ooh, an application! *jumps around excitedly!*

Sep 07, 2005 22:26

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
"Make 'em Laugh" is a famous song in the musical "Singin' in the Rain". That the world needs is laughter, along with a little bit of love, self respect and compassion. In the past few years, the population of the world has become so self-involved, that they have forgotten some of the things that are essential to life: love and laughter (among other things). If I could change one thing about the world, I would change the amount of love and laughter readily available to everyone in the world.

What makes a person respectable?
What makes a person respectable is different for every person, but in my eyes, for a person to be respectable, they have to be willing to make sacrifices in their life for others, to show that they are not self-centred and to show that they have what it takes to survive in this world. Survival is all about change, so a versatile person is highly respecatable. Also, a person can be seen as respectable if they can show that they are capable of love, and are actually able to act upon that capability. Now, don't get me wrong, i don't think that for a person to be respectable they have to BE in love, no no no, I'm saying they have to show that they can love, even through friendship, and with that, comes courage and/or loyalty for friends (because you'd be very willing to help them).

What do you look for in a friend?
I look for someone who I can have fun with, but who I can also have a deeper connection with. I look for someone who I can depend on, but also someone who I know can depend on me. Friendship is a two way thing, so I look for devotion and loyalty (to a certain extent, ie: I wouldn't expect many of my friends to dive in front of a bullet for me, but there are many I would definitely risk my life for). I look for someone who is able to take risks, be a bit daring and, well, someone who is quite likely to get me into trouble because I'm laughing (especially when i'm supposed to be)! Finally, I look for common ground, common interests and (some) common goals so we can push each other.

What are your hobbies?
I love anything to do with music, whether it be learning it, singing it, playing it, teaching it, writing it or listening to it. Yes, I would say that this might even border on obsession, but I don't really care, I love it! I think the reason I am so passionate about it is because it is such an awesome relief from the stresses that are evident in everyday life. Plus, i'm a 'vibrant' person, so it's nice to have a creative outlet! Lastly, I love going for a run, because it gives me a chance to vent my frustrations on pavement, rather than make everyone else put up with my bad behaviour!

Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
I have and will hopefully continue to give time and money to charity because it benefits so many people in ways that I, (by myself) never could. I give more money than time, sadly because with my UNI degree, work at church and a part time job, I am kept a little too busy for my liking.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
If, through my life, I can help others, then my life goal will have been achieved. But that is only one of the things I would like to accomplish. I also dream of recording one or two of the song's I have written so I can share them with my friends (a number of my songs have been written with certain people in mind, so it would be nice to show them the result of their impact on my life). I can't wait to accomplish yet another thing, to start a family.

Who is your role model?
Oh my, I have so many! One of these, however, is Liv Tyler. She is a role model because she has never been afraid of being who she really is, no matter what people think of her. I am (at times) very insecure, especially about how I look, and Liv has encouraged both myself, and many other young women arund the world, that they are special, no matter what some people might think. A quote I was introduced to via a favourite icon maker, which was the text on a particular Liv Icon, was "Be who you were born to be". I almost live by that quote, because it's so inspirational and true.
She's also a role model for me, because she doesn't 'take any shit'. She's blunt when she has to be, which is very much like me.

What trait most annoys you about other people?
It annoys me when people know they're wrong, and they refuse to admit it. Sure, I'm as stubborn as the next person, but I konw my limits. If you're wrong, you're wrong, no question about it. I also don't like it when people are unecissarily mean, simply because it drags peoples self esteem right down into the ground, NOT COOL.
Also, I work at a supermarket, and it really ticks me off when people assume that I'll do everythng for them. Sorry, but when I've been working 9 hours, the last thing I want to do is RE-PACK YOUR BAGS!!! You see, I have an agressive streak in me, and believe me, you don't want to be on the recieving end when I've had enough cause chances are, I'll say something that you might not want to hear. moral to this story - Kim has an attitude problem, especailly when she's been working all day!

What do you want to do for a living?
I'm currently training to be a Primary School Teacher, though my dream is to work in proffesional Musical Theatre, because it's so much fun! But so far, Primary Teaching is awesome, I wouldn't mind teaching till the end of my days! I'm also an aspiring singer/songwriter, though I don't think I'll get very far with that, because there is so much competition in the music industry these days. :) I have determination, and am willing to do pretty much anything to get me where I want to be, but I lack the utter cruleness and thick skin that is so pften associated with the music industry.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world)
beast), what would you do?
I know this probably sounds quite typical, but I would run in, wand drawn ready for the fight of my life. I would (quite litterally) fight to the death, becasue I am stubborn as anything and would not want to accept defeat. I would, however, be careful, making sure that my actions are not going to negatively affect my friend, because if they did, it would possibly be just as bad as if I had just let the beast keep attacking them. Knowing me, I would possibly use an unforgivable curse on the poor brute, just to see if it would make an impact at all.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Most probably, YES. I am generally a VERY forgiving person, but if someone used an unforgivable curse against my family or my friends, and I was there, i would quite possibly go into a rage and want revenge. It wouldn't matter that I hadn't done one of the curses before, I would give them a fairly good try anyway, just to try and hurt the attacker. I'm fairly calm, but WATCH OUT if you made me really really mad!

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
*I am what some people might call 'a natural born leader'. This means that if there is a situation that isn't under control, I will naturally step in and make something happen. Some people might count this a 'bossyness', but I think it's a great skill to have.
*I love, and am completely passionate about Music.
*I am quite driven, when I'm not too busy procrastinating ;)
*I have great team spirit, though now and then I like to do things by myself.
*I fight for what I believe in, no matter how badly I get burnt. And believe me, I get burnt.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
*I can sometimes take a joke that little bit too far, and not even know it. One minute, everyone's laughing, next minute, I've offended someone even though the joke was never aimed at them... *head desk*
*I am WAY too good in the art of Procrastination, unless the task involves music.
*I am rarely organised, and am often running about 5 minutes late.
*I can't save money. I've tried, it just doesn't work *sigh*.
*I can't, for the life of me, seem to understand why some people do the things they do. I try to understand people, and for the most part, I succeed, but on the whole, I can never understand peoples reasonings for things in their life...

Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Being strong enough in spirit to do what you must, even though you may not completely understand what it is you might be fighting for.
Loyalty: Fighting for the ones you love, no matter the cost to yourself.
Intelligence: Being able to apply the right knowledge, at the right time.
Ambition: Knowing what you want, and going to great lengths to fulfill your dreams, often even though it may bring others down along the way.

Name: Kim
Age: 18
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Where did you find out about us? I have been keeping an eye on this community from my old account (Schnider)

term iii, sorted: gryffindor

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