disgusted with her parents for supporting her as well. I am disgusted with the college that says that, 'THIS IS HER RIGHT' to do so. Without that flag, she would HAVE NO RIGHTS. Without that flag, she may not be able to attend college, let alone be a woman and play basketball. Without that flag, she would have been put into an unsanitary cell and probably tortured for doing any of these--if she were not in America.

I applaud the Vietnam Veteran for standing up to this young woman, and spit at those that think he is 'disrupting the game of basketball' by doing so. It is because of someone like HIM that she has the RIGHT to do what she is doing.

However, unlike her, he has EARNED the right to say whatever he wants about that flag.

She should be bowing at his feet and thanking him, instead of insulting the freedom that he fought to keep sacred in this country.

Because of someone like him fighting for my freedom, I salute that flag.

If you turn your back on my flag, start moving your feet forward and keep walking. You don't deserve to be in this country. You are a dishonor to everything that American flag represents.

This is JUST MY OPINION. And I am allowed this opinion because:

I am an American.
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