So I figured I'd be all passive-aggressive in here. By which I mean I'm going to break a little silence with the letters meme.
Dear you,
I'm ready to move on. It's gotten to the point that I don't even know why we despised each other and it's become kinda silly of me to harbor any negative feelings toward you. I know that we'll probably never become friends and that's okay, and I know you may never want to talk to me again and that's okay too. Hope the best for you in your life.
Dear you,
So you found my pictures. Great. You helped with tagging. Great. I don't want to associate with you. Stay the fuck out of my life.
Dear you,
I'm never really sure where we stand. I haven't been for a while now. I guess it doesn't make a huge splash in either of our lives, but you're an awesome person and I'd hate to be on bad terms with you, especially when we started out so strong. Anyway, hope you have happier times.
Dear you,
I'm not stalking you. I think that should be put out there. Yeah, I did try to connect with you on multiple programs, but wherever I see people I want to keep friendships with, I try. Sorry it came off so strong. I'll leave you alone now.
Dear you,
It seems that we've resolved everything (I should hope so by now) you still feel that slight discomfort around me that I do around you? And does it even matter anymore? I'd kinda like it to go away.
Dear you,
It's comforting to know we're still friends, although conversations don't always hold up for too long.
Dear you,
I love you.
Dear all of you,
Congrats on graduating! You were probably the New Jersey in the country of Drew - higher density of awesome per square person than any other class. It's sad to see you go, and watching half my friends at Drew walk was kinda jawdropping. But, we won't lose touch. And plenty of partying must be done this summer. :)