I'm finally moving to NYC (Manhattan) on April 1st!!!!!!! Less than a week!!!! It will be so nice to have a 30 min. commute to work instead of 2+ hours
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today i again joined the herd of commuters rushing to their trains. we scurry past a frail man who plays "the ants go marching" on a recorder. he's there every day. the high, held notes are about a quarter-tone flat. it drives me crazy.
things are going pretty well at work. i have a much better handle on things. the thing that stresses me out the most is understanding who people are when they call for my boss. most have thick accents and act like they're soooo important and why don't i know who they are?!?! barf
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*brokeback mountain was incredible. about an hour after the movie, i started crying again. that doesn't happen too often. jake gyllenhaal is gorgeous. (he was on my fridge all summer, hehe, thanks meryn
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