Edited with expanded weaknesses/strengths as requested!
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I am a firm believer in “violence begets violence”. There is no way that the world and the people in it will be able to move forward while we stick to our barbaric tendencies. If others spend so much time and money in advancing technology why shouldn’t we spend as much promoting peace.
What makes a person respectable? The people that I find to be worthy of respect are those with passion. Be it for art, music, literature, etc. It does not matter. I feel as though without our passions we would be nothing, empty shells. Many beautiful things have come about because of people’s passions and there is many more to be seen.
What do you look for in a friend? I tend to migrate more towards the bookish hermits. Does that make sense? The introspective with a touch of the bizarre.
What are your hobbies? I like to read, write and discuss. I also like to spend time alone just thinking. I have just recently in the past year or so gotten into playing video games as well. I like gardening and I’m working on my first bonsai. I love just sitting outdoors and sleeping in the grass.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? It has been a dream of mine for quite some time to open a large, no kill animal shelter for all types of animals as well as, in light of recent events, to open hurricane shelters that accept pets. It would be a shelter for not only dog and cats but for exotics as well. Having adopted my own dog from a shelter I understand the importance of having a safe haven for unwanted and abused animals. I know that something like this would be far into the future but I would love to see it done
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? Having already graduated with a bachelor’s degree, I am hoping to return to school for my master’s and PhD in Film History and Studies. It’s my long term goal to become a professor and pass on my enthusiasm and lust for knowledge. Really, lust is the only way to describe it. And being able to watch, study and discuss movies for a living does not sound too shabby!
Who is your role model? To be perfectly honest, I do not believe in having one. There are many traits of others that I admire such as individuality, independence, optimism and faith, but I think that it is most important to rely on your own self and take your own direction.
What trait most annoys you about other people? I would have to say a trait in others that annoys me would be arrogance. Yes, it is important to be confident but when it falls into a feeling of superiority it really is something I cannot stand. I won’t even be in the same room with someone of such airs.
What do you want to do for a living? As said before, I want to become a professor of film history and studies. I have my bachelor’s degree in Media Arts with an emphasis in film production, so I like to dabble in my own creative ventures. I love the idea of being a professor for it would allow me to continue learning even while working.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? This is a tough one, for I am not sure how I would react in such a circumstance. I do not believe in violence, but perhaps if it was a dire situation I may wound the person/animal/beast so that we all may get away.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? I would think not. I am very much a pacifist so I don’t believe that an Unforgivable Curse would come from me. I would do my best to think of another way to handle the situation.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1)Empathetic-Well, as to say, that I do my best to be empathetic so as to be as supportive as I can to others and not hinder them, but to drive them on.
2)Intelligent-Not so much as a "better than others" but that I have made many mistakes and have learned from them.
3)Independent- I do better on my own, but can work well with others. Haha!
4)Stubborn- I'm a Taurus, what can I say? I hate to be told what to do.
5)Trustful- I give out much confidence to others and I expect the same in return.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
Believe it or not I think that my top five abilities/qualities are also my weaknesses. So many things will have others taking advantage of you.
1)Empathetic-Sometimes you can feel you understand someone in parts, but really you miss the whole.
2) Intelligent- I might come off as somewhat standoffish, but I'm really just introspective.
3) Independent- Yet again I may seem standoffish, but I really enjoy a good confidant!
4) Stubborn- I have gotten in much trouble with this, especially with "bosses". Haha!
5) Trustful- Once someone knows you have trust in them, it makes you most vulnerable.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Courage of heart, mind, soul and body to do what you find important is an important necessity for living in the world today.
Loyalty: Being there for someone no matter where life and experiences may take you.
Intelligence: Having not just book smarts, but experience smarts as well. I don’t think there are any set rules, but I think you would never want to stop learning.
Ambition: Setting very high standards for yourself but knowing when you need help.
Name: Jennifer
Age: 25
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? N/A
Where did you find out about us? I was searching livejournal interests for an active and interesting “Harry Potter…” community.