Jun 11, 2014 21:01
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
This took a lot of thought on my part, but I would say Andromeda Tonks. I'm not the outcast in my family by any means, but I do have a lot that's expected of me that I supposedly never lived up to. My mother has very subtle ways of reminding me how I have 'failed.' That's not to say she's not a good woman, but she can make things...difficult. For example, I went off and married a man she didn't think was 'good enough' for me, and while we haven't been zapped off any family trees, I still note the subtle hints she leaves when she gets in one of her moods. (She frequently likes to hint that he doesn't come from money.) On my wedding day, she asked if I was 'completely sure I wanted to do this,' and I told her in no uncertain terms that I did. She stood by me. But four years later, the snide comments don't go unnoticed.
That being said, I did live a privileged life. My parents were well off, I got a great education, I got mostly what I wanted, (car, cell phones, iPods, etc.) and I don't have much to complain about. There were just things my mother wanted me to do that I simply didn't. Like Andromeda, I went my own direction. I wanted to play soccer while she would have rather I had been a cheerleader. I was in the band rather than on the dance team. I didn't join a sorority in college. I wouldn't say I was a total disappointment, but I'm sure she'd have rather me gone the direction she tried to guide me in. I think I can relate to Andromeda's decision to marry the man she chose out of love and not because of the background he came from.
I won't lie, I kind of have a complex about some things, but it's far too late now to change things. I've come too far. And college is even a long ways behind me. Besides...even if I could go back and change things...I wouldn't.
- What one moment in the books was the most meaningful to you?
One of the most frightening things about being a human being is knowing that you'll die one day. The fact that my life is a finite thing isn't something I care to dwell on, but seeing as how death is a part of life, there isn't much choice. That's why I would say it really gets me when Dumbledore says, "It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more." I honestly find that one of the most comforting moments in the books, because it is incredibly true. I'm *not* ready to die, and seeing others that have that have been close to my age doesn't make me eager to find out what 'the other side' is like any time soon. I don't have a faith to really speak of, and perhaps that contributes to my fear of death, but every time I question it or overwhelm myself with the thought of it, I go back to that quote. It is something that has always comforted me.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
At this point in my life, especially since I've been seeking a new job (and have just been accepted), I would probably see myself in a house (rather than apartment) with a good deal of money to play around with. I wouldn't say I'm materialistic, but I want to be comfortable. I would see myself in my house, beautifully decorated (to my contemporary tastes, of course, nothing too opulent) with my husband and our two dogs. Perhaps, if I decide I'm ready, we'd have a child. But for now, I'd be surrounded by my close friends, who would be raising their glasses in a toast and having a good time while we all lounge by the pool drinking wine and eating fantastic food, listening to good music and making memories we'd never forget.
- If you were to become headmaster at Hogwarts, what is one thing you would change about the school or how it operates?
Competition can be healthy. I do like the system of house points and Quidditch matches, but there is more to competition than only between houses that could unify Hogwarts rather than drive them apart.
When I was in college, I took place in intramural sports. Different organizations played against each other. But, in the long run, we all went to the same college. So, when it was game day, we all donned our maroon and white and cheered our football team...together. However, when we were in intramural sports, it was cutthroat! (And it was fun that way!) Each organization joined together in sport and competed.
I suppose what I am getting at is that, as Headmaster, I would have had more friendly and frequent competition between houses, perhaps like The Triwizard Tournament to merge the school as a whole. That way, the school could still compete in sport or other activities, but not be confined to do so within itself. For instance...why were there no Charm Spell Club competitions between Hogwarts and other schools? Why weren't their Potions Clubs? Dueling clubs? Herbology clubs? They were all, most likely, included in Hogwarts between houses, but why not go against all the Durmstrang or Beauxbatons students? That, I think, would have broadened the scope of competition, kept the fun involved, but forced the houses of Hogwarts to unite...even if it it was just for a little while. ;)
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
I would invent a potion that would make me piss gold.
No, I kid. (Sort of.)
I might just be intrigued by a potion wherein the maker could brew something, pour it into molds, and have it come out as Galleons. This might make me sound like quite a materialistic or money driven person (or someone insane), and I might be (both) in some ways, but it wouldn't be such an easy thing to do. Obviously, I would use this gold to help my family, become comfortable, and alleviate financial worry. (I'd have to have enough magic to hoodwink Goblins.)
In my mind, I'd love to have the skill that only few have to brew this potion. The knowledge of which ingredients, where to find them, how to acquire them, and the way in which to combine them would be my making and mine alone. It would be a difficult potion that most wouldn't want to put in the time and effort for, but if done correctly could be more lucrative than one could imagine.
Perhaps someone might interpret this for laziness. Why work when you could simply brew a potion and make your own, real, true gold Galleons? But if it's quite challenging, isn't that a talent in itself? Wouldn't that be your job? The challenge and skill alone that the potion required might deter most from even pursuing it or figuring it out.
That would be my advantage. The cost of ingredients would obviously have to be less than what the Galleons themselves were worth. (For example, I wouldn't spend 300 Galleions to make something that would only sell for 150). But the skill and difficulty and secrecy would work to my advantage. Perhaps it would be an old, family 'recipe' called Potus Mutataurum.
- You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.
I would pick Albus Dumbledore. We can't have wands, but Albus Dumbldore can do powerful wandless magic. He knows more about magic and magical creatures than most, and he would put himself before me in whatever situation I was in. That might be taking advantage, but who else would you rather have by your side than a selfless, more knowledgeable hero? Albus is a clear choice. I have my pride, but he's an old wizard with a wealth of knowledge that anyone could learn from.
As for a weapon, a muggle object won't do in the Forbidden forest with so much magic around. My original answer would have been the Sneakoscope, but upon further thought, that's really a detector for human secrets. So, I'd have to go with Goblin-made armor. It would not need cleaning, would be impervious to the elements, and would take on only those properties that would make it stronger. With one of the most powerful wizards in the world by my side and goblin armor to protect me, I like my chances in the Forbidden Forest.
- What was your ideal job as a child? What is your ideal job now? Do you think it would be the same in the Wizarding World?
I remember two ambitions: I wanted to draw or play music, and I wanted to be an astronaut. Oddly enough, I have always been conflicted in these types of ambitions, but seeing as being an astronaut was little more than childish fun for me, that dream faded as I got older (and I realized there was so much schooling). When I wanted to be an artist (of some kind), I was already so ensconced in business school that it was far too late to change. Since I could no longer follow those passions, I stuck with business and have since made it work to my advantage.
I have learned that social skills can land me jobs. Degrees, while I value both of mine, have not given me the financial freedom I hoped to have at this point in my life. But, having grown a bit over the past five to ten years, I have learned that the skills I have acquired in my jobs will suit me fine and are the keys to landing me the job I want.
Most recently, I have put in my two week's notice at a job where I advise people on purchasing items for their home. (Hardwood, tile, furniture, etc.) This showroom was member's only, and I advised those much wealthier than me how to spend their money and increase the value of their home. The company I was with did not promote me or offer me a raise after two years of outstanding service, despite earning company recognition and awards, so I have taken it upon myself to get a new job.
Now, I have earned one that I will start in two weeks that will pay nearly double what I'm earning at my current job. I hope to gain the experience to move up. My main problem with my current job was that I had no upward movement and no chance of promotion.
I suppose what I'm getting at is that I really don't want a job. I want a career. A more lucrative one.
- What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
This question is quite possibly the most difficult (ironically), as there are so many different types of decisions to make.
It might sound that I'm obsessed with work, but I am truly not. I take great pleasure in leisure, which is probably why I want to find work that allows me to work hard and play hard. That means I have to find a job I don't despise that allows me the lifestyle I desire. This answer has quite a bit to do with where I am in my life, but making a decision on what company to work for was quite an undertaking. One must consider benefits, vacation, time off, corporate/company culture, salary (*of course!!*), and the job itself. Will I hate doing it forty hours per week?
Career decisions are difficult, because there is no way of knowing how things will turn out. That's what makes them so scary.
- If you had the opportunity to live forever, under what conditions would you accept? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?
As I have stated before, one of the most terrifying yet horribly true things about this life is that everyone will die. (I know. I'm a regular ray of sunshine.) But I would live forever if my loved ones could live forever beside me. I know that is probably quite a typical answer, but at least it's honest.
During that time, I would gain as much knowledge as I could to make life comfortable for myself and my loved ones. I would learn to play music expertly, draw beautifully, write flawlessly, conduct business shrewdly, and manage finances accurately. That would ensure that my friends and family and myself could live in complete comfort without a worry in the world.
- What is one thing you would never want said about you?
I don't ever want it to be said that I'm a failure. I did have a rather privileged life prior to true adulthood, and that has led to weaknesses I would rather not divulge here. But I have learned from those weaknesses and very much want to grow from them. I mentioned earlier in my application that my mother has quite high expectations. I want to be able to open the door to my house, welcome her into a clean and beautifully decorated place, and introduce her to a family she is proud of. However, I am not delusional enough to think that she will not always find fault. There is no absence of love between my mother and I, but as long as I am satisfied with my life and my choices, I can feel comfortable in inviting anyone in, even the most critical of people.
- Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?
The intentions behind them. I am aware that the saying goes, 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions,' but I think if one's intentions are sincere, they should be recognized. It is not possible for someone to know the future. (Unless they are a Seer perhaps? [If one believes in such a faulty practice.]) Therefore, it is not possible for *most* to know what their actions would result in. Everyone has an intended outcome, but that is not always the case. If I choose to tell someone he'd be better off with a Hardwood Floor versus an Engineered floor, I have good intentions. But how am I to know this person won't improperly install it, making this more valuable Hardwood floor useless and broken and rendering my good intentions useless? (I hate to drag industry nonsense into this, and it's on a small scale, but I hope it illustrated my point.)
- What do you look for in a friend?
I like blunt friends. I like the friends you can ask, 'Do I look fat?' And they'll say: 'Yeah. Take that off. Put this on.'
I like selfless friends. My best friend is one of the most selfless people I know. I wish I could be more like her, but she just somehow thinks of everything everyone has wanted before they ask. It's a very admirable quality, and she's made me very happy over the past 14 years being that way.
I like musical friends! I live for music in my every day life. Again, my best friend is one of the most talented musicians I know, and I covet that talent every time I hear her, but I feel so much pride in knowing that she is *that* good. I am honestly proud of her and proud to be associated with her. (Even...if I did teach her how to play guitar.) ;)
I like talented friends. Is that so bad to say? I like friends that can write. That are intellectual (which makes them brilliant conversationalists and partner writers). That can sing. That can dance. ENTERTAIN ME, BITCHES!
I like faithful friends. I confide in you. You confide in me. I'll keep your secrets if you keep mine.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
Stupidity. Ignorance. I think those go hand in hand. I'm from the South, and down here, they have blinders on. They don't know about how many other people there are in the world. How many other types. Tolerance, where I'm from, is low. And yet, I have no tolerance for closed-minded people. Most are uneducated when their minds are closed. So I suppose my annoyance is that they have not been properly taught about how the world works.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. I'm charming.
Okay, I'm not PRINCESS charming over here, but to be in Customer Service, dealing with the public every day and making them believe that you know more than they do is not an easy feat. I have to do this with confidence, and I do it all day every day. I'll have to do it in my new job, too. They'll just pay me better for it. But for someone (especially a man) to believe that a 32 year old woman knows more about hardwood and granite and tile (and football...unrelated, but true), is not truly easy. It takes charm sometimes.
2. I'm fun.
I like to joke and party and listen to music and travel and...well, you get the idea. I like fun. I want to have it often.
3. I'm intellectual.
I love to read, watch many types of films, speak another language, and am formally educated. I am aware that the latter doesn't 'make me a better person,' but it does provide some advantages in life. I'd imagine most of those who are admitted into Platform 9 3/4 and other sorting communities like this fall under this 'intellectual' category, even if we weren't formally trained, or I'd imagine we wouldn't get in.
4. I'm creative.
I love to make graphics, write, come up with with OC's, play music, draw (BADLY), and sing.
5. I'm sporty.
I have recently begun working out and have lost 23 lbs. Go me. Right? That's not easy. And I'm still going despite my affinity for wine, pizza, ranch dressing, fried chicken, and things with gravy on them.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. I'm a dick.
No seriously. I'm 32, and so tired of being nice to people. I have been in customer service since I was 15. And I have no problem putting some self-entitled prick in their place if they get out of line.
2. I'm afraid of change.
Despite my ambition, I become complacent in jobs. That's not to say I don't want to be the best. In my $10 and hour job, I was awarded #7 Service Star in the nation, which means nothing to anyone reading this, but it means I worked my ass off to get it. I love my current job...SO MUCH! But they won't pay me enough. #7 Service Star out of hundreds in the nation means nothing to them, so ... ADIOS!! Now I have one that actually pays me for my work.
3. I'm stubborn.
Once I find my view, I'm not likely to change from it. Give me hard evidence. Give me intellectual argument. I thrive on it. I guess I just got used to arguing with closed-minded Southerners.
4. I panic.
Well, I have panic disorder, so I'm on medication for that. When an attack comes along, I feel like death is imminently near. I can't tell anyone how frightening that is unless you've felt the same way. It's a weakness, and I hate it.
5. Addiction.
It's in my blood, I think. I don't know why. I love to get a buzz. I love to escape reality. (No, no meth, no heroin, no crack.) But I have a history of giving in to other temptations, because they give me a high. I'm clean now, but once an addict, always an addict. I battle it always.
- Name: Jenna
- Age: 32
- Where did you find out about us? C'mon, platform 9 3/4? Been around forever. Used to be in hat_sorting and accio_sorting_hat. Good times, good times. So when a friend of mine pointed out that it was still active on LJ, we wanted to apply!
- Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? Yes, of course.
sorted: slytherin,
term xxix