(no subject)

Jan 01, 2012 04:20

  1. What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

    I would definitely choose a profession that has similar qualities to a job I'd want in the muggle world like a veterinarian or a photojournalist so I would choose to become a wizard naturalist, specializing in dragons. I'd be able to study dragons from up close as well as travel the world and take pictures. It would be both a physically and a mentally challenging profession which appeals to me as well as turn into something more where by studying the the magical creatures, I could turn that into a wizard veterinarian and work to help and heal the beasts. Other than that I think I'd also make a great flying instructor either at Hogwarts or maybe work my way up to a more professional Quidditch playing position since I have a deep love for flying and even took lessons and learned how to fly (a single engine cessna) when I was sixteen. I could see myself trying out for Chaser, working with speed and agility as well as strong hand-eye coordination that I've trained and worked with with sports and racing.
  2. You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.

    I'd choose Hermione, she was the first person I thought of after reading this question. She's quick on her feet and good with a wand and probably knows just about as much about the Forbidden Forest as though who live in without the cryptic answers. Always good to have someone you can depend on by your side in case of an emergency or just to have a friend along.

    Along with my wand I'd bring along a hockey stick or if I didn't have mine lying around handy because I put it away like it should be, a tennis racket, broom handle, etc would be good back ups. I would love to have something that I could protect myself with besides my wand, just in case. Plus with a hockey stick, it's a good defense and offensive weapon without being too sharp, I'd rather disable someone instead of maiming them if it came down to it.
  3. If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?

    I wouldn't choose it. To have to live and comtinue to live while everyone I know around me grows up, lives their life, and then leaves? It would be one of the worst things to have to experience that and only end up more alone than at any point in your life before you took that opportunity. It's not necessarily just about the friends and family because we all have to go one day, it's just knowing you're going to witness each and every one and only stand by... I don't like death but I really don't prefer the idea of forever over it. We only get one life and I'd rather live it until the day it's meant to end then prolong it alone forever.
  4. If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?

    I'd go back to 2001, San Angelo, Texas during the State Barrel Racing finals where I wasn't winning every event but I was happy, really happy, except when I was losing horrible and then I was standing in hay, brushing my horse and trying not to cry that I was going to walk away with nothing. It was a time when my whole family was still together, everyone was still alive and healthy, and everything was picture perfect on the surface or at least it was to a fourteen year old girl. I was doing what I loved best; racing, camping, and with my family. Everything changed the following year, the good and the bad but back then there was someone who didn't know what was coming and could have used someone for a shoulder to lean on. I survived and came out stronger ten years later given everything that happened but still, the fourteen year old me would have liked a few words, a hug, or even just someone to be there, nearby.
  5. What HP character do you identify with most and why?

    Ron Weasley. It stems from a couple of things; a sense of humor that definitely borders on the immature and because of it most people think I'm the younger sibling when I'm several years older than my younger sister, a temper gets the best of me a lot of the time whether it's warranted or not, and a strong protectiveness towards my family and friends. It's more than just loyalty, I've been known to stand up to anyone who thinks to hurt my family and friends with words or more. I don't want to see anyone hurt unjustly just like Ron. We also have a bit of a family name to live up too. I've gotten jobs based on my name, had teachers and friends expect something more because of who I am related too whether it's because of my parents, my cousins, or even my little sister. She used to be mistaken for me but it's gotten to the point where I'd be called by her name by people who have known me longer. I feel like I have a lot to live up too or else I'll get lost in the pack as just another girl.
  6. What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

    I would see my horse, Muff (Her full name was Muffin but I didn't name her and didn't have the right to change it when she was already 7 years old when we bought her). She passed away five years ago, unexpectedly, from a bout of bronchitus. It was the worst night of my life, holding her head in my arms and watching her struggle to breathe. I'd just want to see her again, one more time, the way I remember her in my mind, a horse that could have given Shadowfax a run for his money when she was racing. A horse who taught me how to jump over every obstacle even when I didn't have but a saddle horn to hold on too, a horse who helped show me to be better, and a horse who was my best friend.
  7. Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?

    I don't think I could choose just one and stick with that as my ultimate, final answer. It's a bit of both and changes with every circumstance because someone could have the best of intentions but has some dire consequences when they act or they create something for certain consequences regardless of the intention. The whole butterfly flaps its wings in one part of the world it can cause a hurricane in another part of the world. Would you blame the butterfly?
  8. What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

    It was always a mix of firefighter, teacher, and veterinarian when I was a kid. I could be found either healing my stuffed animals from broken bones and diseases or giving them homework and marking red letters on the top of it or climbing up my playscape to save them from a burning building and slide down in safety. And to be honest, it hasn't really changed much. I'm currently a teacher in the three to three and a half year old's class at a school and I'm just starting out volunteering on the weekends at the local theraputic riding center for physically and mentally disabled children and adults. I'm currently just a side-walker, so I walk alongside the horse but I've got my application in and hours of training to finish to become a PATH instructor and lead my own team one day.
  9. If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?

    I'd want to invent a charm bracelet, wearing so many different necklaces and charms seems like it would weigh down someone who needed to be able to move and use the charms in a flash. So it's a bit of a two=parter, inventing a spell that would reduce the size, weight, and turn charms into littler, more potent charms for a bracelet that would be able to hold and store many charms. It would make for a great defensive or offensive piece of equipment, able to pull and toss a charm at an enemy or use a charm as a shield against spells with the flick of a wrist. The perfect accesory for your non-wand-dominant wrist.
  10. If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

    It could turn into one of a few things because I don't really know what scares me the most. So I would try to be as prepared as possible, trying to keep from freezing up when something I don't expect is in front of me. But if I was to choose something that I think the boggart would turn into, it would be a spider. Maybe not as large as Ron's because it wouldn't need to be to scare the living daylights out of me. Just seeing it would be enough, dead or alive to get a reaction out of me.

    When I throw a counter spell at it, the spider turns into a broken rubber spider like a gag gift someone would buy as a April Fools Joke and then promptly return as it was broken, missing some legs, and bright pink.
  11. What do you look for in a friend?

    Someone who gets my sense of humor would be tops, it's very rare that I can find someone who knows when I'm making a joke and when I'm being serious. Someone who is quiet when they need to be and loud when the occasion calls for it. Someone who is willing to go into our friendship all the way and not just when it's convienent for them. Someone who is honest not only to my face but to my backside too, trustworthy with the smallest of notes to the biggest of secrets, and someone who I can keep radio silence with for months at a time but call up and it's like no time as passed since last we talked.
  12. What trait most annoys you about other people?

    The trait that annoys me the most would be insensitivity, whether it's towards other people or in general. That is the hardest thing with living with someone else is having to deal with their lack of sensitivity towards the simplest of things and as much as I try not to let it bother me, like dishes not washed, trash beside the couch, stuff being used and not returned, it does and it annoys me to no end. It's not that they do it on purpose or are lazy, which would be nicer in a way because then you'd really have something to complain about, but it's just that they don't think about how their actions affect others. They live in their own world where everyone around them is supposedly their maid to follow them around and clean up after them which is not my goal in life.
  13. What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    1. Kind, I’d like to think one of my best features is just being a good person to those around me. Golden rule forever ingrained in my mind as I’ve been on the bad side of that many times before and don’t want to be that person who does it to others. It can’t hurt to help and be nice to people.
    2. Independent because I crave the experiences one can gain through exploration of the world. For as long as I can remember I’ve dreamed to travel the world and have been saving up to do just that. It comes from growing up independent, responsible for myself after my parents divorce. I got my hardship licence at 15 to be able to drive myself to school, got a job shortly thereafter, and have been paying my bills ever since then. I depend on myself to get by.
    3. Self- expressive, cheerful and optimistic kind of all lump together as a part of my personality. I can have trouble finding the right words to write or to say to express myself but I don’t have that problem when it comes to my personality or thinking. I find that I can express myself pretty easily as I can with a smile or as I’ve been told ‘I have a funny air about me’ that it just kind of radiates off me.
    4. Courageous when it comes to all kinds of situations, ranging from the serious to the silly. I'll be the first one jumping off the highest ledge into the lake or the first one to speak my mind when I feel like something wrong is going on and others won't say anything until they've been dragged through it for some time.
    5. Hopeless Romantic is one that's good and bad but I tend to put it in the good pile. I like to believe that there's someone out there for everyone and will one day meet that person. I'm the type of person who follows my heart and puts love and emotions first before my head and even when my heart gets stampled on, I can pick myself back up and keep on.
  14. What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    1. Very changeable mind, crave a variety of distractions but then I take on more than I can handle and more than once I’ll drop what I’m doing instead of completing it if it doesn’t make me happy. Of course I’ll change back and after dropping some stress I’ll pick up new things and end up back where I was before.
    2. Evasive/indecisive, I have the hardest time to make even the smallest of decisions because I either don’t want to make that decision or I just find that I don’t have an opinion either which way. Whether it comes down to what to eat for dinner one night to deciding my major at college, it either takes me forever to figure it out or I look to someone else to make the decision.
    3. Only child complex even though I’m not an only child, this I find is the only downside to being independent because when I’m put in a situation with my sister who was raised much differently my temper can lash out over the silliest things like dishes and food and coming into my room. She grew up much more sheltered, living with her mother versus me being raised by our father so while I’m supposed to let the little things go because she doesn’t know better I feel like she knows exactly what she’s doing and doesn’t care. It tears at me and then I find myself hoarding or consciously moving things so they are left alone by her.
    4. Temper is something that I have in great quantity. I try to keep it in check but a lot of the time it gets the better of me and I'll end up saying the wrong thing at the wrong time at the heat of the moment when I'm arguing with someone, no matter who they are. It can flare up about the smallest of things or even be rightly needed in a confrontation but either way I can't blame it anyone else but myself.
    5. Stubborn which can be a good thing and a bad thing depending on the circumstances yet even when I know I'm in the wrong or it'd be better if I just let things go I find I have a hard time doing just that. It isn't a matter of pride or the desire to be right, I just don't like to give up even on the smallest of things.

  15. Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: To stand up for oneself and their beliefs in the face of strong opposition. No matter what the outcome might end up to be they don't back down or abandon their stance.
    • Loyalty: To stand by those you call your family and friends, nothing fake or forced, just true feelings for them and a desire to be there through thick and thin as someone your friends and family can lean on without hesitation.
    • Intelligence: To work through problems with reasoning and communication based on oneself and the world around them.
    • Ambition: To use any means of motivation and determination to achieve personal goals set by oneself or the world around the,.
  16. Name: Audi
  17. Age: 24
  18. Where did you find out about us? sigrundora
  19. Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? yes

sorted: gryffindor, term xxii

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