Well as I said these seasons and episodes are short. Here's the last 3 episodes of Season 1 for Red Dwarf.
This episode gives us some nice background on the felis sapiens. Primarily it focuses on religion and the sort of really messed up stuff when people start using god (in this case Lister) as an excuse for everything. Lister especially takes offense to the fact that so much harm has been done in his name, but is given some small measure of reprieve by convincing a dying priest that his recent shaken faith in Lister still lets him recieve his eternal reward. Granted the priest dies immediately afterwards, but he had his comfort in the end. They run across one of Red Dwarf's old garbage pods, which spurs some amusement between Rimmer and Lister. Specifically, we find that Rimmer is an "atheist" though replaces belief in a deity with believe in aliens with deific powers. Overall this episode gets a 3 out of 5 golden calfs.
The plot for this episode revolves around Lister coming down with a mutated pneumonia which allows his hallucinations to manifest. These range from raining fish (which are promptly eaten by Cat), the mayor of Warsaw bursting into flames, and a personification of Lister's Confidence (who reminds me of a sleezy lounge singer from the early 80s) and Paranoia (who reminds me of a James bond villian's toadie). The metaphysical interaction here leads to some plot driving and character development for Lister, culminating in him finding the other crew's holograph disks and attempting to bring back Kochanski, though instead cloning another Rimmer. This episode earns 2 out of 5 Rimmers.
So now we get to deal with the fallout of double-Rimmers. Conclusion we get from this is that Rimmer is such a smeghead that not even Rimmer can stand himself. Against this new metaphysical angst, Lister attempts to find out the meaning of Rimmer's last words, "Gaspatcho soup" while watching a recording of his death. Resolution comes pretty quick on both of these fronts, with the new Rimmer being deleted, Rimmer given a trunkated version of his career (including his only medals for 3, 6, 9, and 12 years of service), and his shame from ordering gaspatcho soup to be heated. Lister shows his more human side, promising not to mention the story every again, but still gets a last zinger in, exclaiming "souper!" Season finale earns itself a valiant effort of 3 out of 5 soups.
Overall season 1, wasn't the best, but it had it's moments and was successful enough to allow the series to blossom into more humorous episodes we'll get later.