
May 09, 2006 14:04

Okay, this literally took forever to write. It is the longest LiveJournal entry I’ve ever written but probably the most personal. It hit a 16th page in Word. It also deals heavily with God and my faith and things of that nature. So, if God and me writing for a long, long time aren’t really your thing, you can stay away and I won’t be offended. But ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

plaidskirtsrule May 9 2006, 18:07:00 UTC
One day I'm just going to give in and write a book.


1 of 2 gtv42 May 9 2006, 20:34:14 UTC
I have to admit that I was just skimming until I saw my name. That guilted me into going back to the top and giving the entry an honest read. Which now results in an honest reply ( ... )


2 of 2 gtv42 May 9 2006, 20:34:47 UTC
Now to talk shop a bit, as I can quote scripture towards my own ends, if you're curious about instances of homosexuality in the Bible, check out Paul's letter to the Romans. You'll find it just after Acts, if you hit I Corinthians you've gone too far. Romans is a pretty cool letter; worth a full read. The bit that people seem to pick and choose from the most is right at the end of the first chapter. Here Paul's been givin'a shout out t'people who be members of the church, and he's now looking th'other way and talkin' shit 'bout those who's all gettin' their freak on n'shit, y'know ( ... )


jelay14 May 9 2006, 20:38:27 UTC
Borders punishes people for being more than five minutes late? That's kind of lame. And stupid. Or maybe I should accept that most jobs are like that. Which is still lame. And stupid.


praetorian42 May 9 2006, 21:08:30 UTC
Being Christian is totally groovy- it doesn't matter what religion you are as long as you can respect the beliefs of others. Christianity gets a bad rap a lot of the time for being really hamfisted in telling everybody that "It's the Only Way(TM)", but when you think about it a lot of atheists are the same way when you hear them talk about Christianity ( ... )


praetorian42 May 9 2006, 21:09:15 UTC
Disregard the "Gregg chiming in thing" because he responded (at length!) while I was reading/commenting.


penguinavenger May 10 2006, 02:09:04 UTC
hello, Paul.

i read your whole post, and i want my friendship pie. chocolate, please.

but seriously, i think it's really great that you got involved in this group, since you seem to enjoy it so much. it does suck that people can be so narrowminded (both within Christianity and about it.) i've met a lot of hypocritical Christians who were intolerant and self-serving, but i also know several truly wonderful Christians who do a lot of good without feeling the urge to continually shove their faith into everyone else's face, trying to convince them that it's the only way to lead a meaningful life. i'm glad you are the latter. i heart you Paul!

also, waterfalls do in fact rock.


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