Applying for entry ^_^

Nov 02, 2005 15:09

Edited to expand strengths and weaknesses as requested!

Hey all, Siani here, hoping to be sorted.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Simply put, people seem to have lost perspective. We forget what is important and we become obsessed with the unimportant, and while we are chasing the unimportant (money, power, useless stuff etc) we trample all over each other, our planet, and even ourselves. If I could make a change to the world it would be that people would stop more often put things into perspective, and consider the consequences of their actions.

What makes a person respectable? A person is respectable when they respect themselves, treat others with respect, and earn the respect of others by trying to be the best possible version of themselves.

What do you look for in a friend? Someone interesting! I can't stand people who are more concerned about being cool than being original. Which I guess isn't terribly original in and of itself, but there you go. ^_~ I want friends who are passionate about the things they care about, and who care about other people. Most especially people who know when to take themselves seriously and when to just laugh.

What are your hobbies?I love making things. I like drawing, weaving, quilting, spinning, cooking, baking, anything that involves creating something. I also love fixing things, especially machines, and I am secretly good at it although no one would suspect from my girly domestic exterior.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? Oh yes, especially political and environmental causes. I have been going to rallies and marches since childhood. My family are crazy activists to a one.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I would like to find a place and a purpose where I can just relax and be happy rather than worrying and doubting so much.

Who is your role model? I don't really have a role model... or maybe I have many. There are so many incredible people out there who have changed the world, but in the end we are all flawed...

What trait most annoys you about other people? Closed-mindedness. If you can't process new information and reevalute your beliefs as necessary you are wasting your brain.

What do you want to do for a living? I want to be a translator right now, because I love languages and I love to write.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? Try to help of course. I can't say how much good I would do, but I'm not about to watch anyone get mauled, whether I like them or not!

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? I like to think I wouldn't, but I am not sure. To protect my family? Maybe.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
I am...
genuine- I am not much like any stereotype of what I "ought" to be. I am just who I am, weirdness and all. I don't know if this really counts as a good quality since past experience has proven I couldn't be anyone else even if I tried, but I have come to value it.

trustworthy-You can trust me to do what I've said I'll do unless you hear otherwise. I can keep secrets, and I am protective of my friends, sometimes to a fault.

tenacious- This is the flip side of stubborn. If really want something I keep at it even if I absolutely hate the intervening steps.

funny Perhaps I should have said witty. When I am on I talk very quickly and say things in weird ways to make them funny. I just like making people laugh. Incidentally I have a very loud and doofy laugh myself. That person who suddenly cracks up at a very minor joke when no one else in the theatre does? Yeah, that's me. *^_^*

clever I can figure things out quickly. I am great with words and word games, and I pick up languages naturally.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

I tend to doubt myself Do I ever. I always worry about whether I am doing well enough, trying hard enough, getting the right answers, living the right way... anything and everything. It can be very tiring.

I am never satisfied with anything I've done Boy does that suck in combination with #1. No matter how hard I do try I always know I could have done better if I had JUST (whatever it is)

I speak without thinking The downside to being quick with thinking and words is that sometimes the most insensetve/idiotic/outlandish things come out of your mouth...

I get shy and suspicious around people I don't know I get very edgy with people I don't know. I think I assume that they are thinking all the bad things about me that I am thinking about me.

I am deeply stubborn there is a time to just give it a rest. I never recognize this time. I will argue a point I believe in till my teeth fall out.

Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Doing the right thing even when you are afraid or unwilling
Loyalty: Taking care of the people in your life, no matter what.
Intelligence: The ability to learn from your mistakes.
Ambition: A drive to better yourself, hopefully on a deeper level.

Name: Siani
Age: 23
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) Well, I don't think I have the motivation or self confidence to be a Slytherin.
Where did you find out about us? Just wandered by ^_^

So... What do you think?

sorted: ravenclaw, term iii

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