If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? That's a very difficult question. There are many things that I would love to change about the world, but I will go with what I actually want to do. I plan to go into research after college, I am actually very interested in Medical research, so I would like to help find a cure for a major disease or something like that. If I help play a part in saving more lives, then my job on Earth is done. I don't like people dying and I certainly don't like it when people hurt other people, but I don't think that I could do anything about violence in the world. I do think that I could help with people dying. I also hope that any cure I might discover will become cost efficient and available to everyone.
What makes a person respectable? What makes a person respectable is their honesty towards others. Though I have been known to lie about little things like whether or not I am finished with my homework, I would die before I would lie about something big, especially if it would affect other people's lives. If I was ever asked to testify in court for anything, I would tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Anyone that is guilty of lying to me or anyone else, I lose trust in that person and they no longer are respectable in my eyes. I also don't expect people to be any better than I am. I really do treat others as I would like to be treated.
What do you look for in a friend? I look for someone I can trust. I like to talk about my problems a lot, and sometimes they get personal, so I like to have a person I can trust to be able to talk to. Not all my friends are that way, many are just people who are fun to hang out with, but all my close friends are easy to talk to and I would trust them with anything.
What are your hobbies? I like to sing a lot. It's what I use to get out my emotions. I also collect the new US quarters. I have 5 sets of them. I like collecting things. I have so many collections, and I like to add to them whenever I can, but my most involved collection is the quarters. I collect a lot of coins without knowing their worth, like wheat pennies. Whenever I come across a wheat penny, I stick it in this book I have for wheat pennies. I actually have a steel penny. And now I have a two-dollar bill. I have 24 buffalo nickels. I also like to read a lot, mostly sci-fi/fantasy. I have to say the Lord of the Rings is my absolute favorite, but Harry Potter is my next favorite. Though, it is easier to be more involved in the Harry Potter communities because the books are still coming out, and I can speculate what will happen in the next book. I'm so excited. HBP is almost here!!
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I have given time to community service, but that is because my high school required it. I did enjoy working for Habitat for Humanity, though it was for my school community service requirement. My high school also raised money for all sorts of charity, like for the Tsunami, and I contributed to most of them. I like helping people, but I hate to admit that I don't think I do enough for charity.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? This goes along with what I said in the first question. I would like to find a cure for something. Maybe cancer or maybe Dystonia because my dad suffers with it and I am a prime candidate to get it. Or maybe I'll just study more about AIDS, though I don't personally know anyone with HIV/AIDS, but I have always been fascinated with it.
Who is your role model? I don't really know if I have one role model. I look at the good in certain people and forget their bad, when looking up to them. I guess I could be boring and say my mother because she has to deal with my dad and me. We can be a pain at times. I really try to be the best that i can be, and I really don't look to other people to show me what that is.
What trait most annoys you about other people? Annoys me? Ok, well, when people argue just for the sake of arguing, that annoys me to no end. I can't stand it. Especially when the person doesn't let me get in my point. I have valid points too, and I don't like to be ignored or cut off. That is so annoying.
What do you want to do for a living? I want to be in medical research. I am about to enter college so I am thinking about a Chemistry major, or maybe a double major with Chemistry and Math. I like researching things that I am interested in, and I am very interested in the medical field, but I don't think that a Doctor is for me.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? If my friend was attacked by anything, I would defend them. I would always stick up for my friends, even if it means my life is at risk. My life is not as important as the lives of those I love, and if I die to save a friend, my life is well spent, though it would be nice to live long enough to make a difference in the world and then die saving someone.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? I might, like in Harry's case, use an Unforgivable Curse when my emotions steer me that way, but I would never kill anyone. I don't think I could ever use the killing curse. I am mostly led by my emotions, but my emotions would never lead me to kill. I tend to remove myself from a situation if it is angering me. I don't like being angry, and I think the worst moment in my life was when I held a grudge against someone for 6 months.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Passionate- I am a passionate person with anything I do. I am very passionate about Harry Potter, so I have been searching for Harry Potter communities, and I found this one. I am very passionate about the college I am going to, so I have been looking at everything I can about it. All my emotions are very passionate. If I love, I love completely and If I am angry, people can tell. I like this about me because I think that to be passionate about things is great.
Loyal- I am very loyal to those I love, and I would give my life for them. I also wouldn't ever betray them while they are my friend. I would never intentionally hurt them and I would never be dishonest towards them, unless it is about whether or not I finished my homework.
Trusting- I tend to trust people a lot. I guess in some way that makes me naive, but I would rather trust others and get close to people than not trust and hardly ever get close to everyone. One thing I am wary about is people on the side of the road, I have heard too many stories to trust eveyone on the side of the road.
Intelligent- I consider myself to be intelligent, though not in the English/History department. I am more of a Math/Science person myself. I am planning on majoring in Chemistry or Math, or maybe just double major in both. I don't really work hard for my grades, and I graduated with A's and B's. I am lazy when it comes to school, but when it comes to doing something I like, I will work as hard as possible to get it done. I really like Math, so I worked hard in that class.
Sarcastic- Though at first glance, sarcasm is normally viewed as a not so good trait, I consider my sarcasm to be the good kind. Someone told me the other day that at least my sarcasm "isn't the sucky kind." I asked him what the sucky kind was, and he said the type that is very dry. Well, that means my sarcasm isn't the dry kind. And I like sarcasm, it adds a bit of humor to the situation. I do know when to use it, I don't normally use it online unless I'm talking to people I know well.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
Pride- Pride is definitely my worst quality. Some pride is OK, but my pride exceeds that. I have so much pride that I sometimes don't show my true feelings. That grudge that I mentioned in #11 was held so long because of my pride. The person who I held the grudge against hurt my pride and I had a vengeful grudge the entire time. I never hurt the poor boy, but I did show him anger. I was too prideful to show pain.
Spotlight- I like the spotlight, but I normally don't admit it. I don't like being front and center when preforming but I like to be recognized for my involvement in things. Like if I am in a math class, and I do better than others, I like to be noticed for it, though I don't advertise it. I actually have a nice little way of getting it out that I did well without having others disliking me and thinking that I am bragging. But yeah, I like to be noticed, but I don't think that is a very good quality because when I don't get the spotlight I get a little angry.
Temper- I have a slight temper. I am easily upset and i can get angry about it. I take after my dad for the temper. I am better than my dad about it. I tend to take out my anger on other people, though I don't mean to. I try not to, but it is hard sometimes.
Stubborn- I am a very stubborn person and sometimes it isn't that great. I have actually only just realized how stubborn I am because my best friend now calls herself the "queen of compromise" and she says she learned how to do that because of me. But I guess that trait will come in handy for her. I am not proud of being that stubborn, but I will admit it.
Selfish- Though this is another trait I am not proud of, I have been known to be selfish. I am not completely selfish, but it has been pointed out to me sometimes. I don't like selfishness, but I do tend to have a selfishness about me.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Courage is connected with bravery, but I don't think they are the exact same. Courage means that you have the bravery to do something that is right, even if it isn't always easy. You may be scared to death of what you are doing, but you do it anyway.
Loyalty: Loyalty is being there for someone. If someone is loyal to someone, they expect the same in return. I could be being loyal to someone even if it means telling them something they don't want to hear.
Intelligence: Intelligence is the ability to understand what is being taught to you and apply it to the world. There are different types of intelligence, and you could be intelligent in one area but not in another. Some may be intelligent in Math but not in Science.
Ambition: Ambition is the drive that pushes people to be the best they can be. It allows people to push through any obstacle to achieve their goals.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Where did you find out about us? I searched for sorting I think...