
Oct 30, 2005 11:53

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?I would have to ask people to be more accepting. I mean, if they could just do that, life would be so much more easy and not to mention peaceful. Wars would be stopped, people wouldn't be teased, prejudice would hardly even exist. I'm not saying that everyone is closed minded and , but some people are, and those are the people who start wars and hold grudges against whole races and nations, because of one person who did something wrong. No one but the guilty should be punished.

What makes a person respectable? Willingness, manners, level headed thoughts. Respectable people are those who think before they act or speak, and think of others before themselves. They keep promises, they finish things, they keep their obligations. They stay focused on the task at hand and they get it done. They're a friend to those in need, they stick up for others.

What do you look for in a friend? Loyalties, sense of humor, someone to talk to. Someone I can tell my problems to, someone I can count on to be there. I look for someone who can stick up for me, but also tell me when I'm being stupid and making a mistake. I look for someone who I can call and get my homework from, or go shopping with. Someone I can cry and laugh with, someone who likes me for who I am.

What are your hobbies? Reading is a huge one. I really really love reading, be it books, newspapers, fan fiction, I'll read anything really. I also love to write. I like to write essays, fan fiction, stories, opinions/reviews, journals. I like to paint, and I think I'm good at it. I don't take pride in most things, but when I finish a painting, I feel happy, giddy even. I love music too, and I'm currently learning to play guitar, and I'd love to learn how to play the piano. I listen as well of course, basically anything, except for country, and most rap. Other than that, I'm pretty open minded.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? You know you see those containers.. or bins, you might call them, in fast food restaurants and such, I always put money in those. I don't know if that's saying much, but, I do it anyway. I like to raise money for my school, like fund-raising; you know, selling cookies, raffle ticket, doing car washes. I used to sing at a nursing home every month with my church, but I stopped when I moved here. I'd love to do some work in the future though, and I'd love to make a lot of money so I could give to charities. So, yes, certainly I would :)

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I would absolutely love to write a great book series. I love writing, and to have fans all over the world, people loving my work and waiting for my next book, would be marvelous. I know I could never compare to J.K. but I'd still love to try it, and succeed. I can't imagine what it feels like to be such a famous author! I mean, she's the richest woman in Britain, can you really get much better than that? I don't think so, though I know some would argue. Really, that is my dream, and I'll do what ever possible to make it come true.

Who is your role model? My mother, truly. She's hard working and supports us without my father. She goes to work everyday for ten or more hours, and comes home to cook dinner and help with homework. My mom is truly amazing and she surprises me with her strength everyday. She comforts but knows when to push, and she's always there when someone needs her. I'd love to be like her someday.

What trait most annoys you about other people? I really don't like it when horribly dumb people, who have no idea what they're talking about, express their opinions out loud. Not to offend, but you see that a lot here in the south. It really just makes you want to scream, or say something like, "If you don't have anything decent to say, don't say anything at all." Really, it's totally and completely annoying. I hate it.

What do you want to do for a living? Be an author, as I told you before. I know that it might not pay that much at first, but I am willing to work for it, and I will work hard for it. I really want to do this and I want to succeed. But, I really imagined my first job working in a coffee shop, as weird as that may seem. I never really gave much thought to a career early on, but there's this coffee shop called Abbi's not too far from my house, and it's very cozy, definitely somewhere I could see myself working. Not for the rest of my life, but to have a paycheck. It seems like fun to me, and, I love coffee :)

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? Help them, of course! If I left them there, they may die or be injured, and I would not want that to happen. I might run to get help, but if I didn't think I was going to find anyone, I wouldn't be gone too long. I would do whatever it took to help them out of that situation.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? I might, to save someone, or to kill the Dark Lord. I mean, if you had the chance, wouldn't you kill him? that's the only person I'd kill though, if I could. I don't know if I could live with myself if I killed anyone else. Or like I said, to save someone, like a friend, if they were being attacked, but that would only be if I absolutely had to. I think it would just be easier to use a stunning spell.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? First of all, intelligence. You can't survive in this world, or not well, if you don't know how to read or write. That's very important to me because I'd like to be a writer, and you certainly have to be intelligent to do that sort of thing. You need to know grammar rules and such. Number two is imagination. As important as it is to be intelligent, you need to be creative as well. If I was writing a book, or a fan fiction, I'd need a plot, and a setting, and characters; well, in a fan fiction, most of my characters are already given, but that's beside the point. You need imagination to have dreams, goals, a life. Number three, ambition. You/I need ambition to get where you want to be in life. You need it to, again, have goals and dreams, but you also need ambition to achieve those dreams. Nerve is my number four. You need nerve to be strong, courageous, and brave. Having nerve can help you get through your hardest times, or just your day. Number five is devotion. You have to be devoted to what you do. Like me, let's say I was finally starting my book. If I wasn't devoted to it, I'd probably never get it finished, having my dream crushed. So, to recap, intelligence, imagination, ambition, nerve, and last but not least, devotion.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? Stubbornness is a bad quality of mine. I'm stubborn mostly when things effect me, but sometimes when they effect other people too. I'm also very indecisive, and it makes people angry sometimes. If someone asks me where I want to eat, even I I know where, I'll just say I don't know. Sometimes it's with bigger things as well. I don't get angry very often, but when I do I can yell, which I don't like at all. I hate being angry at people, and I feel horrible after I yell. I tend to keep things bottled up, so they all just spill over when the time comes, and it's really bad for me to do. It makes my emotions very extreme and heavy, which isn't good. I let myself get stressed out, and I stay home from school and other things because I feel depressed and I feel like I can't do anything but lie down. It worries my mom, and it worries me, but I can't really help it. Again, to recap, I'm stubborn, indecisive, get very angry, bottle things up, and I let myself get stressed out.

Define in your own words the following key traits:

Courage: Courage is definitely something you need to get by. Courage is being brave and fearless. It's having spirit and looking out for the people you love, and yourself. You need it to get through your day, your work, even to get through the night. You need it to deal with your problems and your friend's problems.

Loyalty: Being loyal is sticking by your friends, family, yourself, no matter what happens. It something terrible goes wrong, they'll still need you, and you need to be there. You have to keep you promises and have a shoulder to cry on. You need to help, be caring, and most of all understand.

Intelligence: As I said earlier, you can't survive in the world without this. You have to be smart and at the top of your game to get to the places you want to go. Intelligence is not only being able to read, write, speak, and whatever else, but to do it well.

Ambition: Again, as I said earlier, you need ambition to achieve your dreams and goals. Ambition is what drives you, what keeps you going. You need to it to finish things, and to start things. It will help you live, and live well.

Name: Rebecca Ann

Age: Fourteen

What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) Actually, I don't really have a house I feel I don't fit into. If I had to choose, I'd say, mostly, Slytherin, even though I think I could do well there too. I don't know, it just seems like evil surrounds the house, even if not all the people in the house are. I wouldn't say I'm evil, maybe mean sometimes, but not evil. Still, I think I could be in Slytherin house too.

Where did you find out about us? bartendersgirl told me about it in a comment to my friends only entry :)

sorted: ravenclaw, term iii

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