**Note: There will be more and more interviews added here as I recieve them, so be on the lookout (if you even care at all).
AKA: Rob's interview (as if you couldn't figure that out)
1: Why do you continue to smoke cigs even though you know they are bad for you, and why do you give up quitting every time you try?
Smoking. Quitting. Hm..? Well, these two things are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum. The first time I ever decided to quit, I thought that I really could do it if I had the will-power and the motivation. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the right state of mind to quit, I honestly do enjoy smoking, and choir is definately not enough motivation. Smoking is also an addiction, not an excuse, a force of habit. When I'm driving, when I'm having coffee, after I eat, when I'm high... its a very endless cycle. I just enjoy smoking at this point in my life, and I've cut back from about a pack a day to ten or less. This is just because of time limitations and whatnot, so I'm doing pretty well with it. I give up quitting because its difficult, it really is. Everyone around me smokes, so its always there and its always available. It also helps relieve stress and goes really well with a good book and coffee. Any way you look at it, I'm a smoker. It might suck for some people, but oh well. Tough shit. I like it.
2: Do you enjoy porn? Elaborate!
Of course I enjoy porn! I'll admit it. What sexually frustrated person wouldn't? Some of it is just really hysterical because of the "serious" aspect of it. Sometimes the cheesy 80's music makes me laugh so hard I can't even remember I was supposed to masturbate. As a frequent (and proud) masturbater, porn can be good, and it can help you along sometimes. I actually don't really watch it all that much, but I do on occasion and I'll own up to it. :)
3: What body part do you find your self looking at on people first? How about most?
Honestly, I think I really focus on the abs/stomach region. I'm not sure why. Either that or the back of peoples thighs. I'm always comparing people to myself, and those are the two things that make me most uncomfortable about my body, so I figure I have the right to size them up on other people. The most... I definately look at facial structure and again, abs. Also collarbones. I loooooveeee collar bones. (I've decided (through experience) that an enlarged probiscus = trouble, so I always look out for that).
4: What kind of person do you see your self spending your life with? Give details.
I see myself spending my life with someone absolutely nothing like me. With my personality, I hate people like me, we're just loud and opinionated and we don't get along. Don't get me wrong, I don't want someone bland with no stand on anything, but it will definately be someone who can respect me for who and what I am. Even though thats pretty standard answer, I can't really describe the person I see myself with because I have no idea. I take it a day at a time, and if I find him I find him. (I mean, c'mon, look at my track record thus far and tell me the kind of person you think I'll end up with. The list is so erratic, I like who I like and I'll never have any idea what that is until I find it).
5:Under what conditions do you see us making out? Explain the entier night from start to finish.
First, I walk into your house where we're partying and playing flip cup with four people. We're going to be extremely wasted within the next hour because playing flip cup with four people is tough to do without being close to the legal limit of "dead". Next we're going to go to Lenape, and smash Corona bottles all over the playground. It's going to start out being a spider-man kiss, because I'll probably hang upside-down on the dome thingy and you'll come over because you know my history with accidental injuries. You'll start to kiss me and I'll fall on top of you and we'll both start laughing ridiculously because somehow we knew that was going to happen. Basically this story is leading to.. we're gonna have sex in the courtyard, and you know it. Only because we'll both be so drunk and sexually frustrated that it'll happen. Of course nither of us will make noise because we'll be too busy fantasizing, but hey, it happens :D. <33
AKA: Jason's interview
1- Drug of choice and how did you fall in love?
To answer this we must review my history of drugs. Since that might take all day, I'll just say that for a while I was ridiculously into cocaine, but for now I stick with my reefer one-six times a day. Captain Morgan and/or Jaeger is good too. On the subject of love, I'm not sure I can really say I've been there. To be quite honest (and this is an interview) I was probably in love with you for a short while. Thats the closest I've ever been, but I was young so what did I know. I have yet to fall in love as of now, but I'm really in no rush.
2- Dogs or Cats? Coke or Pepsi?
I love both dogs and cats, but depending on where I am in ten years I might prefer cats. They can take care of themselves and be totally independent, I like that, because I might not always be around to do shit for them. Definately Diet Coke with Lime, or Dr. Pepper (even though thats not a choice). For mixed drinks I do the whole rum+coke thing. Only the best.
3- If you could know any government cover-up what would it be?
Dorky, but I would love to know what happened at Waco, Texas. It's such a fucked up event, and the government is hiding so much information that I'm sure the public would love to know. We can never tell if they're trying to protect us or kill us, especially with an assface in commanding position.
4- Moon or Mars? wheres the best place to live?
Um.. well probably earth since it's easy to survive here. Other than that I'd probably go with the moon, just because I'd love to meet the man that lives there. You'd never need to buy food with all of the cheese. :)
5- Nobel Peace Prize, Pulitzer (sp?), Oylimpic Gold, Purple Heart, common citizen who does great things, Billionare.....what would you rather be and why?
Pulitzer, I plan on writing great things. The world better look out, once I'm published and in action. Actually, I could probably play to role of billionare pretty well, my budgeting skills suck but I'm amazing at compulsive spending. Hehe.
AKA: Meag's interview.
1. If you could only make two phone calls before you die, who would you call?
I guess it depends. Probably my family, so I could leave them numbers of everyone they should notify for my funeral. Also to tell them that everyone should bring black confetti. The second person would probably be Sam. This is such a hard decision, but I'm gonna have to go with her. She might be able to help me not die, and if not then she would know who to get in contact with.
2. What is your favorite tv show? Also, what is the most embarassing show you like?Favorite TV show? Golden Girls... just kidding. Right now I'm really into The Inferno: Good Guys Vs. Bad Asses, but The Real World: Austin starts soon and I'll probably start revolving my life around that. Oh yeah, and CSI, the best show ever.The most embarassing show I like is definately Full House, whenever it happens to be on I'll stop channel surfing and watch it. Aside from that I really don't watch too much TV.
3. If you could change your hight to anything in the world, what would you change it to?
Maybe an inch or two taller for keeps. If only for a day or so, I would be 7'5" on Wednesday, and 4'5" on Thursday. I want to experience life from all different sizes. Hopefully the shorter I would get the fatter, it would be fun to have a huge belly for the day.
4. If you had to marry someone today, no way of getting out of it who would you marry? (has to be someone you know, and has to be opposite gender)
This one is tough. I've sat here for the last five minutes thinking about it. Honestly it wouldn't matter, I could always just divorce them. There is really only one person I can think of that could be a good friend as well as a good fuck, but I hear he has emotional problems and he's "in love", so I guess it wouldn't be so cool to marry a high school crush that you know only fairly well. I'm gonna have to go with Ian Talifero. Thats the first name that pops into my head for some reason. He's got a set future and he loves weed as much as I do. Height has nothing to do with it, his V bones are amazing, so shut up all of you, because obviously marriage is based on pot, money, and good looks. Heh.
5. If you could turn into a wherewolf or a guy for 3-7 days out of the month instead of menstruating, would you? which one would you choose?
Could I have the option of being both? One month a wherewolf, the next a guy. It'd be amazing, and a good learning experience (c'mon, how many people do you know that can get in in the vagina AND fuck one). However, although I hate bleeding out of my crotch as much as the next woman, I think it might make it tough to live a semi-normal life if for a week I had to be a guy or a furry animal. (Husbands, jobs, etc... might have a small problem with this). Oh well, fuck 'em.