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Nov 19, 2004 19:19

Name: Olivia
Age: 13

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I would definitely change the way people think. They would be more cautious and thoughtful. Because honestly, all the world's problems derives from someone's messed up thinking.
Who is your favorite Hogwarts teacher? Pro. McGonagall. She's strict, determined, and tough. But on the inside she is so sweet and loving. She tries to keep this tough exterior image but inside she's a sweetheart. She's the kind of teacher I would love to have. Respect her and she'll respect you.
Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter? Probably Hermione. I think it's because I relate to her so well. We're both determined and focused, yet rebellious at times. She's very clever and witty, and I like to think I am. I don't know if Im as brave as her though. We both love to spend time at the library ^.^; I think we'd get along quite well.
Who is your least favorite character in Harry Potter? Actually, Hagrid. I can't really explain it, I just find him incredibly annoying. He adds a lot to the story, but I just hate him. The last time I read OotP I actually had to completely skip the chapters 'Hagrid's Tale' and 'Grawp' to escape him.
What makes a person respectable? I respect people who don't feel the need to please everyone. I don't mean just do whatever they want, but I mean that they don't need to pretend to be something they're not. They accept themselves and do the best they can with it. They don't need to give in to all the trends and stereotypes. They are original and kind and so great, but they don't know it.
What is your take on religion? Im a Christian. I think religion is honestly a comfort mechanism. It gives people hope that there is something greater; something to look forward too. But Im still young, and I have much to learn.
What do you think about house elves? I love them, they're absolutely adorable. I actually don't agree with Hermione about S.P.E.W. I think that if the elves are happy, let them stay. If there is the occasional elf who wants to be set free, then we should do whatever it takes to give them their freedom. But if she keeps bickering them, she'll cause problems.
What do you look for in a friend? Mainly honesty. Especially in girls. Girls have a tendency to be a lot more catty and back-stabbing. I look for someone who I can tell anything to and trust. Someone who's kind and thoughtful, and understands me.
Would you rather have friends and family or money and success? That's a hard decision for me to make. I'd take friends and success. LOL. Just playing, that would be cheating. But it is tough because I've never been that close to my family, my friends have always been there for me. So I guess I would take friends and family just because my friends are such an important aspect in my life.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I wish I could understand peoples actions a bit more. Like a psychiatrist does. Someone does something mean and I find myself asking "Why would they do something like that?" and I want to be able to answer it.
What do you feel is your best quality? I think I can be very understanding. I try to see people's views and respect them. But I still know how to stand up for myself.
What are your hobbies? Mainly I like reading and getting on the computer. I like going through tutorials and trying new things, learning new stuff. I love reading. I can lock myself in my closet and finish a book in a day. Im patient when it comes to that, but not to many other things. Right now my favorite books are the Traveling Pants series by Ann Brashares and the Pendragon series by D.J. Machale, as well as HP.
Do you want to have children? Right now, no. I have no doubt in my mind that it will change though. Either my reasons for not wanting to have them, or my decision will switch. I just think that Im too independent to have children. Does that make sense? I guess what Im saying is, I like traveling and being able to do what I want to do, when I want to do it. Kids would hinder that process.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I haven't, but I would. If I had it to spare that is. Im very iffy about some of those charities though. After watching Law and Order, I see how easy it is for those companies to rip people off. So I'd make sure it's legit before donating.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? Um.. try to save them...
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I would like to graduate from OSSM. More formally known as the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics. I don't want to graduate with honors, or do anything outstanding; just graduate. Make it into a good college, and get a job I love.
Who is your role model? J.K. Rowling. I know. It's cliche for a Harry Potter fan to say that. But honestly, she is. She's a writer, she keeps up with her family and her life is my ideal. She controls life and has managed her dreams. She is so respectable. I would like to be able to touch people all over the world like she has touched me.
What trait most annoys you about other people? Probably lying. It comes with back-stabbing and gossip. There are always those people that from cliques and leave other people out. They will betray their best friend and think nothing of it. I think it's horrible. I don't get how they can just lie outright to a friend like that. And about things so stupid. Just to 'fit in'.
What do you want to do for a living? Well I'd love to be a famous writer. But I'd really love to open my own Publishing Company. I'd like to build a name for myself so I can pick and choose who I want to publish; make dreams come true.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Yes, if it was in terrible need. But in most cases I believe there would be a way around it.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I really think we all have a bit of every house; but honestly, I think Im least like Hufflepuff. Though I won't complain about being put there. I don't feel I posess their qualities.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? I'm not good at self-evaluations. Absolutely horrible. But if I have to.
1- Understanding.
2- Ability to stay rational.
3- I don't have to give in to "trends" to please myself.
4- I don't hide from my problems.
5- Sense of humor.
Where did you find out about us? A post in __sortinghat.

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