Jason X is hilariously awesome. And Chuck Campbell's in it.
Everybody knows the plot of Jason X, right? Back in 2010, Lexa Doig (the spaceship from Andromeda) chronologically freezes Jason (Kane Hodder a.k.a. the BEST Jason), getting herself trapped along with him. In the 25th century, sucky Indiana Jones an archeology professor and his students find the warehouse and open it up deciding to take both Lexa and Jason and defreeze them. (Also, Chuck is the only one to recognize a hockey mask, which I actually found kinda funny.) Most of the students de-freeze Lexa while Adrienne (a reference to the original Final Girl) and two jerks go to dissect Jason. The jerks leave to go have sex; Jason wakes up and uses liquid nitrogen to kill Adrienne in a pretty awesome kill. Lexa tells them all that Jason is evil. Professor Not!Jones decides to behave stupidly. Almost everybody dies. They ram a spacestation, killing about 20,000 people making this film Jason's highest ever body count. Thanks to nanites (Seriously, when have those things ever done any good?), Jason becomes super strong Cyborg Jason and kills almost everybody left. Including naked '80s holograms Chuck made up to distract him. Chuck and his robo-girlfriend Lisa Ryder (Becka from Andromeda) save the day and survive along with Lexa, which is a first and last for the franchise. One of the soldiers rides Jason like a surfboard into the atmosphere of a nearby planet and Jason is now canonically dead forever.
And it's all hilarious and awesome.
As you can tell from reading the summary, I really love this film. Oh, it's stupid, but it's hilariously awesome as well. I'm not a big fan of Cyborg Jason, but he does have the best kill in the film when he beats one hologram to death with the other hologram. And they manage to kill 20,000 people as a
Funny Background Event (link to TvTropes), which is awesome. It's not as gory as some of the previous Jason films (it was rated 15 in the UK) and it's definitely having fun with itself. Highly recommend.