If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Tricky question, obviously, as there are many, many things wrong with the world. But I believe the one thing I would want to change the most is this mentality spreading through America that you are entitled for everything around you to cater to you. That may be exaggerating a bit, but the fact remains that it is easier than ever to get away with accusing someone, something, or any group of people on some idiotic, convoluted charge that should not even be considered in a court of law. Even outside the judicial system, people are now growing to expect success to be handed to them rather than earning it themselves. Our generation is being given fish without being taught to catch them ourselves, and if it continues in this fashion, our society can only decline.
What makes a person respectable? Many things. As true intelligence is becoming rarer and rarer in this society, it is certainly a desirable and refreshing trait to see in a person. Independence as well, for the same reasons listed above in question 1. Pride is a matter that can be respectable if not applied foolishly. It is good to be proud of and love your work, but some forget to take a step back and observe their work from an outside perspective, leading them to be almost arrogant with their pride, holding it too close to their heart. Finally, I very highly respect people who are tolerant of all people. It is something I strive for, but am not able to accomplish 100% of the time.
What do you look for in a friend? Sense of humor, front and foremost. Good humor, though, not overly sarcastic and cynical humor that can lead to a destructive friendship. I'm a person who likes to relax more than be serious and there's nothing I enjoy more than being able to share a laugh with my friends. The rest of the time, though, its good to have friends who are understanding and willing to listen to your problems, as you will (hopefully) do for them. "Fair weather" friends, who stick it out with you only through the good times are the most undesirable.
What are your hobbies? Reading, obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be here. I love listening to music, and playing it on trombone in band. Video games are always good, but I much prefer RPGs to other genres, nothing gets me involved like actually caring about the story and characters. And while I can honestly say I'm not banking for a Ravenclaw vote, I do enjoy chess and have played it since I was eight. Finally, writing is my great passion, when my mind isn't occupied by working eight hour days.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I would have to care personally about the charity in question. I would certainly like to be charitable, but I don't see myself as being able to commit to it without a strong connection.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? Write a series of books. For a while now, since I was about 14, I got an idea in my head for a long, sweeping story, and I haven't been very successful in getting the ideas on paper (or screen). It would definitely rank high on my priority list though, especially when I go off to college and have a bit more free time.
Who is your role model? I...really don't know. All through my lifetime, I've relied on myself a lot, especially since my parents divorced early in my life and my mother was always fairly occupied with my more angsty brother. There are certainly a lot of people I respect, but none I'd really consider a role model.
What trait most annoys you about other people? How can I put this delicately...? There are times when a person's emotions need to be expressed. In our society though, and in politics more often than needed, some people let themselves become too wild and simply act without thinking, usually leading to offensive or depraved behavior. People in a civilization, especially one as advanced as ours, should be civilized.
What do you want to do for a living? One of two things, or hopefully both. Write computer programs, ideally for a video game company, or write novels. Obviously the latter would be much harder to live off of if my books don't catch on, but those would be my dream jobs.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? Depends on the situation. Wildly firing with a spell that might accidentally hit my friend would be out of the question immediately. I would try to distract the opponent from him/her while looking for a weakness, hoping that my friend would be able to back me up and double team the enemy. If not, I would try to provoke my enemy into anger (if it were a person, of course) and hold back until I could decide on the best course of action.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? ONLY the Imperius and only under the most dire circumstances, such as an attempt on my life. The Cruciatus and Avada Kedavra can be tempting at times, but I would not truly wish those on another person (no matter what I might say).
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? Intelligence, ability to prioritize my wants with my needs, ability to remain calm when needed, ability to offer advice to my friends (useful advice, or so they say), and my mad chess skills.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? Slight case of introvertedness, unwillingness to initiate conversation, picky eater, awkwardness in leading others, sometimes either too autonomous or too deviant in following orders.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Willing to do something in full knowledge of the consequences and dangers inherent. Does not apply to those who rush in blindly with no thought for the effects of their actions.
Loyalty: Willing to stand by people equally through good and bad, always offering a helping hand when needed. Does not apply to "Fair-weather" friends.
Intelligence: Not only knowing, but understanding the significance of, and being able to apply the knowledge.
Ambition: Wanting something and willing to strive for it, including possible (personal) sacrifices.
Name: Jeff M.
Age: 18
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) N/A
Where did you find out about us? Friend of mine online showed this to me. (Hey Ash).