1. Who were you with last night ?
Hmm... Kristin, Aoife, Dee, Marguerite, Ema, Sean, Matthew, John, Simon, Shane, Mendez, Catherine, Sophia, and a whole load of other people who's names I didn't bother learning.
2. What woke you up this morning?
3. Where are you?
My attic
4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Nope... working 1 to 9 for the third weekend in a row, just like I will be next sunday. Also I mightn't be able to run due to fucking up leg earlier..
8. When's the last time you cried?
I think after an awkward encounter with someone I used to be close to/
10. Ever thrown up in public?
Yep... in front of that giant dinosaur skeleton in the middle of the Natural HIstory Museum in New York. And possibly other times I can't remember, but not for a while.
11. Passed out because of alcohol?
No... fallen asleep faster than usual? Does that count?
12. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
My leg. Damn leg.
13. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
I'd like to think so
14. Where would you like to live?
I'd like to try a few kinds of places... dublin city centre, the countryside, a foreign city like Barcelona or Florence, and ultimately some random far off country which is very hot and involves beaches.
15. What kind of home would you like?
I've had this discussion before and come to the conclusion that ideally my home would resemble a sort of playground with swings and slides indoors. Also room for taekwondo, lots of punchbags, a jacuzzi somewhere, and lots and lots of animals.
16. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Grow up?! Whats this growing up of which you speak? I want to be happy and healthy and possibly a zoologist, who is involved with filming nature documentaries and possibly writing. Also a black belt.
17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Probably doing a PHD or masters
- Since I don't have a myspace, let's try and apply this to bebo or facebook, or whatever I see fit really-
20. who is your number one?
Can't remember... possibly Owen Murphy?
22. Who have you kissed on your top friends?
Not sure... Assuming Dave and Aidan are in there, then them, and Niall, if he's in there, which he mightn't be because I think those things are stupid. Oh, and Dee and Carly of course, and maybe Liz.
23. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
Muracha who's name I cannot spell nor pronounce
24. Are you good friends with this person?
Not all that much but he is a dote
27.Do you like candy necklaces?:
No they are gross
28. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
Can't remember but probably recently
29. Do you listen to music every day?:
30. Do you still go trick or treating?
Nope, I no longer look 10 years old.
31. What was the last thing you ate?
A balisto bar
32. Are you a fast typer?:
I suppose
33. About how many people have you liked:
Lots and lots
34. What are you doing this weekend?
running, studying, uploading pictures, playing bass, working, seeing Niall tonight
35. Whats your favorite type of SODA?
I no like soda.
36. Have you ever moved?
37. Have you ever won an award?
Heh... I won a smiley award in first year for looking like I was on drugs (someone actually said that). Also a few academic awards. No awards for anything actually requiring talent or skill of any sort though, I'm fairly useless as a person.
38. Single or Taken?
very very happily taken
39. What do you want to do right now?
Go outside and lie around on the grass in a park somewhere, any would do, and just hang out with and talk to friends I haven't seen for a while (I stole this from Dave and he's made me nostalgic)
40. Are you listening to music right now?
Yup, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah.
41. are you with someone right now?
I'm on my own in my attic... dating Niall, but he's in Bray at the moment in a fujifilm shop, though he's with me in spirit as we are texting.
42. Whats a word or phrase that you use?
I have way too many annoying catchphrases but can't think of any right now.
43.How long til' your birthday?
five months. That thought is terrifying.
44. When were you the saddest in your whole life?
Pathetically enough probably around the Darran dumpage times... Although this is a good thing in a way as it means all my problems have been pretty tame. I guess in sixth year I was pretty lonely but in a grim determined Spartan sort of way. With less of the 6 pack.
45. What time is it?
46. Do you use eBay to buy or sell?
now and then
47. What makes you pissed off?
lots of things. So far today, my calf muscles, and my addiction to raisins and breakfast cereal, and the fact that I missed the turtles movie with people as my stupid work made me work extra.
48. Have you ever had a song written about you?
Not that I'm aware of, unless The Pixies and Elvis Costelloe actually knew me somehow before I was born.
49. What song makes you cry?
I don't think I've ever cried at a song, just circumstances featuring music, eg last discos at CTYI and that type of thing
50. What songs makes you happy?
I'm looking at my superhappy playlist on itunes and apparently... Gigantic, Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard, Buck Rogers, Here Comes Your Man, I Like Birds, Jammin, Mr E's Beautiful Blues, Last Night, Friday I'm in Love, Godhopping... ok there are many, thats just a selection.
51. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?
I don't usually listen to and specific music, just bedrock on phantom which features lots of soft and sad songs.
52. Do you have a yob?
yep, pharmacy sales assistant.
53. What does your CD player have in it right now?
I'm not sure... I think CSS
54. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
probably purple since thats what I'm generally dressed in
55. What makes you happy?
Friends, Niall, running, taekwondo, hitting stuff, burning stuff, eating stuff. Listening to music, playing guitar and bass, though that can be depressing too due to my lack of talent, cooking, drawing manga, lying in the sun, walking by the sea, feeding ducks, petting dogs and cats and any happy animals in general, looking for dolphins from the dart, dressing up, reading, writing.
57. What's the next CD you're gonna get?
I dunno, I don't buy enough CDs, arcade fire's new album is tempting.
5 foot 6
brown, overly mad and frizzy when I don't straighten it. Nice enough when I do. Sorely neglected.
[Eye Color:]
very blue
three lobe piercings in each ear, scaffold and tragus in left ear, helix in right ear, tongue
[wearing right now?]
docs, jeans, blue top, some sort of underwear I suppose
[taste in your mouth right now?]
That yucky stale taste you get a while after drinking hot chocolate
[Have a bad habit?]
Yes,many. Eating handfuls of raisins due to boredom, leaving piles of glasses and mugs on my desk, picking scabs... lots of others
[ ] Was awesome
[x] Was ok
[ ] pretty sweet
2006 I..
[x] Dumped someone- Sorry Aidan!!!!!!
[x] Was dumped- that was shitty
[x] Dyed my hair - I think I went pink for a while
[ ] Failed a class
[ ] Had love at first sight
[ ] Snuck out of my house
[x] Stayed up all night
[x] Cried because I missed someone
[x] Missed curfew
[ ] Kissed someone who I regret kissing
[x] Made honor roll- I should hope so though I don't know what this is
[ ] Danced crazily with my friends all night