I tried to lenghten my answers! I will explain more...Added stuff are underlined. Please re-read, for any changes or add-ons.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I would make all people be equal...in terms of nobody gets left out, nobody suffers, nobody is an outcast. Because I myslef experienced misjudgment from "popular kids".My opinions/suggestions are always looked down by "popularz", as I call them. They look down on my suggestions even though my suggestions are better/wiser than theirs.
What makes a person respectable?
I think person is respectable for his intellectual capacity,knowledge and ability to stand by his personal perceptions in life and to be not afraid in defending them. That is why I hang out w/ my friends who can understand me everytime I talk about teleportation etc. and are not afraid to sometimes bend the rules or fight for what they think is right.
What do you look for in a friend?
I look for a friend who is realistic because I am a dreamer. I need a friend who can bring me back down to earth .Someone who always has new ideas. I look for a friend who can accompany in search for knowledge. I look for a friend who can endure my weird sense humor, intimidation and discriminations. I have a knack for science. I look for friends whom I can share this passion with. I am what my friends call "The critic" because I really like to criticize. I also look for friends who can accept my criticisms and also be a critic to me. In that way they can tell what I should change or not change.
Excuse me, I just can't help asking what is the use of this question. I think that you should be sorting the person for who they are and not for what they look for as friends...Please comment on this for clarifications.
What are your hobbies?
I like reading, watching TV, playing volleyball and chatting with my friends. I like playing RPG's It releases from reality and sometimes give me ideas to further discover. Another hobby of mine would be accepting challenges. What I mean is like in debates, I like to disagree with the whole crowd. I like the thrill and rewarding feeling everytime I smack into their faces that they should be open-minded and consider other options.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
I have never given money or time to charity...and there is a small or should I say "no" chance in doing it in the future. I have more important things to do. Time must not be wasted, a minute of time wasted delays humanity's technological progress for weeks!
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
I would like to finish my studies and be a doctor or nurse. I wouldn't like a stagnant job where all my learnings wasted(truck driver etc.)! It would only be a waste for me graduating college! I would like to make a name in history...specifically in the area of science. I would like to be known in areas where physical talent is NOT needed because we cannot leave them all behind in this world when we die.
Who is your role model?
I don't really bother looking for one. I prefer to be one myself. I don't want to imitate others and be contained in what they do or have accomplished. I don't want to be named as..."RJ, further studied on the idea of..." I like to go out the boundaries, solve the unsolved, discover the unknown.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
Foolishness and Ignorance! Ignorance greatly annoys me! Asking others to explain further what they can't understand! Along with that I don't like people who pretend to be smart and all yet they don't know what they are saying until someone corrects them. Foolishness annoys me because gives people the feeling of regret once you realize your mistakes. I know mistake is inevitable in our imperfect human lives but my view is do we need mistakes to change for better? Impulsive acts only lead to tragedy.
What do you want to do for a living?
I would like to be a doctor and help others. I also like to make RPG Computer Games where everything is possible.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
I would defend my friend and retreat so together we could devise a plan to get back to them. Impulsive actions will only lead to tragedy. I cannot rely on luck all the time! Maybe I'll cast a binding/mind control spell and use the animal/person to my benefits. Like making the person/animal attack my enemies or do my chores.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Yes I'd use it if the person really deserves it! I would not use it directly on the person but on their loved ones, so they would suffer greatly. After that, it is their turn... I'd use it for people who made my life miserable!
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Sense of Humor--I cheer people up, whenever people are sad.
Influence on People--I can sometimes influence people into doing stuff or not do stuff. Lets say I have the charm...:P
Slyness--I am sly and sometimes outwit my friends and enemies. I give people pranks. I once pretended to be someone and fooled him.
Desire for Acknowledgement--Acknowledgements like in school, I really like to show people that I can also do what others do. People might say I have attention defficiency but who cares?!
Intelligence--I grasp things easily. I understand concepts easily. I despise spoonfeeding, like my Chemistry teacher is doing. I like to ask her how did this/that lead to this/that...
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
Being Self-centered--I tend to focus more on myself sometimes neglecting others. I see usually see only myself and not others. I really need to work on this attitude of mine
Intimidation-- Me frightening someone sometimes gets overboard and I end up in a fight.
Being unreasonable--I like being unreasonable, where people get upset in reasoning out to me..It gets me into fights.I don't see this as a weakness but as a worst quality. It gets me into fights.
Blackmailing--People just say this is a bad trait of mine but I don't really mind it. Blackmailing makes me sure that I get what I want! But I only do this to people who I know I can blackmail! :P And no, I would never do this to my friends! I like being mean to other people, only people who can widthstand me and make up to what I look for can be my friends.I don't see this as a weakness but as a worst quality.
Avarice--I tend to be materialistic(this goes w/ being self centered). I hog up stuff, for the fear that it might not be enough for me, it makes me upset if I found out that upon accomplishing something I'd find out that I lack something.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Being able to fight what is right and what is needed. To confront danger without giving away to fear.
Loyalty:To be faithful, To not leave someone's side(DON'T TAKE THIS LITERALLY), To offer everything even your life for someone.
Intelligence: To be logical and effective use of one's knowledge. To have time for learning and desire for it.
Ambition: A desire for greatness. Appreciation and achievements. It even leads people to accomplish even the impossible.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you?Hufflepuff, I think I do not belong to hufflepuff.(no offense, peace). I just feel that I am too "good" for hufflepuff (as in holy,bashful etc.) NO! I don't live with the misconceptions of Hufflepuff being dormant and toothless. I just dont feel being there...
Where did you find out about us?I heard this from my friends in school. and