Sort me. XD

Jun 08, 2005 00:51

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I'm actually not sure about this one. It's difficult to say I want to get rid of this ONE thing, because not even something evil can be entirely, truly bad in every aspect. I would choose to get rid of greed. If everyone in this world was less greedy than they are today, it would make a huge difference. No one would steal just so they can have more property or money. Greed is an ugly thing, and one thing that the world can certainly do without.

What makes a person respectable? To me, a respectable person is someone who is moral and true to themselves. Someone who does what they believe is right, and doesn't change their opinions constantly just to satisfy their peers. They would not change just to be "accepted" into a group or a society. It's hard for me not to generalize, but in my opinion, a respectable person would not hide their opinions and who they truly are. They would protest or respond in some way if someone was out of line.

What do you look for in a friend? In a friend, I look for several things: loyalty, some intellegence, but most of all, honesty -- and someone I can trust. I would like this friend to be frank and honest with me with I ask them something, even if it might hurt my feelings. I want real opinions -- some a sugar-coated version to make them seem like a good friend. I would also want to be able to trust them with anything I need to say without having to worry about them going around and telling everyone else. I don't care that much if this friend didn't have especially high marks, although it would be nice if they did. It doesn't matter that much though. To me, that's not the aspect that counts the most.

What are your hobbies? I absolutely ADORE reading. And writing. Reading is a favourite hobby -- ever since gr. 1, I couldn't STOP reading. After a while, I started reading fanfiction, and I haven't stopped since. It's a large part of my life, and I wouldn't give it up for anything. Writing is also a pleasant way to spend my time --- it gives me a way to express myself, especially since I don't have that much talent in art. Writing also helps with the rest of my academic career, as its a necessity in every subject.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I wouldn't give money, esp. because my family isn't a wealthy sort, but I would gladly give time and go volunteer. I haven't done all that much yet, but I just went and pulled ivy --- its an invasive plant taking over most of the local parks---- with an ivy-pulling group the other day. I'm hoping to do more in the future.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I want to be happy. I want a good life, and that's all. I don't want to get extremely wealthy, nor do I wish to own a mansion. I just want to do all of the things that I WANT to do in life --- travel around the globe, see the world, maybe even write a book or two. I want to do something I'm passionate about as as job -- something that I enjoy. And most of all, I just want to be able to look back at life when its all over and honestly say that I was happy.

Who is your role model? I do not model my life solely after one person, nor would I strive to become "just like" someone. I don't have a single role model in particular, although there are the few dozen people that I've come to admire and look up to. One of the people I look up to the most in my personal life is my mother --- she's hardworking and has a lot of qualities that I admire.

What trait most annoys you about other people? The quality I despise the most is arrogance and "self-centered-ness". I know several people who walks around as if they own the world, dressed in "fashionable" clothing with their handbags. They go on and on about themselves without caring about what the other person things --- and they expect you to admire and look up to them. No matter how good a person is, whether its their high life quality or excellent skill, I believe that modesty is an essential quality. Being arrogant stops them from improving.

What do you want to do for a living? I'm actually not sure yet as of now.... but I believe I want to be a writer. I doubt that that will end up as my full-time career, but it's something I enjoy doing and something I want to try out. It'll probably end up as a hobby, but to write a book is definitely one of my goals in life.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? It depends. If my friend was attacked by a person, I would go up and try to stop the fight. If my friend go badly hurt form it, I would help him/her through his/her recovery and be there for them. If they were attacked by an animal or a beast, I wouldn't just into the middle of it---- instead, I would go for help. I can't do any good rushing blinding into the situation -- I would probably end up doing more damange than good. If I went for an adult who could bring an end to the fight, it would be more helpful.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? I'd love to say no, but when I think deeper, my response is that if it is the ONLY thing that will safe someone I love from being badly hurt, then yes, I will do it. If there are alternatives, i would probably go down a different route, but if there is absolutely NO other way, then yes, I WOULD do this.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? This one is hard to summarize... Hm.... I suppose I could be described with the following words: bookworm, peacekeeping, quiet, understanding, and fairly intellegent. As I've already mentioned, I adore reading, and I always try to avoid fights and arguements. I don't mind debates, but violence, I try to avoid. I'm a rather quiet person in school, and I always try to be there for my friends if they need any help or advice. I suppose I could be described as fairly "smart", but I blame that on my over-reading. XD I have many abilities --- including playing 2 instruments and speaking 3 languages ---- but nothing that amazing.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? I tend to trust easily, and sometimes end up getting hurt in the end. But because of that, I can be VERY paranoid about things, so I don't know.... I'm on both sides on that one. I tend to procrastinate on some things, and I can get extremely impatient. I also get jealous of other people ---- of their qualities, their relationships, etc. ---- but I try to hide the fact. Most of the time, I'm successful. XD

Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Doing what you believe is right, and doing it even if everyone else disagrees with you. Doing what has to be done, and not just going along with everyone else.
Loyalty: Staying true to someone no matter what --- through thick and thin. Loving someone--- and believing in them no matter what happens.
Intelligence: Intellengence is more than just academic marks --- it also has to do with making wise choices. Being sensitive, and being able to work with the people around you. Intellegence is living up to your potential, in every sense of the word, both in your academic career and social life.
Ambition: Having goals and being driven to do what you want to be what you want to be. Doing what you want with your life-- and being able to achieve that goal by working as hard as you can.

Name: Elizabeth
Age: 14
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? Hufflepuff. Not that I have anything against the house --- but while I'm a loyal person, I really don't think that's one of my most obvious traits.
Where did you find out about us? I was linked here after being linked to hp_stillness.

term ii, sorted: ravenclaw

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