NOTE: I'm Swedish. Please bear with any eventual (and probable) errors in the text below.
What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? I'd very much like to be a writer, and not in the Rita Skeeter-sense of it. ;) I've always been very fond of writing and reading; basically just using language to convey my thoughts. If there is need for interpreters in the wizarding world, I'd love to do that aswell. Any multi-professioning having to so with languages is just my cup of tea.
If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why? Probably Potions, actually. I always liked Chemistry in elementary school; learning about how substances react differently to each other and so on. There's something almost magical about Muggle Chemistry...I mean, you are actually being taught about the basic blocks of which everything in this world is made. :)
This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not? Whoa. Well, no. As they say; people get killed in The TriWizard Tournament. I'm not too fond of life-threatening situations. Plus, my physique isn't the very best, I'd have to admit.
If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why? A cat, probably, however un-unique it may sound. They're gracious, calm, and confident. They always seem to think before they act.
If you could be written into any HP Series book as a new character, which book would it be, and who would your character be? Why did you choose that book/character? Wow, amazingly difficult question. As a new character I suppose you mean a non-canon character that I make up myself, no? Then I guess I'd have most of the traits and background I have now, only slightly altered to fit the wizarding world. I'd like to be written into the fifth book, maybe (probably because it's my favorite :P), as one of Hermiones friends. I'd be, just as I am in the Muggle world, a very motivated and neurotic girl who has slight symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, heh. A girl who loves relaxing with her friends just as much as geeking out on books about sharks for hours on end.
What is your favorite magical spell/charm? Why? The Summoning Charm (Accio), definitely. I never seem to know exactly where I put things around my apartment, and with this charm I'd be able to walk around summoning the thing I was looking for without actually looking for it. Heh. Or maybe I should just learn how to tidy up.
Name three reasons why you would like to be sorted into each House. Does this mean what I like about the houses or what I think makes me belong there? I'm gonna go with what I like about the houses, please tell me if I've misunderstood the question and I'll edit. :) Oh, I'll take them in alphabetical order too I guess.
Gryffindor - Gryffindors I see as very brave people, of course. :) Courage is indeed admirable, because it makes you do what you believe is right, without worrying about what others might say. Being yourself requires courage, and being yourself is important if you want to try and change things in society.
Hufflepuff - First off, Hufflepuffs are very honest. I admire honesty very much and I love to be around people who speak their minds. I am not honest myself at all times, unfortunately, but I'm working on it. :P Secondly, 'Puffs are hard-working people. This I am myself (apart from my ever-so-present procrastination), and I can definitely associate to people who go through hell to acheive good results. Also, I see Hufflepuffs as very just people. This appeals very much to the Socialist in me. ;)
Ravenclaw - Of course, I see Ravenclaws as very intelligent. Intelligence is important to me in the people I spend time with. Ravenclaws are also eager to learn, and I simply love that characteristic. :) As someone who can spend hours in front of The Discovery Channel, it's important to me to be able to share the joy of learning new things. Last of all, I find Ravenclaws very witty. Wit is important to me, even more important than having a sense of humour. It's fun, disarming and shows true intelligence.
Slytherin - I see the Slytherins as very confident in what they do and who they are, and I value that a lot. You also need a strong sense of self if you're going to be cunning, and after all, I think that getting to know yourself is what life is all about. Lastly, I think that Slytherins set their ambitions high, and why aim for the moon when you can go for the stars? :)
Name one thing you dislike about the Wizarding World in general. Its tendency to constantly divide people in groups (I guess that does include the sorting in some ways). I know that we do it in the Muggle world too, and to great extents, but in the wizarding world it suddenly becomes more obvious. I guess it makes me sort of uncomfortable, because it really highlights the issues we have in the Muggle society these days.
You've received your O.W.L results. What are your results? (You have to have failed or done poorly in at least one subject) One class I would probably do very poorly in is Herbology. I don't know why, but I think plants seriously hate me. Every time I bring a plant into my apartment, it's dead within two weeks. It's sad, really.
I usually over-study out of fear of doing bad in school, so my guess is that I'd get pretty good grades on many of my O.W.L's (and a renewal of my Zoloft prescription at that). Subjects I think I'd do extra good in are Divination (I love interpreting things. I love subjects where there are just not one answer to a question, but several!) and Astronomy (I'm very fond of exploring the Universe and what's beyond our eyes to see).
If you could have any superpower - but only ONE - what would it be? Probably flying, nowadays. When I was younger I really wanted to be able to be invisible, but lately (that is, in the last five or so years of my life) I've been having loads of flying/levitation dreams. It just seems so freeing and wonderful! If I could just take the opportunity to go all Freud on myself, I'd interpret this as me wanting to free myself of my neurotic worries and just have fun, for once.
What is your favorite color and why? Wow, I really hate this question. :) I don't think I have a favorite color really, my opinions tend to change with my mood. I like wearing dark colors; grey, black, dark blue and the likes. I'm not really sure why, it's not that I'm particularly goth or sombre, but they suit me. They look...neutral? Classy? I'm not sure.
I could tell you colors I hate, though. :D I'm not at all fond of orange or brown. Yech. They just seem filthy and dirty-looking to me.
What is your diary like? Half-empty. I usually write whenever I find the urge to, and I don't always carry my diary along with me. Very often it's in my notebook or in my calendar; I usually like to write when I'm going somewhere.
The entries I write are mostly descriptions of feelings and thoughts. Not very "Hello Diary, today I went to the store"-ish. Sometimes my thoughts just make so much more sense when I get them on paper.
What HP character do you identify with most and why? Hermione, definitely. She has a tendency to push herself too hard, but she is trying to be more laid-back - both for her own sake and for her friends who have to listen to her constant talk about homework. I am kind of following her path right now.
What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? Me in France holding a published book of my own poetry, being unafraid of what's to come next in life. Feeling accomplished, but still yearning to do and see more.
If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? I would give a lot to animal and women shelters. After that, I'd probably buy myself an apartment in Paris; the best city there is. So full of inspiration and beauty. I'd help friends with financial problems, because I know what it's like to be in their shoes.
Which HP book is your favorite and why? Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix definitely got to me with the whole Umbridge ordeal. I seriously wanted to kill that woman. It's the book that awoke the most feeling in me; I just couldn't stop reading it!
Which HP book is your least favorite and why? Upon re-reading them, I'd have to say Chamber of Secrets. The language in this book is still a bit child book-ish, and that put me off at a second read. You can really see how the language develops more and more through the book series, as Harry grows older.
What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now? I never really had an ideal job, and I still don't. I do however have several jobs in mind that I'd like to try. I see life as a theme park basically, and I want to try all the fun rides before I go home. :) As I said, though, something to do with languages would be my thing, definitely. I love linguistics, translating, interpreting - everything.
What is your biggest fear and why? Death. Not necessarily what might come after it, but the fear that there is maybe nothing at all. Somehow, I feel like that would eradicate every thing I've ever done in life and render it useless.
You are at the end of your life and someone asks you what is the one thing you are most proud of, of all your accomplishments (it can be something you have already done or something you think you will do in the future)? Truly getting to know myself and the world I live in.
If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? Well, seeing as I want to do everything possible in life, I'd invent a "Live Forever" potion. I'd drink it without any hesitation at all. What to call it? Hmm, "Vita Eterna" sounds about right, even though I've actually never studied Latin.
If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus? My own coffin or corpse, probably. When I'd counter-spell it, it'd turn into a caricature of George Bush in women's clothes. Heh.
What do you look for in a friend? Support and inspiration. Being able to have interesting conversations aswell as watching trashy B-movies. Basically, I enjoy spending time with intelligent people who have a laid-back nature and at least some self-distance.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I can't say one thing only. I don't have one life goal set up for myself, I have several. If I had only one goal and I fulfilled it, what would happen afterwards? I'd like to enrich myself through living, basically. To know all the things I want to know and do all the things I want to do. To never stay stagnant.
What trait most annoys you about other people? Not being able to see the bigger picture; getting stuck on details. This is really, really annoying in political discussions, since people like that tend to think that there is this Magic Super Extra Fantastic Solution to all our problems. Heh. I wish.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
My curiousity. I love just talking to people about their plans for the future and their interests, because I am actually genuinely interested. As I said before, I want to know as much about the world and the people that inhabit it, before I die. Human beings are interesting creatures.
I'm usually laid-back (that is, if I'm not in a particularly neurotic period). I see no need to take myself very seriously, which enables me to be quite a fun friend, I think. :)
I'm very open-minded. I don't dismiss ideas and theories before hearing every side of the argument.
I'm a people-person. As much as I do enjoy being on my own, I really love spending time with other people, and I find it quite easy to make friends.
I'd like to think of myself as compassionate. I help my friends when they need it, and I couldn't ever bear with eating killed animals ever again.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
My occasional neurosis makes me somewhat hard to predict. My mood can change rapidly without warning.
I'm really kinda lazy, at least physically lazy. I tend to procrastinate everything - dishes mostly. Heh. And lately I've been sleeping in insane patterns; just the other day I slept for 16 hours straight. Crazy.
When it comes to writing and/or academic work, though, I have a tendency to push myself too hard. In my Senior highschool year (well, the Swedish equivalent anyway) I studied like an insane person and ended up with three weeks of intense panic attacks, and eventually a prescription for Zoloft. Good times.
I think I have an addictive personality. I used to border on being an alcoholic before I decided to quit drinking altogether. I've done really nasty things while drunk that I can't even remember, and it scares me.
I'm a messy person, haha. Organised chaos is my device. I don't like throwing things away, so my papers tend to pile up on my desk.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to put your fears aside when you know you need to do something.
Loyalty: Standing by your friends no matter what happens, and supporting them through all times.
Intelligence: I think intelligence includes many things, but basically it's the ability to acquire information and apply it correctly in everyday life.
Ambition: Not letting anything get in the way of what you truly want.
Name: Meidi
Age: 18
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I'll just let my application speak for itself. :)
Where did you find out about us? I was searching for an active sorting community, and this seemed like one. :)