sort me!!

Sep 26, 2005 21:12

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?: I would change the fact that the world is so seperated by our differences. I think that the world's people should embrace the things that make us different. What makes each of us different makes us special and interesting to be around. If we were all the same, life would be utterly boring, colorless, bland, and not worth experiencing. Without different perspectives, tastes, and opinions, we wouldn't have anything to talk about. I know that when I talk to someone that has the same thoughts and ideas about everything that I do, it's just not interesting because you just say that you agree...and then that's the end of the conversation. I'd rather talk to someone who loves a band I've never heard of, and let them open my minds to what may become my new favorite band. If everyone embraced everyone else for who they are, our world's people would be closer and more loving to everyone else. That would hopefully be the end of wars and the beginning of peace talks and bonds between nations.
What makes a person respectable?: If they treat everyone with the respect that they deserve. No one can respect a person who doesn't respect them. Respect doesn't mean admire, it just means that you treat the other person kindly. You don't talk down to them, or ignore what they're saying. You listen, and really take their ideas into consideration. You wave back to them when they wave at you in the hallway. I think that the people who do those little things for others are the really respectable ones.
What do you look for in a friend?: Someone that can make me laugh, that I can trust, and that I have fun being around. In a really good friend you can't have one trait without the others. Someone can be really fun to hang out with, but when you tell them a secret, it's suddenly all around the school the next day, or when you're having a really hard time, they're suddenly not there for you. That, my friends, is what we call a "fair weather friend". I know a few of these. There are also people who you can trust with just about anything, but really arn't that fun to be around. In a really good friend, I want to be about to tell them anything, know that they'll be there for me when I need them, and I we can have a ball being in eachother's company.
What are your hobbies?: I play the bass in my school's orchestra, which I love. Not to sound conceited or anything, but my orchestra's pretty good. We were just invited to represent Washington State in Mozart's 250th Birthday celebration in Vienna. We're going to be heading over there in April and I can' barely contain my excitement. We're also going to be seeing Salzburg and Prague. Anyway, I just ADORE playing the upright bass. I think it's the foundation of the orchestra, and I wouldn't give it up for anything. I also love photography and painting. I've only done a bit of painting, but it really helps me destress and calm down. I tend to let my emotions out on the canvas. I haven't gotten the change to do much photography yet either, but I'm hoping to get a camera for Christmas and maybe squeeze in a photography camp over the summer. I'm a huge harry potter fan (but then again, arn't we all?)!! My three closest friends and I have created the "Harry Potter Cult" which isn't a real cult...but we get together regularly and talk about anything Harry Potter. We're avid Mugglenet checkers and are currently planning our costumes for the Goblet of Fire premiere!
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?: Yes. I recently donated money to the Red Cross via Mugglenet. I've spent time at Northwest Harvest packing boxes for local shelters, and I've spent time creating pathways in nearby parks. I want to do more for charities, but it's really hard to find the time. I recently joined a program called "OneWorld Now!" which provides Arabic language classes and leadership classes. In the leadership classes, we were told that later on in the year, we're going to be given the opportunity to work with local charities, and I plan on taking full advantage of that when the time comes.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?: I want to graduate from college and find a job that I'm really passionate about. Graduating from college is a huge deal in my family. My mom didn't graduate from college and is now trying to go to night classes to complete her degree. Seeing how difficult it is to do later in life, I plan on going to college almost immediately after I graduate from high school. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do as far as a career is concerned. Since in a job, there's no such thing as mid-winter break and summer vacation, you really have to love it since you're going to be there for such a huge part of your life. I want to be able to find something I really enjoy doing.
Who is your role model?: I would say my mom. She's amazing. She's a single mom of three kids, who works full time as well as going to college to finish her degree. She's constantly doing something, and she never stops. She hasn't even had time to read the Harry Potter books. She's either working, making dinner, going to school, driving my sisters to various sports, or helping us with our homework. I don't think that I'd be able to survive a day in her shoes, and I truely admire her for handling everything so magnificantly.
What trait most annoys you about other people?: Cruelty. I can't stand it when people treat others badly. Sometimes I just can't understand how people can do such horrible things to others.
What do you want to do for a living?: I'm not sure...I think I've narrowed it down to something in the arts, but that's such a big range of things. I love playing in the orchestra, photography, and painting. I also love music, so maybe working for a record company or in a record store. But as I said, it's such a huge decision...I'm not sure I'll ever really have an answer to that question.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?: Immediately rush to their aid and help in any way that I could. I'm not sure that I would even think about it for a second, I would just jump right in and try to help. Try to get the beast or person off of my friend, or try to lessen the damage that's being done to my friend. I couldn't just stand there watching, and I wouldn't be able to run for help because I'd be too worried that my friend wouldn't be able to wait for me to return.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?: Only if that was the only option I had to defend myself, my friend, or a loved one. But I think that the only Unforgivable Curse that would fit a situation would be Avada Kedavra. The others wouldn't really be able to help me defend someone I loved. But if someone or something was hurting someone I loved in any way, and there was no other way out, I might resort to The Killing Curse, but only if it was my VERY LAST OPTION.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?: Fun loving, Caring, Passionate, Funny, and Responsible. I think I'm fun to be around and I can make people laugh. My mom says that sometimes I care TOO much about others, and I find it easy to put myself in someone else's shoes. I can usually tell what others are feeling as well. As far as passionate goes, when I have an educated opinion about something, I seem to stick with it, and have a lot ot say to anyone who disagrees. I'm responsible, I take care of things that I need to, and if I say I'm going to do something, I usually see it through.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?: Sometimes I'm a little TOO passionate about things, a bit unorganized, stubborn, chocolate, cheese puffs. My best friend says that I'm stubborn, and once I get an idea in my head, I don't let it go for anything, which can be a bad thing at times. I'm a bit room is almost never clean, but I have to say that I like it that way. As far as weaknesses go, my two are chocolate and cheese puffs. But not together. ;)
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Standing up for what's right, even if the majority is against it.
Loyalty: Standing up for your friends when everyone else is putting them down.
Intelligence: Book smarts, and street smarts. smarts in general.
Ambition: Going after what you want, no matter what the consequences/sacrifices.

Name: Mykela
Age: 15
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.): Slytherin, because I wouldn't give up everything/everyone to get what I wanted. Plus, the whole Dark Magic thing....
Where did you find out about us? Searching live journal...

sorted: hufflepuff, term iii

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