Asleep on My Feet

Apr 30, 2005 00:57


I will now go back to being a rational, mature adult. Goodnight Moon.

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Comments 2

scrappyfemme May 1 2005, 17:46:52 UTC
get off the drugs


bunndy May 5 2005, 21:50:26 UTC
hehhhhehehe adult
my kind of adult fun doesn't involve sleeping. hehh if you know what i am thinking and i think you do
hehhehhhh. i hear you don't like girls.
and i never see you around with any guys for that matter. when i stalk you and peek in your windows. would you please stop shutting your shades, the windows give me a way better view than the key hole. thank god for showers. hehhhehhhh
so, really, may I wrap my sensuous long ears around you? I'll be gentle, at first.


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