And now I sit back and see what happens.

Jul 19, 2005 14:42

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Intolerance. I think too many people see the world in black and white and they need to recognize the many shades of grey in between. And some just need to stop overreacting. I really hate it when people jump all over others because they disagree. I know that some issues are very important to people, but just because I think one way doesn’t mean I don’t recognize that others may not, and that they have reasons for believing as they do. I think people need to learn to accept that everyone is not going to agree and that we don’t have to. There are kernels of truth in most theories and it’s unfair to say something is wrong simply because one doesn’t understand it.

What makes a person respectable?
Honesty, loyalty, and concern for others. A respectable person stands up for what they believe is right. The hold themselves to the same standards as they do everyone else. Someone may not act the way I would in a situation, but if I can see that they’re acting the way they feel they must, then I can respect that. To be respectable a person doesn’t have to be perfect, but they do have to make sense. I guess what I mean is that if they screw up, there has to be a reason behind it. If that’s just the way they are, and they continue on, obliviously making mistakes left and right, I’m not going to respect that. A respectable person doesn’t need to do great deeds, they just have to be good. They may not admit to caring or they may not show it, but deep down a respectable person does. In the end, a respectable person will do what is right and will fight for those close to him or her.

What do you look for in a friend?
In a friend, I look for someone with interests similar to my own. I’m not opposed to differences in opinion, but I need some common ground to start from. I look for friends who are self-confident and can be themselves. I don’t want to be around someone who feels they need to put on a show to be likable. We should feel comfortable around each other. I don’t care for people who always complain and expect me to sympathize with their problem of the day. Whiners try my patience. On the other hand, my friends and I should be able to rant to each other and know that we’ll be backed up. The difference, you see, is between complaining constantly about things that don’t matter and coming to a friend to rally support for the crappy day you’ve had. A friend should be honest about things that matter and loyal. A friend is someone you should be able to trust without thinking about it; at no point should you have to wonder if you should mention something in front of them because they might spread it around or hold it against you. Friends always take your side if it’s a matter of us vs. them. Finally, trivial as it may seem, a friend must have a similar sense of humor because if neither of us should have to sensor our humor for fear of offending the other. And honestly, if you don’t laugh at the same kind of things, what are you going to do with your time?

What are your hobbies?
I love to read, both online and off. I mostly read fiction; mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, and the occasional horror book. I do like to watch tv and movies a lot, but I’m selective in my viewing; I don’t sit there watching the screen for hours and hours, except on a rare occasions. I enjoy critiquing what I see. I love to write, but most of my projects are lying dormant on my hard drive, unfinished and awaiting further inspiration. My muse is a fickle creature who likes to grab me by the throat with a new idea for a week and then disappears before we’re done. I used to embroider but have fallen out of the habit. I do crochet. It’s become something of a winter pastime for me and has provided me with a not so cheap way of making select people presents. I love to play pond hockey (ice-hockey on a frozen pond with no formal rules but generally following the pattern of the actual sport) and in the summer I do like to swim (though you’d never know it from my pale complexion.)

Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
I have given money to charity once. It was a telemarketer for State Patrol and I felt guilty and donated $10 even though I’m a broke college student. Now they won’t leave me alone and want me to donate again. Truthfully, I’m not in a good position to donate money right now and so the honest answer is that no, I would not donate to charity in the recent future. I think it’s a wonderful cause and when I have a decent job and can afford it, I’d like to say that I would but I don’t know if I will. If I knew for sure that giving money to someone would help them and their life, I would do it. However, I have a hard time giving money away to an organization, no matter how well intentioned, when I can’t see the immediate effects of it and don’t know how much of my money will actually get to who needs it. I put time and effort into earning the money I get, and for now my priority is me.
It has occurred to me that there is one charity I tend to give money to whenever I see them, and that would be those people standing out in the cold around Christmas with their red Salvation Army buckets and the bells. For some reason I always drop whatever change I have in their bucket when I see them. Spirit of giving and all of that. Besides, I wouldn’t want them to stand out there in the bad weather for nothing. So, with this exception, the above applies.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
My initial instinct was to say something job/career related, but I don’t know that that classifies as what I would most like to accomplish. I’m sure that I will find a job and that eventually I’ll be in the career I want. However, I don’t think anything relating to work is truly my biggest goal. For some reason, what has popped into my head as the ultimate accomplishment is to raise well behaved children who think for themselves. This strikes me as very strange because I’m not particularly fond of children, nor am I planning on rushing headlong into having them. (I don’t care if James and Lily did have Harry when they were about my age, I’m not going there for awhile.) I suppose it is simply that having children and raising them to be good is quite possibly one of the hardest tasks one could even undertake and I only hope that I will manage it well when the time is right. Other than that odd thought, my desired accomplishment is simply to be myself and to do what I think is right throughout my life. If I can continue doing this, then I will consider myself very accomplished and can have no regrets. I think ultimately you have to be able to respect yourself and stand by your decisions. The thing about kids probably falls into this somewhere. Something about bringing people into the world who you’d want to hang out with and who you could respect.

Who is your role model?
I’ve never had a specific role model, at least, I’ve certainly never termed anyone as such. I suppose I’ve simply taken traits of people (and really, by that I mean characters in my various books, shows, and movies) that I admire as things to emulate. I admire strong women who can kick ass and show the guys that they’re just as tough as they are. I’m often drawn to the smart mouthed scoundrel because he can think on his feet and does what he wants, while deep down having he has his own set of morals which he holds to. While I admire certain traits in many characters, I’ve never called one a role model, because really, I don’t want to be anyone but myself. I love who I am, and though I may have been inspired by various characters throughout my life, I think they’ve done more to give me the confidence to act the way I wanted to anyway than they have inspired me to copy them.

What trait most annoys you about other people?
Most definitely superficiality. It drives me nuts when people are hung up on things that don’t matter. Popularity contests and talking on and on about how great you are because of this or that or who you know turns me off like nothing else. I don’t like people who come off as fake and shallow, which, to me, is summed up in superficiality. I believe people need to think for themselves. It bothers me when someone seems to have nothing going on upstairs because I value people’s ability to think things through so highly and, presumably, they have a functioning brain. Why not use it? I’m not asking for everyone to be a genius or cast off material possessions or anything like that, I just want people to realize that things don’t make who you are, you do, and if all you are is the owner of an expensive wardrobe, a nice car, and no independent thoughts, then I have no respect for you. Oh, also? No respect for people who use others to get what they want and then throw them away as though they don’t matter.

What do you want to do for a living?
My greatest job ambition is to be a forensic specialist, collecting evidence at crime scenes and helping investigators to catch the right person. This job isn’t all CSI has it cracked up to be, but I would love it. I’m fairly analytical and would love to able to help put the pieces together from what’s left behind after a crime. At that point, you can’t take back what’s been done, but by finding evidence that connects a person to the crime, you can help people move on by assuring the right person is caught and held accountable. Sometimes I’m not much of a people person, so dealing with evidence appeals to me. I can be a part of something fascinating and good, while remaining in my comfort zone.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
Without a doubt, I would run to their aid. I would be casting hexes and throwing punches in a heartbeat. In retrospect, it may be that running for help would have made more sense, but I know I would charge in fighting for my friends. All thoughts of saving myself would probably fly right out the window and I couldn’t, in good conscience, leave them there while I got help, so jumping in would be my only option. My friends are important to me and if they needed my help, I’d be there. I can’t really think of how to elaborate anymore on the subject. It’s pretty clear cut for me.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
If there were a good reason for it, such as a friend in danger, absolutely. I wouldn’t use Unforgivable Curses lightly, mind, but if the situation called for it then I wouldn’t limit myself when it came to defending my friends or myself. Some rules are meant to be broken and my enemies probably wouldn’t be pulling any punches. If I knew of a curse that would save someone I cared about I’d use it with little to no hesitation. Once again, this is pretty clear cut for me and I don’t think I can say much more.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. Self-confidence, because ultimately I trust myself and my decisions
2. Being laid back, because it takes a lot to rile me most of the time
3. Intelligence, because I try to be well informed and to think things through and understand them
4. Level-headedness/reason, because I try not to jump to conclusions
5. Humor, because where’s the fun if you can’t laugh

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. Indecisiveness, because I’m bad at making decisions
2. Being anti-social in RL, because often I can neither start a conversation nor keep one going with people I don’t know (and I often don’t want to)
3. A tendency to be too critical sometimes
4. Being too polite, because I don’t speak up and complain when I should and don’t yell at people even when they deserve it
5. Giving other people’s needs/wants more weight than mine, because I’m almost always willing to be the one who gives to make my friends happy

Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: the ability to do what you think is right even if it’s unpopular, going into a battle it looks like you’ll lose because it’s the right thing to do
Loyalty: standing up for your beliefs and your friends no matter what, standing by those who are close to you no matter the circumstances and always being there for them
Intelligence: knowing when to back out of a situation, being able to think things through and arrive at a rational conclusion, outsmarting the competition
Ambition: knowing what you want and going for it, taking the means necessary to achieve what you want

Name: Lacey
Age: 22
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) None
Where did you find out about us?
beanpop at the midnight release party!

term ii, sorted: ravenclaw

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