Pensieve! wait, wrong community!

Sep 29, 2005 21:09

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Busting out with the tough questions first, are you?

Well, I think I would make people less stupid. Not to sound overly arrogant, or sure of my own superior intellect (ha, ha) but the amount of stupidity in the world is something atrocious. Not only does stupidity impede progressive motion, but it also causes intolerance. I include not being able to open your mind as a ‘stupid’ trait. Actually, stupid probably isn’t the word I’m looking for at all, but I wish people thought about things more. Were able to take a step back and really evaluate what they are seeing.

Not that I’m one of those ‘lets-hold-hands-drink-coke-and-sing-kumbaya’ kind of people, but so much is wasted when people hate each other. Opportunities, advancements, hell even the simple fact that human relationships are important is wasted. Intolerance, close-mindedness, stupidity, whatever you feel like naming the larger social issue. People don’t think.

Worst of all, they don’t act either.

What makes a person respectable?
A person who is respectable is someone I personally look up to. Respect means different things for everyone and I can’t speak for the whole human race, so I’m just going to speak for me.

They have to be able to see both sides of an argument. They have to be able to remove their bias even when confronted with something which they personally cannot stand. They have to be able to embrace others, not just tolerate them. They have to be intelligent and driven aware of their strengths and aware of their shortcomings.

They don’t have to be perfect, but be aware of what they are lacking.
They don’t have to reach for the stars, but they have to at least make a damn good showing of it.

What do you look for in a friend?
A friendship I can value. I look for a friend I am comfortable with, and can be silent with.

(I’m C&Ping my 4husortingA friendship is valuable to be if we can be silent together. If we are comfortable enough to sit and not feel the need to fill the space then I value it. I don’t care if we argue or don’t get along sometimes, but if we can be silent then we can make up. If we are comfortable with each other, we can point out each other’s flaws and not get offended. Silence is better than words sometimes.

Maybe it isn’t a friendship that will last like one built on loyal words and promises. But it will be one we enjoy while it does, and when it comes time that we’ve grown apart, we can accept it because we already know how to be silent with each other.

What are your hobbies?
I like to read and I love to write. Reading is something which can take my mind to other places, where as writing lets me create those places. Writing has also always been a bit of a stress reliever. When I write I can angst as much as I want and people can call it creative license. I guess its like how Freud says dreams reconcile the Id and the Superego. It gives a socially appropriate space for sometimes socially inappropriate behaviors. So writing is all that rolled into one for me.

I play the viola (not incredibly well) but well enough that I enjoy it. I can play video game sheet music on my viola if I feel motivated enough to transpose it.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
Both. I was on a grant review committee in high school. It was a group of girls from my county who were responsible for reading over grant proposals, doing site visits and then coming to consensus on who to fund. Admittedly, I started it (in Sophomore year) because I thought it would look good on my college application. However, the next two years I did it because the experience was rewarding. Not only that but I learned a lot about nonprofit organizations.

I give money to various funds when I can, but I like to check on them first. For example, I try not to give to the Red Cross because I don’t know where its going (unless I feel like giving out broad sums like that). But usually I try to do the more direct funds that go directly to a cause.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
I want to be remembered.

Truly, the ways which I can be remembered I would prefer to be positive. I was considering being an ER doctor. Crappy hours and not the most lucrative job, but people remember you. You were that person who put their innards back in or whatnot, ya? You can save lives without having to get caught up in them. Or maybe an author, so my name is written down for a long time coming.

Who is your role model?
(She’s fictional, be quiet :P)
I think it would be Jilly Coppercorn from Charles de Lint’s Newford novels. Jilly is an art student (and later a teacher) she isn’t the most successful in life; in fact Jilly works at a café as a barista. Jilly owns an apartment and probably won’t make enough to buy a house, but she lives. Jilly is a survivor, she was molested by her brother back home. She ran away from home and survived on the street… and she still believed enough in humanity to accept help from Angel (another character). Jilly wasn’t always good at art, she persevered and became better. Sophie and other friends call Jilly ‘the denmother’, she has time to listen to people’s problems and try and help them. Above all Jilly never loses sight of the unseen, I guess. She believes in miracles and magic, and yet can be firmly grounded in reality.

Most admirable, however, is that Jilly matures and knows who she is. She knows herself and that is why she can offer her shoulder for people to cry on. Because she knows what she is offering is real.

What trait most annoys you about other people?
I hate people who can only see from their own perspective. People who can’t even think that there might be another point of view. Even if you are an egotistical bastard, if you want to get ahead you have to consider what other people are thinking about.

No problem is solved by people clinging to one belief, there has to be compromises and bartering.

It makes them look stupid, as well. I would say that I do hate stupidity the most, but people who try are infinitely better than those who don’t.

What do you want to do for a living?
A little tie in with what I want to accomplish, isn’t this? (For me anyway)

I would love to be an author. However, I am well aware of the actual likelihood of that happening. It is like Stephen King’s pyramid of talent. You can only improve or unimproved by one tier. So I’d have to be an above average writer to begin with to be an excellent one.

So I guess my second choice is to study my ass off and become an ER doctor. I want to help people, but getting caught up in their life like a general physician, I don’t know if I could do that.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
Get out of the way. No, not to let them get eaten or whatever, but if both of us got eaten well, damn, we’d be screwed. So I think I’d take a step back and try and assess the decision. So get away, distract it after formulating a plan and then set said plan into action.

(This is assuming I wouldn’t be a huddling lob of jelly on the ground.)

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Yes. There are times when death, control and pain are things that are necessary.

So maybe I’d be Unforgiven, but at least I knew I made the choice. Whether or not it was ‘for the greater good’ or ‘for personal gain’ it was still a choice. I would make it based on the facts I had in front of me, and of course the consequences. If the ramifications (social, personal, political whatever) were too great I think I’d have to seriously consider what I’d be gaining.

But yes.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Creative Thinking I’d like to think that I can ‘think outside the fish box.’ Problem solving and just general wacky-thoughts have always been my specialty. I did Odyssey of the Mind in elementary school and that was a real good outlet for our thoughts.

Tolerance It is very easy (maybe too easy) for me to step into someone else’s shoes for a moment and think from their point of view. Often enough I find myself rooted in an opinion, but can’t help feeling the pull of both sides of the argument. I also try not to mock others, or at least, try not to actively make fun of them. After all if I make fun of them for making fun… isn’t that a bit hypocritical?

Optimism I can be cynical if the situation calls for it, but I always see the positives. I believe in hope and all that jazz.

Realistic This balances out my optimistic side and keeps me from being a raging idealist. I can dream about things, and rationalize why I can’t do them, and then find a happy medium. They keep each other cozy and friendly.

Absorbent I have this issue when people say “I’m intelligent” since it is all very relevant. I can take in a fair amount of information fairly quickly. And then spit it all back out. So I guess ‘sponge-like’ is also a good adjective.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
Socially paranoid I always feel like everyone is constantly judging me. That I’m too much this and not enough that. I feel that they whisper behind my back. I know they aren’t, but I can’t shake that feeling.

Paralyzing Fear of Rejection I often sidestep things, or manipulate things to hide more of my true self from people. I don’t want them to find out the ‘real me’ and then reject me. I don’t think I could deal with it. (Though, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger?)

Pedantic On occasion (maybe more than occasion) I like to show off my knowledge. It gives me an ego boost and so I’ll do it even when I know it is rubbing someone else’s face in the fact that they can’t do something.

Self Deprecation I love to hate myself. I’m always telling myself how much I suck, how fat I am, how stupid I am and all that. It makes it hard to approach things with confidence.

Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to approach and unknown.
Loyalty: Allegiance.
Intelligence: The ability to process information (and intake information) consistently and at a fairly good pace.
Ambition: Reaching for something past your plane of sight.

Name: Anna (Or Jack, really :P Either is ok)
Age: 18
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? Gryffindor. I’m not a courageous person at all. I maybe what some people call ‘passionate’ but I feel it isn’t a Lion’s kind of passion. Also, I’ve never been sorted a Gryffindor anywhere, so I can never see it in myself.
Where did you find out about us? takarakanashi

term iii, sorted: slytherin

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