Survey says...

Nov 13, 2004 17:20

Name: Orange852 (female, should anyone care)
Age: 37ish. OK, I'll admit to 37; accuracy over and above that is up to you.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Eliminate dependence on fossil fuels. You'll understand when you're older. Of course, by then, "fossil fuel" will have been replaced by "water" as the #1 reason for stupidity, so I'm after eliminating a root cause of war.

Who is your favorite Hogwarts teacher? Snape is pretty hot, but McGonigal seems a little more objective.

Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter? Ron Weasely. He’s ‘everyboy’ with a superb grasp of strategy.

Who is your least favorite character in Harry Potter? Any female character who giggles and gets all moony over Harry (or any star quidditch player.) If we must name names, the Patil sisters have yet to grow on me.

What makes a person respectable? Doing right, for the right reasons, even when it doesn't look all that right; clothes and breeding and appearances really just don't get it done.

What is your take on religion? Make a decision about your beliefs and live it. Don’t waffle or sniffle or whine about it. Somebody’s going to be right, somebody’s going to be wrong, but nobody likes an excessive bet-hedger. If we're really lucky, the nihilists have their heads up their butts. Better hell than oblivion.

What do you think about house elves? Somebody’s got to do the work, but nobody should be looked down on because they take on the mess.

What do you look for in a friend? A sense of humor, keep your knives out of my back and let me be the funniest person in the group. Is this too much to ask?

Would you rather have friends and family or money and success? Depends. Are my friends, family and I all starving in a ditch together? Would I be wealthy, yet despised by all? Is there a trick to the question in that the first impulse is to confuse "money" with "wealthy and freedom from want?" These things are never completely black and white, but the friends/family has an edge over wealth and success. Besides, you and your friends and your family can sandbag a rich dude and run off with his stuff, if it gets down to it.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I’d’ve stuck with the swim team and worked at it a little harder. Then I'd be in better shape and maybe have a gold medal stashed somewhere with my endorsement contracts.

What do you feel is your best quality? Several score extra IQ points and a tendency toward lateral thinking. Also, I’m really tall, but manage not to loom. It’s harder than it looks.

What are your hobbies? Keeping my cats happy, cooking, ‘net surfing, reading, beading necklaces and the eternal quest to get back into shape, which begins next Monday.

Do you want to have children? Is it evil to say no? I like other people’s children, but I really like handing them back when they leak or emit noises.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? Regular contributor to the United Way, occasional walker in walkathons.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
Yank them out of the way, make a lot of noise, and try to figure out how to disable the attacker. Should that prove impossible, run like hell and yell for help.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? Self-sufficiency. Can’t do much for others until you can take care of yourself and if you’ve no intention of helping others, you should at least not be a burden on them.

Who is your role model? My mother. She was a gainfully employed systems analyst before women were expected to be interested in college, let alone a career. She divorced her philanderer and stood on her own two feet against all odds given by the small Southern town she grew up in. Go, mom!

What trait most annoys you about other people? Casual cruelty, unnecessarily self-serving behavior. Doing someone dirt for no other reason than you can. Oh, and interrupting me when I’m expounding.

What do you want to do for a living? o.0 Exactly what I’m doing now, which is providing customer support for wireless phone users. It's the most money you can make for the least amount of work.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? There’s a short list of people (including, y’know, the human race as a whole, should it, as a whole, come under threat) I’d do it to rescue.

What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I’d really have to do something about the Malfoys if I were sorted into Slytherin. It wouldn’t be pretty. They’re just a little too open about their agenda, and I think that's stupid. Be evil if you must, but do it in private and wash your hands afterward, or all the good people will have to take notice and do something about you.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? Reading, technical writing, the ability to work out what’s wrong from the total problem descripton of “my phone’s a piece of crap,” finding common ground between combatants, and making friends with cats. They really, really like me.

Where did you find out about us? Cleolinda’s LJ.

sorted: ravenclaw, term i

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