If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
To be honest, I had to think hard about this question. I've read a great deal of what other applicants have written, and I didn't want to go with something cliche as in: World Peace. Not that I don't want that, of course I, as many others do. I just felt it needed to go deeper. Hatred and violence, I'd love to do away with, but a part of me knows it won't and we need these bad things in the world for balance. So finally, I must say I'd want the world to have greater sharing of knowledge and an expansion of education so everyone can understand and share the wealth of knowledge. For with knowledge and education, we can reduce the number of misunderstandings between everyone, reduce the hatred, and ultimately reduce the violence.
What makes a person respectable?
Someone who stands up for what they believe in, no matter the odds, and won't let themselves get quietly swept under the rug. Even if standing up for what they believe in is considered disloyal, improper or "wrong" by others. Someone who is open-minded and can accept people as they are, faults and all. A person is respectable if they are honest and trustworthy. Someone who will have your back no matter what.
What do you look for in a friend?
I look for someone who is loyal, unique and not afraid to be so, and has a strong system of beliefs. Someone who is honest, and respectable. Someone who I can trust and who is accepting of my entire being, not just parts of my personality. They don’t have to necessarily approve of my mischievious behavior or join me in my trouble-making, just accept that it is part of who I am, and doesn’t make me evil necessarily.
What are your hobbies? Writing is a major hobby of mine as well as reading. Reading a book gives you so many things, not only enriching your mind it exercises your brain (and we shouldn’t let that muscle atrophy ;P). Reading and writing let me escape from the stresses of life that I tend to heap heavily upon myself. (What can I say? I thrive on stress and being told no.) Writing allows me to create my own world that I control, control the way others enter my world, control how things interact; I can for the most part influence the information that people receive from my writing, the way in which they react (i.e. energized, happy, sad, angry, respect) by the way I chose to write. It gives me a power trip sometimes to think about how much reading and writing truly influences life.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
I love to give time to charity, and tend to give money even when I prolly could use it a bit more at the time. But I can't help it, I love helping others. :) I just wish I let my logical side guide me to more what is more appropriate than my emotional side.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
I'd like to be able to finish college, because I've had to drop out twice due my obligations of family. I'd prefer to graduate with a degree in Nursing, so I can make a large impact on the world. (You go now, enroll to become a nurse. We NEED more nurses!) Nursing is my major love in life, aside from my son. Though I admit one of the reasons I love nursing beyond getting to help others is because I get to boss people around and they HAVE to listen to my instructions for their health.
Who is your role model?
I don't really have one specific role model, as people in general are flawed by nature. I just tend to make a seperate ideal imaginary person in my mind's eye that I'd like to become based off the best traits of those around me in my life.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
Not being able to take responsiblity for the their own actions, because while there are certain things out of everyone's control, the things that were in your direct control you should be able to own up to. Good and bad.
What do you want to do for a living?
I'm currently split between two loves: nursing and writing. I'd love to be a nurse because I love helping people and love bossing 'em around too. However, writing fulfills me also. Something about writing makes my spirit soar, because I'm control of a whole world of my own creating. A world that in its own way can make people happy, sad, think, etc.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
I'd jump in immediately and help them in anyway possible. Most likely, since I'm a bit rash and stupid, in a way that would get me serisouly injured or killed in the process. But it wouldn't really matter, as long as my friend is saved in the process.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
I'd like to say no, but again, I am a bit rash when it comes to doing things, especially if my friend(s) are getting hurt. So most likely, I would use it. However, only as an absolute last resort. I'd prolly kill myself shortly after, or impose self-exile. I couldn't live with others knowing I'd done something so despicable.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Loyalty, dedication, strength, ambition and intelligence. I will always stand by my friends no matter what (even if they do get on my nerves); I'm dedicated in that I will always see through the tasks I set out to do. While it does make me a bit headstrong, that dedication lends me strength which is another one of my better qualities. I'm strong, not necessarily of body, but of mind, and I will not let the pressures of life bring be down. I'm also intelligent, because I use not only the knowledge I gain from books, but often apply what I learn in life to make things work. My ambition to do things is my last strength. I always eager and ready to jump into new things and remain dedicated to seeing it through.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? Honesty, compassion, impulsiveness, forgetfulness, and ambition. My honesty is one of my weaker qualities, I believe. I find myself being too honest and wind up hating myself for being so truthful because lying would have let me escape punishment. The only time I find myself lying is to save my friends from punishment or embarassment. My unyielding compassion is also one of my weaker qualities as well as a strength, as I give more than I really should and often place myself in worse circumstances because I am moved by the suffering of others. Being rash is a weakness of mine because when I do something because I am so moved by my compassion, I do it rashly. It often causes myself great personal expense which in hindsight, I wish I could do slightly differently and still get the same results. My ambition is listed as a strength and a weakness and for me it is. The reason I believe it to be both is because the ambitious nature will also cause me to try to do things that aren’t really that smart but are fun as hell. Or my ambition will lead me to try to succeed in bad things, troublesome things. I’d elaborate more but in the interest of my safety and freedom I must plea the fifth admendment. Oh yeah, then there is my forgetfulness. I forget things A LOT. In fact, I have tons of personal organizers with timers and alarms and a lot of times I don’t recall why the damn things are beeping and blooping at me. If I had that forgetful ball (I honestly forget the name ^-^) that Neville Longbottom has, I’d misplace it, and once I did find it, I’d forget what it was for.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: To stand up for your beliefs no matter the penalty, even if you're standing up against friends
Loyalty: To be there and stick up for a friend no matter what even if you don't entirely agree with them, but as long as their beliefs aren't directly going to be going against your own
Intelligence: Beyond being able to understand and absorb the writings in books, but being able to absorb the teaching of life that happen all around one self and being able to apply them and make them work.
Ambition: The drive to try to succeed and the ablity to continue to try even in the face of multiple obstacles
Name: Alicia Anderson aka Ellyce McCarthy
Age: 22
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? I don't think I'd fit as a Hufflepuff at all. I can't stand to be proper, and quiet in the way alot of Hufflepuffs are. Not saying that Hufflepuffs don't rock, cuz they do. I just can't see my loud and bossy self being anything but a bully to them, if placed in the same house. I'd be trying to shove them into the limelight and have them be loud, and frankly be a big embarassment. Another reason why I don’t believe I belong with Hufflepuff is because I do have a mischievous side and like to cause trouble and being among Hufflepuffs would be like giving me hundreds of consciences. I’d go crazy (well crazier) and prolly spend hours in the library learning and researching curses until I finally found one that would make the voices stop so I could continue my happy mischief making. I had a conscience but it has learned by now that I don’t listen and if it tells me not to do something I will purposely go out and do it.
Where did you find out about us? My sister pointed me to you guys and in her shy, yet, surprisingly forceful Hufflepuff way demanded I join and submit an application. Since, I can't stand her looking sad and disappointed, and I've upset her enough by doing other crazy things this week, this is me making it up to her. Love ya,
britin !