(no subject)

Aug 31, 2005 20:12

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Hmmmmm... That's a really tough one. My initial response would be to answer sarcastically (but humorously), "Harsher punishments for parole violators, Stan... and World Peace!" But I'm probably guessing that you want an honest, albeit serious answer.

Here's what I think:
We (as in society as a whole), are too overstressed, too overworked, and too tightly wound. I see my parents, my friends, and even myself work our butts to the ground, and then, when we get one glorious day off, we work more... AT HOME!!! Do yourselves a favor, when you have a day off, see it as just that: a DAY OFF, i.e. a day of rest, a day of sitting on yer butts in front of the TV or even better reading a freaking book! In the words of the great Van Wilder, "You shouldn't take life too seriously; you'll never get out alive," and my friends, it's the truth.

What makes a person respectable?
What makes a person respectable, you ask? I see respect in 3 ways: thought, word, action.
Thought: What are your values? What are your morals? Do you have conviction? A strong sense of self and the world around you?
Word: Do you take time to think about what you say before you say it? Do you know whether or not what you're saying is credible before you say it? Do you wonder if what you are about to say may offend someone around you, or whom you may be talking to in conversation?
Action: When you have a choice, do you take the easy way, or the right way? Do you take the time to decide on something, or do you act before you think? Do you think about what may be affected by your decisions?

In this respect, no pun intended, it's clear whom a respectable person would be as opposed to someone who would not have my respect. If that's at all clear.

What do you look for in a friend?
I look for someone who has things in common with me, but also many differences. I want a friend who is going to make me laugh, but is always there if I need a shoulder to cry on. I want a friend who sees my flaws and faults and doesn't either try to correct them or make fun of them. I want a friend that I can talk to for hours on end and we never seem to stay on the same subject. I want a friend whose door is always open to me, because they will always be most welcome in my home. I want a friend who would be there for me at the drop of a hat, and will be proud of me during my achievements. I want a friend who would share and keep my secrets, but if was against her better judgement, I would understand if she'd rather I'd not tell them to her. I want a friend whose loyal, a friend who would stand up for me if someone slandered my name and tell off someone who hurt me or insulted my intellegence.

What are your hobbies?
Well, I've become quite addicted to Photoshop :), but I also dabble in video editing. I'm a movie buff, but I'm also a reader (because sometimes the book REALLY is better than the film), I have an eclectic taste in music, and I also sing in my church choir.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
Yes, both. I give $$$ at the very least once a year to Shriner's Hospital, and have made visits with various groups there.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? Getting my screenplay done, but with work and a few other snares in the road, it's just not happening anytime soon. Plus, I got a wicked case of Writer's Block.

Who is your role model? This is going to be pretty lame, so bear with me. My mom is the greatest rolemodel I could ever have. She has every quality that I could ever hope to have one day. I see her strength and I see her strife, and it makes her shine. She's the type who won't give up a fight if she believes what she's fighting for is right. She won't let people walk on her, but she does it with grace. I wish to be like that (I still have a few kinks to work out, but I believe I'll get there some day).

What trait most annoys you about other people? Okay, this comes from 5 years working as a waitress, and 2 years in retail. The one thing that annoys me the most is parents who don't teach their children how to act in public. I used to think it was the kids themselves, but one day, while I was waitressing, I realized, it's not them, it's the people who CREATED them. I guess it was the way I was raised, but if I EVER behaved like that out in public with my parents, I'd be dragged into the bathroom and had my butt blistered, believe me! Now, I'm not saying that I condone child abuse, because I seriously don't, but discipline is something else ENTIRELY. I was raised in a pretty strict household, and i got in trouble quite a bit, but now that I'm older and on my own (sort of), I realize why my parents were so hard on me, and why they grounded me or punished me for what ever ignorant thing I had done. It seriously humbled me, and I'm all the more happier for it.

What do you want to do for a living? My dream job would be to write. I love writing. Either that or film editing. I've found that I've got a pretty good eye for it, and it's fun. Anything where I can let my creative side shine would be good for me. I'd hate to sit in an office all day bored off my keister typing reports and filing forms, etc. and so forth. I've done that and it wasn't so great! No thanks, I'm moving on...

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
I would do whatever I possibly could to help my friend, at least in the most legal sense of the word. If it were a person, I would probably end up turning them in.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? It would strongly depend on the situation. Like, I would have to definitely have to assess the sitch first, because if there wasn't a just cause or reason for performing said Curse, then I would try to find a different way to solve the problem. If it were a life or death sitch, then I might.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1.) Strong Character
2.) Loyal
3.) Just thinker
4.) Speak my mind
5.) Humourous

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1.) Opinionated
2.) Sarcastic
3.) over analytical at times
4.) a bit anal retentive
5.) sometimes, but not often suffers from Hermione Syndrome (insufferable know-it-all disease)

Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to voice what you stand for and to face your own fears, i.e. Getting over stage fright takes courage, jumping into an unnecessary battle is stupidity.
Loyalty: Trust. Honor, valor, selfless dedication to a person place thing or idea, loyalty is commitment.
Intelligence: Having the ability to think for one's self.
Ambition: Possessing the passion for something (and idea, a project, whathaveyou) and going for it. Drive, conviction, passion = Ambition

Name: Kristin
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I could tell you which one I would prefer not to be in, but that's not exactly the question, so I'll leave that up to you guys.
Where did you find out about us? just browsing around, no one in particular, sorry guys!

sorted: hufflepuff, term iii

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