
Aug 06, 2005 19:09

So today I made 3 banners
&& Photo bucket was being stupid.
So I tried image shack && that was so slow,
so if my photos are still too small or if something
is just wrong with them, please try to bare
with me. But anyways here they are &&
if you want to you can use them.
If you don't like them, you don't have to
use them. Thanks anyways! xox

Okay, I credited myself for making these at the bottom of the picture, so if you were wondering what that was it basically says: "Made by: _Dedicatedtoyou.”&& The pictures are small, I think if you click on them, you'll be able to see them better, if not please post a comment saying so and i'll try fixing it again. One other thing, I didn’t get the chance to save any of the links for the pictures, so you just might want to do a new link because it took me forever && it will take me another century to do it again. Sorry=(
Hope you enjoy!!=)

Rejected banner

codes:">" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by" />

We would like you to join banner

Codes:">" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by" />

Finally a banned banner

Codes:">" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by" />

Adding another banner to your guys collection.
Sorry I was so bored today.

&&heres the code for it:">" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by" />
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