If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I don't if I would only want to change one thing,there is so much help this world needs.But if I had to pick one thing it would be to have peace and respect for the earth.If someone would do something nice for aomeone and ask they same in return,pass it on.I do things for people and when they ask me what they can do to say thank you,I say do aomething nice for someone else,thats all I want.Maybe if people did that people in this world would not be so nasty to others so much to keep the chain going and not stop.And to give to the earth and not take or kill,we only have one earth and we should be a heck of a lot nicer to her.She will feel a lot better and smile more on us,and we would feel better for it.
What makes a person respectable?
I believe this is something that has to earned.People do get some common respect but after that it is earned.They have to have a heart and use it in some way.They have to care for others in the world and the world in general.They have to have resect for themselves and others as well.Do treat people desent and understand more.
What do you look for in a friend?
I look for a few things in a friend.To have a sence of humor,to be able to laugh and make others laugh.To be kind to me and other,to be understanding and respectful.I also like likeminded people so we have something in common,so we can chat about such things.
What are your hobbies?
I don't really have many hobbies but I do collect dolphins and coca cola stuff but not so much anymore.I love teddy bears and have a build a bear as well as others.Some may say you are to old to have stuffed things but I am a kid at heart.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
Oh yes I would do all I could to help.I love to help others in need and have so a few times.I would,if I could,give money to them but I can't now and I hope soon I will.I always offer my help to other and I love it when they are happy.I also love to make people happy if I can.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
Who is your role model?
Well growing up I always love Garfield and loved all he was and had to say.But then I would also have to add my father,he was a great man always willing to help others.He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.I take after him a lot and so does my sister.He help those in need just as I do.Always there to make you laugh if you needed one and get on your butt if thats what you needed,even if you didn't think so.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
I would have to say when their minds are shut and they are stupid and/or rude.I just have never understanded why people feel they have to be this way for any reason.Always keep an open mind,you never know what you may find.
What do you want to do for a living?
I have always had jobs in customer service because I am good with people.Right now I am looking for one,not many out there.I get along with most poeple and always have and most likely always will.I love to help as you have read above.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
I would help them all I could even if it meant putting myselfe in harms way.I am a true friend in every sence of the word.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Oh my no,I would never want to hurt anyone for any reason,not that way.I have seen them and always turn away never even wanting to read them.I want to solve problem in a good way and do all I can without useing them.I am a good person and bad use them or dumb.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1.Good Listener-I always there to listen to someone who needs a open mind and hear.I try to help all I can and if I can.I lend help or advice if I can and if I can't and know someone who can I intro or ask them.I only want to do good and not guess.That can do more harm then good.
2.Understanding-I am the most understanding person around.Like if someone is unsure of something or forgot it,I understand things do happen.I myself have forgot many things and had to ask things I should have known like who someone is.No need to be embaressed because I am as human as anyone.
3.Compassion-I have a big heart,I do care even if I don't even know the person.If they are sad,I want to put a smile on their face.If you need help I am there to do what I can.
4.Sences-I can sence the feelings of others and help where I can.I know if they are sad even if they don't want to share and do things according.I don't push and do what I can without doing so.
5.Happy-I always willing to bring a happy feeling to someone who needs it.I like to make them feel good.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1.Gulliable-I tend to be a little gulliable with people.I give them too many chances to be my friend.I need to also work on this a lot and I am trying.I know there are good as well as bad and hoep for the best.
2.Temper-I know I got mine from my father and try like heck to control it.Sometimes it gets out like my family,some days are easier then others.I know only I can do this and work on it everyday.I am always wanting to improve myself and this is one I am work hard on.
3.Trust-I tend to trust people and not wait to see if they are trustworthy.I give people a lot of credit and it can be a bad thing.This is both a weakness and strength,but I keep trying like heck.
4.Confused-I can not pay attention and get confused which can make someone upset and I really do try.
5.Nieve-I tend to be nieve around people and this can get me into trouble.I am young at heart and for this I am blinded by some people.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage:To be strong when needed and soft as well.To protect those in need.
Loyalty:To remain a true friend and stand by them.To always be there.
Intelligence:To learn all I can and never stop.To be responsable to have all the info I need before acting.
Ambition:To never stop trying,to never give up.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)I am not sure what house I should be in but I am not slitherin.I am not sure on the houses requirments.I believe that Slytherin is for wizards and witches that have some kind of bad in them,if I am wrong I am sorry,that what I think.
Where did you find out about us? Ainu Laire is the one who I found this group.I saw it on her LiveJournal and wanted to check it out.