(no subject)

Sep 15, 2005 15:27

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?Hm, gee, that's a hard question. I would probably just make everyone get along. Life in general would be so much easier that way.

What makes a person respectable? A respectable person is someone who treats others with respect. Wasn't it Sirius said if you want to know about someones character look at how they treat their inferiors, not their equals? Don't quote me on that because I bet I messed it up somehow. That's basically how I see if someones respectable. It doesn't hurt when they're intelligent. I can't really deal with stupid immature people. AT ALL.

What do you look for in a friend?In a friend...I look for a lot of things. Mainly similarities. I don't like stupid people, as I've stated in the question above. But when I say stupid I don't mean people who just aren't that bright, I mean the people who are ignorant or just don't care to try. Two days ago actually, I was talking to my english teacher (she's pretty much AWESOME and we get along really well) while we were correcting her second period's notebook things. And about half the class chose to do nothing. And I was telling her how it just boggles my mind that they don't care. It's quite sad. Oh yes, but back to friends. Well, it helps A LOT when people have the same sense of humor as I do. That's what really starts the friendship I think. Also, if they like the same type of music I do is a plus!! A major plus!!

What are your hobbies? Well, I like sports. I was in volleyball until a week ago I tore my ACL (it's a ligament in your knee) and now I'm out for 9-12 months with surgery on it's way. Woopy do. Also I like to snowboard and play tennis. Other than sports I like to SHOP, read, hang out with my friends, listen to music, and just have a good time.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I've given things to charity not just money. I give my clothes to the clothes bank all the time. Also, a long long time ago in 3rd? grade a kid in my class was from kasova (do you remember that big thing on the news about that?) and we helped raise 6,000 dollars for the refugees. We also helped bring in school supplies for the children there. It was pretty cool actually. I like giving back.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? My most current goal is to graduate in the top 10% of my class. I'm in it as of now but I'm kinda worried because math has never been my strong subject (don't get me wrong I'm still a year ahead) and this year most of it, so far, has gone right over my head so I'm afraid I might get a c in that class. Other than that, I hope to go to the University of Washington and become a doctor. But I'm afraid of blood so I've gotta get over that fear too. So I guess you could say that that's one of my goals as well!

Who is your role model? My role model...that's a tough one. To me, role model is a big word. Like, it means a lot to use it. And I don't really know if I have a role model. At least just one anyway. JOHN WILLIAMS. Music is pretty much my life and I think it's amazing that someone could write so many scores to so many different movies and still be able to capture a different feeling for each one. The scores always fit the movie perfectly and I envy his talent with writing music, for it's extremely difficult. Another person I really admire is my mom. As a child she had alcoholic parents. They were extremely poor and her dad was in the military so they moved around a lot. My mom still isn't the most outgoing person in the world. Throughout most of her adolescence she was labeled a loner, or the poor girl with no friends. She dropped out of highschool at 16 and got a job. By 20 she was pregnant with my older brother. Some how, she found my dad and together they straightend out their lives. My mom is extremely intelligent, if she stayed in school she probably would have been a psycologist or a professional writer. She's really talented.

What trait most annoys you about other people?I'm gonna say more than one. Because there's a LOT of things that bother me about people in general.
Oh geez, you asked the wrong person this question.
#1: BAD GRAMMAR. I hate it. Period. See, notice that, I put a period at the end of my sentence. Whoaaa I'm sure that takes a LOT of effort. OH here's another example I spell a lot two different words. Just like they are. Okay, so anyway, bad grammar is so annoying to me. I constantly see it on instant messaging programs. You know that one AIM icon that says " R U there yt?" I honestly had no idea what yt meant and I asked a friend and they said "yet! duhhh." and when they told me that it struck me, are people really THAT lazy? I even sometimes see it on school PAPERS. ESSAYS! People think it's okay to use "u" and "r". That's so sad to me...UGH. Another thing about grammar that bothers me is the fact that people think there's only one "there". Oh yeah, and that you're is just your. No! NO NO NO!
#2: Lacking ambition. There are so many people at my school who just DON'T care. It is so hard to fail a class but they just fail all six. I watch them sometimes, when we're taking notes for example, they just sit there, look around, or sleep. When a teacher gives an assignment THAT easy, all they have to do is copy down the notes, but noooo they decide that they want to just look around reading the posters on the wall that say things like "try your best!" or "stand up for what's right, even if you're standing alone." I really just don't understand it. How could you not care that much. It's like they don't realize that what you do in highschool reflects what you for your entire life. Especially those kids that you know could be so great at everything. Those kids who have so much potential. I want to like shake them and say "DO IT NOW! YOU HAVE SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!!!" It's pretty much really really annoying.
#3: Smokers Okay, I don't have anything against people who've been smoking since the 50's and 60's. They didn't know about the effects. But kids now, who smoke just because it's cool. UGH IT'S SO STUPID. I've always wondered about these kids and I asked a few of them what they think and some of the most common answers are "If it really was bad for you the government wouldn't let the tabacco industries sell it!" or "All that stuff on the TV are total lies! They just don't kids underage to smoke." or, this just tops the cake guys. "Smoking relieves my stress." I mean, think about it, if you really wanted to smoke, why not just smoke weed. At least you get something out of it. (Not that I'm saying that you should ever smoke anything.)
#4: Liars Okay, here's my biggest pet peeve I think. I really don't mind if people who decide that they don't want me to know about something personal or just something that they'd rather keep to themselves want to lie to me. I don't care. What I don't know won't hurt me. I'm a big believer in that. But when you decide to lie about stupid stuff just to make yourself look cooler...I just can't deal with that and I'll be a big fat bitch to you all. Let me tell you a story about a real life experience with this. One of my best friends, Leah, well in 9th grade she decided to date this guy Josh. At first, I was like, "Hey, this guy is pretty cool." He even showed us this awesome song called "the panda song" and said that his friends Matt and Daniel wrote it and at first Leah and I were like "OH MY GOODNESS HE'S EVEN COOLER NOW!" But for some reason, I thought the lyrics would be on google so I searched it and found out that it REALLY WASN'T HIM singing the song but this other group I don't remember the name. Slowly Leah and I discovered that he lied about so many more things...I just can't stand people like that. I think it's sad really..Well let's just say that they're definately not together anymore. Ew.
#5: Immaturity. Sometimes, most of the time, the immaturity of people astounds me. I'm in 10th grade for those of you who couldn't figure it out, and yet, people still think that it's funny when people say "boobies" or "fart". Come ON kids, grow up. In Chemistry, probably about a week ago we did this lab using glow sticks and someone in our class decided to steal 20 of them. Keep in mind this is predominately an 11th grade class. The glowsticks were seriously only about an inch long. WHO NEEDS 20 GLOWSTICKS AN INCH LONG!??! They weren't even different colors. Well anyway, our teacher was so angry he said we really won't be doing many more labs. UGH! Retard.

What do you want to do for a living? I want to be a doctor when I grow up. I've always liked to solve problems in real life. I thought about being a CSI because that job is also fascinating...but they only make about 35,000 a year starting off and if I was a doctor I'd be making about 135,000 starting off. I just want what's best for my family. I also thought about being a psychiatrist, but I'm a horrible listener. I tend not to care unless it involves me somehow.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
Hm, since this is in the magical world I'm assuming that I'll be a witch? Well if I was a witch I suppose I'd try to cast a spell to defend my friend. But if that wasn't the case I think I'd have to defend my friend somehow...throw rocks at it or something. But if it was a person I think I'd probably scream for help.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? In the spirit of the moment I think I would say that I would want to but I don't think I could ever go through with it. Actually, now that I think about it, if I was ever put in the situation like Harry was with Bellatrix I would use an Unforgivable. I would want to cause to her as much pain as possible. But I don't think I could ever use the killing curse.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? Hmmm...
Competitivness: I am such a competitive person. Hopefully, you've noticed the lenghtiness of my application. I, recently was reading a couple applications on a sorting site. They said this girls application was "one of the best applications she's seen." So lately, I've been trying to out do her. Though it doesn't really look like that's going to happen on this application. But who knows. There's still like 25? more questions. In sports I'm also extremely competitive. I play volleyball and tennis. When we lose volleyball I get so angry, mostly at myself if I didn't do well. Not so much in tennis but still. Weirdly enough I dislike contact sports.
Judgemental/apathetic: To me, Judgemental and apathetic go hand in hand. At first, you may think that they're pretty much opposites, but most people I know who are judgemental tend to be apathetic to other's problems as well. Yes, I judge people by what they wear, or how they present themselves. I don't see the problem with it really, I'm normally right. I'm not saying that once I see you my first impression on you is set. If you prove me wrong I'll acknowldge it and we'll move on. People say that I seem really cold when they first meet me and they're not wrong at all. Now, for the apathy. I've already talked about this but I'll try to explain it in a different way. I'm really not the person to come to when your boyfriend's broke up with you and is now dating your cousin. If something doesn't effect me it won't matter. I don't really see the point in getting so bogged down in other people's problems when you could be happy. Plain and simple, I just don't care.
Musically Talented: Now, this is something really positive! Music has always come natural to me, it's something that I've accelled at without trying. Singing or playing instruments, I'm good at it. I love music and it loves me. I have good ears and I can tell when a note isn't in tune. I can pretty much pick up pretty much any instrument and play it alright in about 30 minutes. If there's one thing that I'm extremely arrogent about it has to be music.
Intelligent: Well, people say that music and intelligence are linked. Here's your proof. I'm smart. I don't really like talking about my intelligence though because I seem like I'm pushing for Ravenclaw. I'll talk about it anyway. Intelligence is something that I look for in a friend, it's quite a prevailing quality. I don't really think I could ever be friends with someone who isn't very intelligence. It's stiffling, I don't like having to explain myself to someone who doesn't know what a word I used means. I'm really impatient, if you can't keep up with me I'll get really frustrated.
Funny, but in a weird way: I love to laugh. Laughing is the best feeling besides love. So anyway, I have a really weird sense of humor. It's okay though, because my friends have the same one. I'm not really set on being COMPLETELY origional, but I don't want to be one of those girls in those cliques who look/talk/and act exactly the same. I shop where I shop because I like it, not because it's what's expected. ...explaining my weirdness is a lot more hard then I thought.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1.) I lie to myself so much. SO MUCH. Well, I just lie in general. Sometimes, I'll think about these scenarios in my head and make up lies for what people ask me. I know, I'm weird.
2.) I have a fascination with not being me. I'm ashamed of myself sometimes...It's hard to explain so I'll just leave it at that.
3.) I didn't know whether to put it in the positive or negative section...but I tell it like it is. Whether it might hurt your feelings or not. Some of my friends love me for it because they know they can come to me when they want a true opinion and others don't like it too much because I come off rude.
4.) I'm stuck up beyond belief. I like the feeling of being better than other people. I like that my friends and I basically rule our grade. I like that people are intimidated by us. It's horrible I know, and the sad thing is I don't care.
5.) I'm lazy. But not to the extreme. I just don't like to put away the dishes every day or go get the mail.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to stand up for what you believe in even if you may be standing alone. To have confedence in yourself. Bravery.(haha I stole that from my english teacher's poster...but oh well.)
Loyalty: Being faithful to what you believe in.
Intelligence: being able to acquire and understand things. Learning doesn't just mean studying your heart out to memorize a bunch of random facts, it's remembering those facts that really matter.
Ambition: An extremely strong desire to do what you want to do without letting anyone stop you. Driven

Age: 15
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Where did you find out about us? I found out about you through the community on GJ, Housesorting.

sorted: ravenclaw, term iii

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