If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I would remove all those frightening militias in africa. I would ban guns, and give millions to the children in Africa. I just can't imagine being forced to fight for something that you don't even believe in. Also, I don't think that people should have to live in fear every day all the time. Wouldn't that drive them all insane?
What makes a person respectable? Integrity. Loyalty. Intelligence. Hilarity. And I suppose people have to have some drive towards something. It's hard to describe, but I suppose confidence is definitely required, since it often results in respect
What do you look for in a friend? It's hard to explain, but when I really connect with someone, they actually get my little jokes that I throw into regular conversation. Most people's eyes just gloss over and don't catch what I'm saying. To add to that, I like a nice assortment of friends. I have one that depends on me, one that I depend on, one that I can't stop laughing with, one that is dating my brother which has me squicked to the extreme, and one that is dim as a post, but is nice to have there. Actually she's a real sweetheart and tries really hard, it's not her fault.
What are your hobbies? computer, reading, gardening, making hemp necklaces, mathing, movies and music. i used to be really into soccer, I was a defender, and quite good, at least in my province. people tended to be wary of me. some people called me a dirty player, but i don't think so. i think with soccer, it was a mind game, so i was all read their movements, watch the hips, predict the next move. oh god that sounds very claw, but i think that's what most coaches liked about me. my brains. however, i'd hack someone down if i were so inclined. I also played rugby which was so very fun. lots of aggression. I was a back, and basically was just the fastest girl running for the touch line.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? yeah i have and yeah i would. i think that i'm more blessed than most, so why shouldn't i help those in need? besides, in my personal situation i could have been one of those in need so very easily.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? i really want to feel like i have found my place in the world. i'm sick to death of floundering and waffling between paths. and once i find that path, i should hope that i'm making a difference in the world. When I was in Engineering, I thought that I could maybe be a researcher or something. I did a Co-op term working for Nortel, and it was alright. But, it was a very male-dominated field, which I didn't like. Not that I don't like males, but like everyone there was a middle-aged white guy. I need some more diversity in my life.
Who is your role model? my mother of course. she's a strong independent woman who doesn't take crap from anyone. she grew up in a tough situation, put herself through school, and got where she wanted to be with only her blood sweat and tears.
What trait most annoys you about other people? flakiness, and stupidity. i can usually put up with fake people, but some of them just make me want to rip my hair out. oh and oblivious people. people who just don't see what's right in front of their faces, or who spout off about something that they don't know anything about.
What do you want to do for a living? god i don't know. i used to be sure that i was going to be an electronic systems engineer. i was good at it, but i didn't love it. i like math, physics, computer science, so probably something along those lines. then to satisfy my artistic side i'll just make icons. haha.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?vengeance, unless it was a werewolf, and it's not really their fault. anything malicious though, needs to get its ass kicked. i tend to fly off the handle if someone hurts my friends. actually if it were a werewolf, but the person didn't even care, then i'd get revenge.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? yes, i would. if i was in one of those, unbelievably frighteningly angry moods, like say if my best friend was murdered by that person, or my parents, then i'd go and use it.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? i'm fairly good at languages (I speak french and english... want to learn more), mathematics (hence the engineering ability, plus i could count to 1000 in french when i was 4), understanding (my friends will tell me that.), general intelligence (i can actually carry on a conversation), and the odd time i'm hilarious (although my brother insists that I'm not funny in the least)
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? obsessive(can be an asset when studying, but not so good when I'm obsessing over a fight with a friend), highly emotional (depressive and very mood swingy), vindictive (don't cross me, i'll get you back), addictive nature (smoke, drink, drugs... i'm an easy target for addiction), unrealistic expectations (when i got a 99 in calculus in high school i was crushed)
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: overcoming fear or at least ignoring it and doing something
Loyalty: sticking behind you're best friend even if you disagree with their opinion
Intelligence: can learn almost anything, inquisitive and attempts to learn on their own
Ambition: what keeps you going and gets you farther than you are right now.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I really don't think I'm HUFFLEPUFF because although I am loyal and loving, I just don't work hard in a consistent manner. I tend to slack off and get by because I cram and am smart enough to figure things out at the last minute.
Where did you find out about us?