(no subject)

Dec 22, 2007 14:33

Okay, enough is enough.

Three weekends ago, we had our office Christmas party. As per usual, I lost my voice pretty early on and had a sore throat. It went away on Sunday, and I figured that was that. Except that by Tuesday, my throat felt so lacerated I was kinda happy that the friend that usually rings up for a chat couldn't make it. I stopped talking to people at work pretty much entirely and went through something like 3 packages of Halls. By that weekend, I gained a bit of a head cold and a definite cough. Just in time for my brother to take us out for Tempenyaki (I have no clue what it actually takes like, every time he's taken us I seem to be so ill I can't really taste much beyond the soya sauce - at least the presentation is very entertaining).

We had a pilot plant at work that week, and someone was off on a training course, so I had to work two 12 hour shifts to cover his time. Not, oh noes, I have to work 12 hours, too long, but more I *HAD* to be there or we were toast 'cause we needed coverage. Monday I felt so horrible that I told my boss I just wasn't showing up on Tuesday so that I wouldn't die on the Wed/Thursday 12s. First time I've been off sick in the 5 years I've worked there. Wednesday and Thursday I still felt like death warmed over. Boss nearly sent me home for the few hours she could cover on the Wednesday, but I was pretty convinced that if I stopped I wouldn't start again. 5pm Thursday she came over and commented that I'd coughed non-stop all day, so I told her I was taking my 8 hours over time and taking Friday off. Slept the whole weekend and by Sunday my throat didn't feel like I'd had razor blades dragged up and down it, and the cough was just an intermittant dry rattle.

It's the next Saturday. I'm still coughing, and it's worse again. On the plus side, I have some energy. On the downside, it's not a dry cough any more and went people tried to talk to me at work I kept running out of breath and having to stop 'cause they couldn't hear a thing coming out of my mouth. I sleep like the dead usually (flat on my back, arms crossed and I don't move), which doesn't work when you have a nasty cough - and sleeping on my side has given me some nasty back thing (constant and shooting pain between my ear and the base of my shoulder blade on one side) that's lasted all week. Christmas shopping is so fun when you can't stop coughing and you're surrounded by a haze of menthol/tiger balm aromas. The clerks all look scared to come near me, and I can't say I'm well out of the contagious stage, 'cause I can't talk that long.

*this* is why I've repeatedly told people at work they're lucky I don't get sick - 'cause when I do, it just lingers for weeks and months. If they'd stop working me to death, I might have energy to fight things off!

However, of the good, I feel less like I'm going to collapse all the time. *and* I opened my present to myself yesterday. Two remoted controlled taratulas with species specific patterns. I <3 them. All the legs move independently and they're on a roller ball, not a forward pointing one, so they turn towards you when they move. It's remarkable how creepy that is, considering I a) like spiders, b) am the one pressing the button to control them.

Also on the positive side, the tenipuri christmas fic exchange has been entertaining me for days, and soon it's the rareslash one. So much new stuff out this time of year!
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