Day Fifteen: "Carnival of Souls"

Oct 15, 2012 23:53

Carnival of Souls is a Criterion classic that you can watch for free at the Internet Archive.

Mary is the sole survivor of a fatal car crash, caused by drag racing. She gets a job as a church organist, but everywhere she goes, Mary sees a creepy specter. The specter is trying to lure her to a creepy lakeside carnival where the dead dance. The specter is Death who is trying to get Mary to move on to her afterlife rather than remain haunting the living.

This was shot in three weeks for $17,000 by a crew of six people, including the director and main specter. You really can't tell that much.

It's really, really creepy. Despite how old it is, the film still works today. The specters are all really creepy and terrifying. The organ music really emphasizes the creepy as well. And the SPOILER makes sense in addition to being terrifying.

Since you can watch it for free, I recommend everybody watch it.

31 days 31 movies, movies, films, horror, reviews

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