(no subject)

Jun 29, 2005 23:32

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
There is part of me that wants to say that I wouldn’t change anything. It’s sort of like all the movies/cartoons I’ve seen where the time traveler is warned not to change anything in the past or it will destroy the fabric of all s/he knows. While things need to be changed, I don’t know that there is an easy answer like this. If, and this is a big if, we are purely talking in a magical sense with no negative repercussions, I think the first thing I would change is the way we are destroying the natural world and our own environment. Is the continuing poverty of 3rd World people really going to matter so much if we don’t, say, have enough fresh, clean water to drink? The alarming part about this thought is that I live in an area (the greater arid Southwest) that will absolutely be facing serious water issues within the next 30 years. The Colorado River is NOT a never-ending source. So, if I may step on my soapbox here for a brief moment, people need to stop doing things like using water to clean sidewalks and vainly attempting to grow grass in the desert. Trust me, you don’t need a lawn in the desert. Dryscape and use native plants.

What makes a person respectable?
What makes a person respectable has a lot to do with how s/he treats those around her/him. Being able to treat another being with some semblance of decency and kindness is the root for all other kind and good deeds. A respectable person also adheres to some sense of ethics and morals (ie: integrity, honesty, loyalty, etc).

What do you look for in a friend?
I look for someone with similar qualities to my own. I am not a social butterfly, and as such, I purposely choose not to surround myself with scores of people (although I welcome all friendly acquaintances… which I loosely call friends anyway). I prefer two or three friends that I hold very close. I grow very attached to those I love, and with that love, comes a fierce loyalty. I expect the same thing from someone I consider a real friend. I would not hesitate to say that I would die for a friend, and I know I have at least one that would do such for me. A friend of mine should also be adventurous, open, intelligent (and this does not mean book smarts, but rather the ability to think and reason openly and honestly in a real life sense), honest, spontaneous, loyal, caring, and possess an extraordinary ability to make me smile and laugh at the worst times. It also helps if we share similar interests.

What are your hobbies?
Listening and surrounding myself with music, playing musical instruments, all manner of outdoor activities (hiking, camping, snowboarding, swimming, skating, running, climbing, etc… if I am not moving, I get restless), caring for animals, traveling, reading, anything I’d deem adventurous (that could mean something as small as climbing a tree in the woods or something like jumping out of a plane) watching tv/movies, daydreaming, sleeping, and of course being online.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
It greatly depends on the charity. While I am not likely to contribute time in most cases, I have, and will, contribute monetarily. For the most part, I don’t fully trust or believe in charities. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, you know. While there absolutely are worthwhile causes out there, when you add an organization to rally around the cause, you get bureaucracy. With bureaucracy comes a sometimes inevitable rift between the actual cause and the mechanisms of the organization.
Wow, I sound like such a post modernist. For an example of what I mean, I present an overly simplified example: In the 1970s, the Sierra Club took up the mission to prevent the transfer of some land from Grand Canyon National Park to the Havasupai Reservation. As the Sierra Club became so wrapped up in its primary mission to protect natural places, the organization failed to see the Havasupai people as more worthy than the club’s mission. The Havasupai, a tribe that has lived in the Grand Canyon for thousands of years, once roamed the Coconino Plateau along the Grand Canyon’s southern rim as far east as Moenkopi Wash (present day Tuba City, Arizona). They were later confined to a reservation that consisted of only 518.6 acres of land located in Havasu Canyon. While I usually support the ideals of the Sierra Club, what if I had been around during this debate and had contributed money or time to prevent the betterment of a people who have long suffered? Anyway, that long winded answer just means that I would rather devote myself personally to a cause (and be more directly involved) than go through a charity.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
I want to live a life without regret. I never want to get to a point in my life where I look back and regret the opportunities I never took a chance on. I don’t want to play the “what if” game. I want to know that I took my chances, I gambled and risked, and that I am a better person for it, even if that meant falling on my face… a lot. How will I ever know what I am capable of if I don’t take the risks and push the envelope?

Who is your role model?
I don’t believe I have any long standing role model. Occasionally, I look up to musical idols, but I don’t really consider them role models per se. I try my best to trust my own heart and listen to myself. Modeling myself after another person isn’t going to bring out the very best me I can be. I don’t want to be a model of another person. I want to be myself.

What trait most annoys you about other people?
I abhor the general lack of respect so prevalent today in others. I make it a point to try to live my life treating the world around me with decency. I don’t understand why it is so difficult for others to do the same. I think a lot of cases that lead to anger and violence are a result of this lack of respect.

What do you want to do for a living?
You wouldn’t think this would be a hard question to answer, but because I am such a dreamer at heart, I have all sorts of fantastical ideas. I’ve been struggling with this question my entire life (which explains why I haven’t chosen already at my age). I guess mostly it comes down to two distinct parts of my personality: that side which is intensely passionate about nature/animals and the other side which is consumed by music. As such, I will either become a working musician or work in some aspect of caring for/protecting animals or nature. Since I am being forced to choose something in the meantime, it seems I will mostly likely be working for the National Park Service as a ranger. This will, at the very least, allow me to work outdoors and be part of what I love. My spirit would shrivel up and blow away if I had to work in an office. Plus, the NP Ranger hat absolutely rocks! It’s all about that Smokey the Bear hat. lol.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
Defend my friend, with my life, if necessary. This would be far more instinctual than any real thought process. I wouldn’t think about it, but rather, that would be my natural reaction. I become rash and immediate when it comes to protecting my friends. I’ve been known to do so, though not in any life threatening way. For example: I worked with my best friend at a retail store that based salary on commission. A fellow co-worker came to my best friend and accused her of stealing a sale. Without thinking about it, and without even knowing who was right nor what the facts were, I launched a loud verbal assault upon the co-worker (I screamed at him) in front of customers. Needless to say, my managers were not pleased. When I thought about it later, I was able to realize that all I recognized was that my best friend was being “attacked.” She could have been 100% in the wrong, but I immediately “attacked” the co-worker as he appeared to be harming my friend. I defended my friend by instinctual reaction. Strangely enough, when I was a little girl and considered my cat my best friend, I did the same thing. A neighboring girl had verbally called my cat names. I hit her. lol. I’m really a rather easy going person, but when you mess with those I love, I am a raging fire. I absolutely will protect that which is important to me.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Yes, but only under extreme circumstances. If it was a matter of life or death (and there existed no other options), than yes, I would use an Unforgivable Curse. Humans have an instinctual desire to continue to survive. If my life was in danger, and I had no other options, of course I would. It would be easy for me to take the high road and say “Never” with an indignant air, but if life depended on it, I would absolutely use one. It’s about self preservation, and perhaps, the protection and defense of those I love. As explained above, I’m not really thinking rationally when I defend those I love.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. Intelligent. I would like to think of myself as an intelligent person. I am not only formally educated, but I have the ability to think rationally and logically in a real life sense. I understand how to apply what I know to the world around me. Of course my laziness (see below) sometimes prevents me from doing so.
2. Friendly. While not a social butterfly, I am open and cordial to most people I meet. In fact, this trait made me a very successful commissioned salesperson. I have the ability to relate to people of all ages and backgrounds. I react to the world around me openly and without being outwardly guarded.
3. Dreamer. I am a dreamer of the utmost sort. While this can also be an entirely negative thing, being a dreamer tends to make me more creative, open minded, and spontaneous. I don't know how to "get my head out of the clouds," as some people have lectured me. I value being able to see possibilities and imaginative solutions.
4. Passionate. When I really care about something, I put my entire being into it. I work in an all or nothing way in this aspect. Every thought, action, decision, and emotion goes into that “something” I feel passionately about. On the negative side, this often turns into obsession (see below).
5. Loyal. As I have described above, if you have earned my trust, you have my loyalty. I am very much attached to those I care about, and I will remain loyal for life as long as my trust is not betrayed. My loyalty can absolutely be depended upon through thick and thin.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. Lazy. I am so very lazy sometimes. In fact, most of the negative things in my life can be attributed to my laziness. Of course, this only applies to that which I don’t want to do to begin with. While unrealistic, it’s a shame life can’t be spent doing what we love most of the time.
2. Indecisive. I want my cake, and I want to eat it too. I have a hard time choosing when it comes to big decisions sometimes (ie: my inability to choose a path in life). I end up going back and forth without ever making a real concrete decision. Sometimes I believe it is my belief of not wanting to regret things that keeps me from choosing. I want to make sure I make the right decision for me, and that is not always a quick or easy process.
3. Impatient. I hate waiting. I especially hate waiting for things that I really want. Like most of our society, I want immediate results and immediate gratification. I learn to wait only when I must.
4. Obsessive. This is the negative side of my passion. I become so passionate about what I love that it can dominate my thoughts, decisions, and actions. I have even been guilty of shaping my life, both present and future, around obsessions.
5. Over-analyzing. I think. A lot. This is probably the negative side of my intelligence. I usually end up making life a lot more complicated for myself when I over-analyze things. Like they say, I’m one of those people that usually ends up doing things the hard way. This trait also contributes to my indecisiveness.

Define in your own words the following key traits:
I want to preface my answers by pointing out that I understand that these key words will be associated with certain houses. I would like to kindly remind everyone that there are ambitious Gryffindors, intelligent Hufflepuffs, courageous Slytherins, and loyal Ravenclaws. Please don’t be quick to judge based on stereotypes.
Courage: Standing up for what you believe in no matter what, especially in the face of opposition. The drive that makes a person “fight” for something.
Loyalty: Sticking to someone or something no matter the consequences.
Intelligence: The possession of knowledge and the ability to apply it.
Ambition: The drive to obtain that which you desire and to achieve goals.

Name: Jenni
Age: 27
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you?
While I see some sort of reflection of each of the houses in my character, I choose not to bias the decision of this community.
Where did you find out about us?
I am one of the first original members of the community that founded this one, hogwartshouses. As the closure of the old community upset me (I was close with the old mods and missed them terribly when they made a pact not to join HiH), I chose to remove myself rather than continue with HiH. While I am fully aware that I do not have to re-apply and can be directly reinstated again, I want to see how I might be sorted this time around.

term ii, sorted: gryffindor

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