Do you wear black eyeliner? not anymore
How much black clothing do you own? yup. But I like to wear all colors.
Do you think about death often? nope. I like to be optomistic
Do you want to die? nope. Its not my time to die. Im gonna live life to its fullest while I can
Are you a social outcast? nope
Are you pale? yea, but only cuz im scottish.
Do you cut? hell no
Do you like Hot Topic? u know, they're whole store isn't all "goth" they actually have some cute stuff there. so I do to a certain extent :)
--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard? not anymore
How often do you wear Vans? I have DC's. my vans got too beat up.
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends? umm... yea. lol
How much trouble do you get into? not much. My parents may be strict, but they have a sense of humor :)
Do you listen to the bands who are considered "posers"? I listen to whatever I feel like listening to. But no, bands who try to be something they're not, are not my preference.
How many piercings do you have? just one on each ear. (religion)
How often do you say the word "like": I say it alot. But I can't help that. Everyone says like alot!
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch? nope.
Are the A&F models hot? most of them look like faggots. Some are hawt tho. Its not like I obsess over every A&F model :/
Rock music is bad, right? no..
Is your hair long? yea. I just recently cut it, but its still longer than my shoulders.. like way longer.
Are you a vegetarian? im a picky eater about everything. But I only eat chicken and Ribs.
Do you own a tye dye shirt? nope
Do you want peace? I feel war is neccessary, sorry :)
Do you want to save the animals? Animals are on the earth to be eaten. Y else would they be there? And they dont have feelings.. thats bullsh*t if u think they do.
What do you think about war? again.. I feel its neccesary
Have you ever made a peace sign with your two fingers? duh..
Are you from the ghetto? HAHA!! Miami Shores couldn't be further from it!
Do you own "bling bling"? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... yea, but I stole it from my bro when I was like.. 10.
What do you think about do-rags? I think they're retarded.
Do you like rap? only some of it. But im not crazy about it
How about hip-hop? no, I dont think so...
Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world? not my type of "rapper"
What do you think about afros? HAHA!!! they're funny looking. But u never know these days.
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle? haha!!!1 yea.
Is life a party? HELL YEA!
How often do you get drunk? never O:)
Do you care about your grades? ... I kinda have to. so I dont become a bum on the streets.. if u know what i mean.
How often do you cry? alot.
Do you have an ex? HAHA.. yessssssss
Do you have an acoustic guitar? in my house yes. But I never learned how to play.
Are you emotional? HAHA.. yessssss
Do you like soft music? it alll depends on how im feeling.
Do people understand you? yea, I think they do. but not everyone REALLY knows me. Many have misconceptions about me
Do u write ur own songs? yea. But I write alot of them w/ my band :)
Is your hair dyed dark? no. my mother would kill me #1 and #2 I think i'd miss my hair.. honestly.
Do you play any sports? I dance
How important are they to you? they're not my life.
Do you pick on the geeky kids? no.. at least I dont mean to
What do you think about football? its fun to play. But boring as hell to watch. unless its Miami vs. FSU
Are you considered a bully by anyone? HAHAHA!! my sisterr
Do you wear glasses? not anymore :)
Do you get good grades? im average
Are you smart? when I feel like it
Do you use an inhaler? nope, im healthy
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets? HAHAHAA!!!!
Does your mom buy your clothes? she pays for them. I pick them out
How often are you on the computer? alot. But only when im not going out and there's no one to talk to.. and nothing on TV.
Do you get picked on? everyone gets picked on. Whether its the prettiest or most unattractive (physically) arounddd. we all get teased. Soooo yes :)