If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Well I think there is WAY to much hate in this world so I would for at least one day would like if everyone was nice to each other all war would stop everyone would stop killing because there is no need for it, but am not like this freak who does not fight at all I mean I fight with my sister. It is mainly killing that should stop. IF I could'nt do that because it would be way to hard, I would make it so that everyone could get educated in the small world areas so that they have an equal chance at being successful.
What makes a person respectable? I think a person is respectable who knows how to present themselves, who don't go wild at the first chance they get, and know the way to act in certain situations. I also think someone is respectable who knows what they want to do with their lives because people who just lay around and do nothing is not very respectable I think because you can get up and make a good living.
What do you look for in a friend? I look for someone who has the same interests as me, someone who is not very wild but still knows how to have a good time. I want a friend that I can trust with secrets and one that I feel that I can come to for help.
What are your hobbies? I have a many hobbies, I mainly read my favorite books are by Janet Evanovich she writes the Stephanie Plum novels. I also like to doodle but I am not even close to as good as my sister. In school I am very interested in History and Civil Rights I love learning about how things were in the past the kinds of things people did the way they dressed I want to go into the pass and just be a part of it, I am into womens rights I think we have come so far over the years.I also like to swim, sing, and biking.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I haven't yet but when I am older and have money of my own I would like to give money to the Brest Cancer Foundation, because there is a big history of it in my family and I just think the charity needs all the help it can get to find a cure. I would also give to the Aids foundation because this is a deadly disease that needs help finding a cure also.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I think the biggest thing I want to accomplish, is one day I want to open and run a Battered Womens help center, this way there will at lest be one more place a woman can feel safe from their abuser. I also want to get my Degree in Social work which will take me a LONG time but I am willing to do it.
Who is your role model? This is an easy question my role model is my mother she has ALWAYS been and she ALWAYS will. My mother has been there for me on everything when I ever needed help with school or a project I was doing she was there, she has always been so easy to talk to I keep nothing from her and I know that if I have a problem that she will help me out. I really admire her because in February of last year my dad told us that he had been cheating and was leaving, you would think that she would just shut down but no she kept everything going to make us happy even if it meant sacrificing things for herself. She is a very strong person and I love her very much.
What trait most annoys you about other people? I think the most annoying trait would have to be people who think they are better then everyone else, when they put people down and say how better they are just annoys me so bad, because this then makes the others feel insecure about themselves and nobody should have to feel that way.
What do you want to do for a living? I for a long time have wanted to become a Social Worker, working in a battered womens unit because my father was verbally abusive to my mother all while he was here so I know what it does to a family and I can help women and there children get away from what could be a deadly relationship, and put them in a save house away from the violence.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? I would help my friend to the best of my ability but I am not a very strong person so I would run to get help for them, because I would'nt want anything to happen to my friend. I would also try to find the best way to help solve the problem maybe with a animal they could lay still and limp and maybe it would go away, also with it was an attacker I would tell them to go for the weaker areas such as eyes,neck and so on... until greater help arrived.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? yes I would use the curse but only if thing I was doing it against was trying to hurt my family. I am a huge family person so if anything was trying to hurt them and take them away from me then all Hell would break loose.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? Helpful - people come to me for help because they know I wont turn them down. Trustworthy - I am told a lot of things because people know I wont tell. I get good grades - I have always tried to get good grades because I want my family to be proud of me. Caring - I care for a lot of things my family but I am a huge animal love I feed the cats that live outside :P. I am easy to get a long with because I don't want to offend anyone so I do what makes people happy.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? Insecure - I never think I do anything right I always need reassurance. Sensitive - I am a real "girl" about things my family cant really joke about things with me because I will take it the wrong way and most likely start crying. People say I am "To Nice" so I let people walk all over me not wanting to hurt the other person. Worrisome - I worry about EVERYTHING. ex. If my mom is gone to long at the store I think something happened. Not Trusting - I have always had trust issues I have no clue why just don't trust people.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to stand up to others.
Loyalty: when you stick by others no matter what.
Intelligence: Having a sharp mind and the wit to perform academically and being able to think quickly in a time of urgency
Ambition: The will to go after your goals and dreams and not letting anything stand in your way.
Name: Elizabeth
Age: 17
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
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