If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?I would say world peace, but for that to be possible all hatred would have to be eradicated and I don't think the world is anywhere near that. I would say that I would try to make universal primary education effective and also universal secondary education. That could lead to the world peace part, the better educated you are, the more you can see how others live and see their points of view.
What makes a person respectable?That they can laugh at themselves. That they are true to what they believe, but will hear what others have to say. They can stand up for what they believe in, but notice that others are doing the same thing.
What do you look for in a friend?Well, that they can laugh at themselves and at me for when I am being silly. They also speak their minds. They care for me and will be there if I need them, and not just when it is convenient for them.
What are your hobbies?I write, I love writing. At the moment it is mostly fanfic writing, but I do write original ideas and poetry. I also love to run around outside, and just be able to be free from life for a little. I love to take pictures and to travel, and combining those makes a day even better.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?I have, on both parts. I give in causes that I have a close feeling to. I would give to anything for heart research, because my dad just had open heart surgery. I would give to lung or prostate cancer research because members of my family have died from it. I want to help someway in abuse cases or teens with an alcholic parent because I have lived through that, and want to try to tell them what it was like for me and how to deal with it, and let them know that they have someone to talk too.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?I want to write a book. No questions about that.
Who is your role model?I have many, and they are fictional characters. Meliara from Crown Duel is one of them. She stands up for her principles, and does what she thinks is right. She knows fear, but also knows that there is a time for it and not. She does get hurt by people, but will make sure not to hurt other people. I also look up to Éowyn from Lord of the Rings. I do because she sees the world one way, is hurt, and then does something stupid, but then learns that the world is not like what she thought. I know that sounds weird, but what I am getting at is that she changes, and she knows that she does.
What trait most annoys you about other people?When they go along with the crowd. When they think a certain way because they don't want to be singled out, I mean, they just think that going with the crowd is better than being different.
What do you want to do for a living?I want to be a high school history teacher, but that is still about four years away and for all I know it could change in that time. I want to be an author too, I really like writing and I like history as well. I want others to know that there is more to history than dates, but also how people thought at the time and why decisions were made.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?In front of me? I would go after the thing and I would try to stop them from going anywhere. I would want them to get what they should for what they did. If I heard about it? I would help my friend to the police or whomever and try to tell them that they need to do what is right and tell what happened. And that I would be there if they wanted.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?Not the pain one or the imperious one. The killing one I am not so sure about. I guess I would prefer to have a serial killer have their sole taken out by a dementor rather than dying, but that is the one case for that one.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?I would say one is my imagination. I love that and do not know how I could survive without it. I can remember dates well, and that helps with somethings, so I like that. I am also creative, I can make something boring sound kind ot fun and I like doing that. I listen to people, and try to make sure that I keep their opinions in mind when I argue back to them. I have overcome my fear of talking in front of people so I also count that as one of my top five qualities.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?I tend to let my emotions control me rather than thought. I act and then can do stupid things because of it. I can't spell to save my life, so it takes two spell checks to get most of my mistakes. I can go off in my own world and don't listen to what is around me. I stay up too late and then do nothing, like when I have to write a paper or something, I always leave that for the last minute. Sometimes I am not motivated enough to do things, and then things don't get done and I hate myself for that.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage:Doing what you believe is right in the situation, but not the absence of fear.
Loyalty:Being there for someone or something when they need it.
Intelligence:Knowing facts and how to use them.
Ambition:Knowing what you want and then doing all in your power to get it.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)Hufflepuff, I may say that I can be loyal and stick by people but I have been hurt to much to follow through most of the time. I can't see staying by people who do things that I don't think is right because they say they will change. I have heard that to much and undying loyalty is not my thing.
Where did you find out about us?Browsing for icons.