So today I went to this program thing where I learned how to apply henna designs, so I have the stuff on my arms now, cause it's supposed to stay on for 4-6 hours for a darker design...the class was pretty cool. I'll have to wait til tomorrow to see how the design actually turns out.
But anyway. That's not really related to anything. So anyway.
And then I was making dinner, and I had pasta cooking, right, and a potholder sitting on top of the pot lid. Except apparently the loop on the potholder kind of dangled down into the burner. So I look up from chopping onions and tomatoes and crap, and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THE THING IS ON FIRE. So I run and get some water and dump it over what apparently was the whole stove and the floor too, then pick up the part of the damn potholder that's not still smoldering, and throw it in the sink.
Now, you have to understand this is my second kitchen fire to date (if it can even be called a fire), the first being a paper towel under similar circumstances. Considering my reaction then was to yell "HOLY FRICK THIS PAPER TOWEL IS ON FIRE," and have a freakout while my dad ran over and blew it out; this time was quite a marked improvement.
That doesn't change the fact that the potholder was new. Brand new. I just, just made it to replace some old ones. What. Wth, universe.