(no subject)

Jun 02, 2005 03:22

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Narrow-mindedness. So many things would be changed if people got out of their stubborn little ruts and realised and embraced the differences in others. Seriously, cultures, people, nations...
What makes a person respectable? Someone who respects others for who they are, while not being afraid to be who they are. People who mean well, usually are respectable people, even if the ends don't always follow up on the means.
What do you look for in a friend? Someone that I feel comfortable to tell anything to and someone who will except me for me, just the way I am are the two most valid factors that I look for in a friend. I don't open up easy, so I want to be able to trust the ones I do open up to fully.
What are your hobbies? Reading and writing are great forms of escapism, and I do them quite frequently. Painting and drawing are good for venting. What I find that I do most often are walking and dancing. It always you to think, completely clear your mind, and get in touch with a part of you that you normally couldn't.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? Yes, I have, and yes, I would. When you help someone, it's beneficial to both parties involved.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? To be dynamic. I don't want a stagnant life where the same things happen, the same conversations occur every day. I want to be moving, changing, to live my life, and then I'll be happy.
Who is your role model? My dad, no matter what he's kept going. He's stuck to his beliefs no matter who has challenged him. Though, I must admit many of our beliefs are quite different. I respect him more than I respect any other being on this earth. He has always been there for me, and I love him for that.
What trait most annoys you about other people? Narrow-mindedness, especially when it's combined with acting like an idiot or negativity. Negative people only bring the positive people down. People who are idiotic just get on my nerves, probably because most of the people that I encounter with this problem only act this way to get attention. A narrow mind set is very limiting for any individual.
What do you want to do for a living? I want to do something with diplomatic work or anything with travelling. I've thought about working with orphans, or people who'd like to adopt orphans internationally.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? I would rush over to them immediatey, try to comfort, console, and fix the problem the best way that it could temporarily, until a more permanent solution could be reached.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? With so many other curses out there that you can use in defense? No. It would be unnecessary and just morally wrong.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
I tend to be a very helpful person. If you have a problem, the very least I want to do is listen to it. I'll probably suggest a few things, make a few comments to attempt to make you feel better. I just like helping people. I think it comes for this part in me that likes to nurture the wounded. Don't ask, because I can't tell. Secondly, I'm an idealist to the extreme. Although I recognise that not all is right with the world, I don't think that it's all wrong either. There's beauty and truth in everything, even what seems evil and ugly. Thirdly, I've been told that I'm a pretty friendly person. I don't like conflict or drama, and avoid it at all costs. I tend to take people as they are, because I want people to take me as I am, hence friendly. Hence the Golden Rule. I have a love of the arts and dabble in all of them (probably without being great at any of them). I think that art (performing, visual, whatever...) is a great way to entertain ourselves, but also to have a chance to see the inner workings of others. Lastly, I'll speak my mind. Honesty is very highly esteemed by me. If you ask me a question, I'll tell you my honest opinion on it. Ask for the truth, and I'll give it to you. In return I like it to be given to me. If it's not, then you'll find it's hard for me to speak to you at all.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
Well, my first would have to be that I'm horribly indecisive. I hate making decisions, especially if it involves other people.I have this fear of letting them down with my decision, and I hate letting people down. Second, I'm a bit of a procrastinator. I probably won't do my work unless it's very last minute. Then again, if it's something I'm passionate about, I'm quite ready to get to it. Third, I say things before fully thinking it out. Usually they're slightly quirky, random, or could be taken the wrong way, but I never fail to say them, and often times wish that I could take the words back. Fourth, I hate being wrong. I'll admit to being wrong, but really it's like self torture. I guess you could say that I'm a wee bit of a perfectionist. Yes. And lastly, but not least, I tend to live in a bit of a dream world, which sometimes makes people think that I'm a bit flighty, but I rather like it in my dream world.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: To be able to face a challenge regardless of the adversity against you or the fear inside of you.
Loyalty: Sticking with your beliefs, family, friends, ideals despite an persecution.
Intelligence: Knowing that there is always more for you to learn and far too many ways to use what you've learned than you'll ever know what to do with.
Ambition: A force that drives you toward a goal. It never allows you to back away or slow down. It keeps you on track.

Name: Toni
Age: 18
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) Not sure, that's why I'm filling this out.
Where did you find out about us?_deplorable_

term ii, sorted: hufflepuff

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