If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I would do what I can to improve science/medical education here in the US (you have to start somewhere) because the only thing more dangerous than ignorance is a half-educated public. People who only understand a small chunk of the larger picture are more prone to panic, and paranoia which can lead to behaviors that are either overkill, or can leave you more prone to infection (like someone who will wear gloves, but forget to wash their hands with warm, soapy water)
I work in a lab currently in the accessioning department, and I have this coworker who must go through half-a-dozen face shields a week because she'll throw it out if someone else touches it because she is THAT scared that she'll get sick. I just watch that and go, "WTF?" I shudder to think of how far she'll go if there was ever a real pandemic (like that new strain of avian flu that the WHO is keeping an eye out on.
What makes a person respectable?
I don't think it's any one thing that makes a person respectable. I respect a person if they are sure of their opinions and can back it up. I respect a co-worker if it's obvious that they are doing all that they can-petty sh*t in the workplace pisses me off to no end and pulling stunts like that because they're unhappy makes me lose a lost of respect for a person. I like a person who will stand up for something because it's the right thing to do, even if it goes against popular opinion. I respect open-mindedness, because that ability to consider differing views leads to wisdom. I respect ambition because you need something to drive you in life. I respect people who do their own thing, because it takes a certain kind of courage to be able to do that, especially if your own niche is off the beaten track.
In the end, there really isn't one thing that I look for in a person to decide whether or not I respect them, it's a bunch of small things that are unique as the individual that I am thinking of.
What do you look for in a friend?
I look for people with an off-kilter sense of humor and for people who are up for a good debate. I like having people I can geek out with and possibly not even be the geekiest one there. Most importantly though, I look for someone I can trust. I've been burned before and have since learned my lesson.
What are your hobbies?
I'm into anime and playing computer/PS2 games (OMG! Girl gamer alert!!!) as well as I enjoy reading and playing with Legos. Yeah…I tend to be a bit of loner but eh, it suits me nice :D
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
I've donated money, though I haven't been one to volunteer. I recognize that there are causes that are worth helping, and they tend to be more political in nature, or outside of my community. Thus, giving money is the most efficient way of showing my support.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
I want to be known for having Done Something. I don't know what that something is, but if I've impacted the world in one way, shape or another by the time I die, I will be a happy girl.
Who is your role model?
Hm…I haven't thought about this for a long time so I really don't know who my current role model is. When I was in high school though, I had this one teacher who totally kicked ass. She was like 6'0 tall, had a BA in bio, an MS in chem., and a Ph.D. in early childhood education and she was just a total force. Even though she wore something Disney every day, she was the kind of woman you wouldn't mock because she just had that personality behind her. She was very smart and a force to be reckoned with and she totally rocked. (I even had a male teacher who was scared of her. Hee!)
What trait most annoys you about other people?
People who prank their friends in ways that make you go "and s/he's my *friend?!" I had friend who told me she was engaged, so that was all, yay! SIX MONTHS after the fact she e-mailed and said it was a lie but she couldn't figure out how to tell me. WTF? Betraying my trust is like the biggest pet peeve in the world and will permanently get a person on my sh*t list.
What do you want to do for a living?
What I'm doing now, that is, working in a lab :D
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
Depends on the resources that I had available. I sure as hell wouldn't go rushing blindly in if I know I was going to end up in as bad of shape-if not worse-than my friend. I'd try to get help from another person or use something in the enviroment to try an dissuade the attacker-from a distance where they couldn't get me.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Hrm. Not Cruciatus-I'm not that kind of sadist. I might use Imperious if there was something that I had to know in a life or death kind of way and I had no access to Veritaserum. I say I'd use the Killing Curse to protect myself or a loved one, but I don't really know that I have it in me to kill someone-or even the ability to cast it in a life or death situation when focusing would be difficult.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. I have a strong work ethic, which I think is underrated these days. After all, Julius Caesar didn't form the foundations of what would become the Roman Empire by sitting on his ass all day, did he?
2. I will do things the way they need to be done, even if it pisses someone else off or gets them into trouble. I don't care about what's easy for you, I want it done *right* because I hate looking bad and I will do everything that I can to make sure that doesn't happen.
3. I get in good with the authorities. Authority figures are your friends. They can take care of problems that you can't necessarily handle yourself. And if you *do* get into a spot of trouble; you can get off lighter because they know you and respect you.
4. I've got a good sense of humor. Life is too short not to laugh!
5. I'm an individual. I hate sheep and I do what I can to not be one of them.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. I'm demanding. I want people around me to work as diligently as I do. It makes me come off as bossy and I can be a pain to work with.
2. I'm outspoken. Not everyone likes that. It's hardly a bad thing to be outspoken, but it can make some situations a little touchier than they would be if I kept my mouth shut.
3. I'm a bit of a loner and have trouble connecting with people my own age. It's like, I do want to fit in, but I just can't always figure out how without giving up who I am.
4. I can come off as a know-it-all. It's not something that I try to do to show off (I know that I'm smart, I don't need to prove it to anyone) but it can still happen.
5. I may not be too quick to temper, but when I get pissed off, I get *pissed* and it can get ugly. I once chewed out a lab group in high school because they stuck me with almost all the work. I apologized immediately after the fact, because I felt like a total ass. So I work to keep my cool, but I don't always win the battle.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to stand up and do what's right even if it's hella difficult to do. For me, Neville is the most courageous guy in Gryffindor, because not only did he stand up to the trio in SS/PS, but he later even joined the DA-and stayed loyal to it even after it had more or less disbanded. He's a wizard who is just lucky that made it into Hogwarts and he's doing the most that he can even though it has to be really hard for him to do that. I really respect that.
Loyalty: Staying true to those that have given you a good reason to stand by them. Blind loyalty is pure folly, and you can get into a boatload of trouble for your efforts. If though, a person has stayed by your side through thick and thin, you owe it to them to be there when they need you.
Intelligence: Intelligence is when a person can absorb book knowledge and connect the dots. Ratting off the battles in the last year of the civil war won't impress me. Being able to connect why the Union chose to engage the Confederacy at those locations will.
Ambition: The drive to do *something* meaningful to you.. Whether it's to master a difficult piece of music, read the collected works of all the Bronte sisters, get that job at Amgen (or other big company of your choice) you need *something* to push you to keep going.
Name: El Lance
Age: 24
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
I think I could fit in anywhere, because like everyone else, I have traits of all the houses. I'd be content wherever I wound up.
Where did you find out about us?
I've seen mentions in other communities around lj, but I can't give any specific names (woe)