If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Believe it or not, I would change the world’s health care. We have millions of people dying over simple childhood diseases, like the flu. How can you begin the process when you have no enthusiastic people to help led the movement because they all are died, or sick? People are much stronger when they know they are cared for. A well country (in the sense of sickness) is more easily able to assist the world; yet, our world leaders are willing to spend money on weapons they should not need. That’s not right in my eyes. We should focus on getting people healthy; that is the most important thing in this world today.
What makes a person respectable?
Passion and drive to do the work needed. I believe with passion the person in question could do amazing things in this world. In my high school, I see wonderful things happen and wonderful people who could help this world. Yet, they just sit in the chair, bored out of their minds, and not trying. It bothers me. Where would we be if the French Revolution did not happen? Would kings and queens still rule Europe? Where would we be if the American Revolution did not happen? Would we (Americans) still be ruled by Great Britain? It took many passionate people to start the world; drive, the same.
But with all the passion and drive, you should still have a good heart to respectable. Without heart, you’re nothing to me.
What do you look for in a friend?
I want a friend who is kind, intelligent, and I could trust, no questions ask. They would also have to be able to follow my logic. I am often told that my illogical statements make more sense then my logical. It would be nice to be able to debate about topics would wanting to kill my friend after. I love people who have different views then me; but, your answers need to make sense. I like someone I could laugh with. Being about to hold great conversations is a must. I hate being bored, and all my friends know that.
It’s a plus if they could follow my thought train. I think too much. Due to that, people tend to think a bit crazy, if not, smart.
What are your hobbies?
I love to read, and listen to music. When it comes to books, I love classic novels to reference books to manga. It’s really calming to read. Unlike movies, you can take the description of the chapter, and create your own voice and image for them. I find that quite fun. The reference books, the good old reference books. I like learning new things, so I reading them sometimes.
With music, I love the calm environment it brings. When I am alone I tend to listen to the more mellow sounds. When I surrounded with people, I listen to a more upbeat song.
I forgot about photography! I love taking photos of everything.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
Yes. I have been able to donate clothes and money, but not time. I will do so in the future since right now I am focusing on school.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
I would love to be an accomplished travel reviewer. I know that not like saving the world before bedtime, or something like that. But I would love to be able to tell people where to go, what to do, and how much it is. That isn’t my dream job, but it is one thing I would love to accomplish before I die.
Who is your role model?
I really don’t have a role model. I like living for myself. My inspiration for life comes from movies, books, music, and generally life. If I see something amazing happen I will remember forever, and always allow that to help me through out life.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
I really hate when people say the numbest things. That really bothers me, and I tend to mock them for it (well, if it is my friends, jokingly). You really should watch what to say to people.
What do you want to do for a living?
I want to become either a pastry chief or a history teacher. Interesting, they are not even related. Ok. Seriously. I love to cook, and I love to eat sweets. I should make a living out of it right? Then I have a heart of history, so teaching it wouldn’t be hard for me.
I could do both. During the school year, I would be a teacher; during the summer, I would run my own little café and gourmet bakery. Now that is a nice dream.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
If my friend was attacked, I would make sure they get any help they need. I would stay by their side. Since, that is when you learn who your real friends are. And after that, if it was a person, I would make sure they just their just deserts.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Yes, only if it was really needed. Yeah the Imperius curse says really tempting, but no… that is wrong. I am not going to say no, because in life/death you should keep your opinions open.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Why must this be so hard.
Optimistic I like to look on the bright side of life. There are too many bad things happening in the world, but you can’t let your side get down. Be happy, since there are always someone worst off then you.
Different Even if my friends call me ‘crazy’, I refuse to let them change who I am. I am proud to be me, and if you don’t like it-get a new friend.
Smart I guess I know a lot of things even if I don’t have the grades to prove it.
Humor I make my friends laugh often.
Open-Minded I like listening to new ideas and blah, blah, blah. ;)
I really suck I pointing out my good qualities.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
Lazy I am really lazy when I don’t like what I am doing. I call it “I Don’t Want It Do, So I Won’t.” This leads me to be very unorganized, and that is really bad.
Worries I am a worrier, major.
Annoying I think I am a bit annoying at times.
Unexpressive I can’t say what’s on mind most of the times.
Obsessive I am obsessive about the weirdest things, like the corners of my paperback books.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: It is being about to be different from the herd. How can you be brave, but follow the crowd?
Loyalty: When you are able to stand by your dreams, goals, or friends without being asked. Nothing but love for the people you care for so much, that they notices it.
Intelligence: Not just knowing the facts, but also being able to use them. Being able to think for you. Plus being creative and witty does happy.
Ambition: Just plain not giving up for what you want, or what you believe in.
Name: Ayumi
Age: Sixteen
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) Slytherin. I don’t really cunning or ambition enough to get in. I wouldn’t survive in that house. I just too… -fill in the blank-.
Where did you find out about us? My livejournal friend,
mistressdm8 is a member.>