Official Re-sort

Nov 28, 2005 15:09

Testing out the new application!
  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

    I’d probably be like McGoogles. I’d dedicate my life to teaching, with a maybe a little bit of Order work on the side. Why? Because I want to be a teacher. I want to be able to provide and nourish the potential of others. I’m caring, understanding and have a strong set of values that I stand by, and I think those qualities are necessary in teaching. Why would I do a little bit of Order work on the side? I find it difficult to stand by when there’s changes that need to be made. I love to be right in the middle of change, helping to shape and form it and protect it. If Dumbles wouldn’t take me, for whatever reason, I’d probably be the profession I keep giving my NP character, and that’s sort of like an archaeologist/Ancient Runes kind of person. I love history, I love travel, and I love being able to learn new things that help explain why we’re who we are.

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
    Definitely not Potions, I’m not nearly meticulous enough for that, plus, I’d hate being in the dungeons, especially because I’m allergic to mold. No, I think I’d probably teach Astronomy. I know it’s kind of a weird choice, since it’s really the only muggle class offered at Hogwarts. But think about it. There’s so much absolutely mystery that the universe holds, so many depths of galaxies and stars and planets that even the wizards have yet to understand. It’s beautiful and completely complex all at the same time. Plus, you’d get lots of fresh air!

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?

    I’d probably spend weeks telling all my friends that there’d be no way I’d enter and people were crazy to think that, and that I would never be chosen, and then at the last possible second, I’d enter it anyways. I like to challenge myself and really see where I measure up in the world. It’s one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that I know I’d be kicking myself forever for if I didn’t take the chance. There’s this quote that’s in my userinfo… that’s ALWAYS stuck with me and bothered me after I read it, and I’m going to include it here, just so you all think my app is long. No...mostly because it says it better than I ever could.

    Can you call yourself a coward simply because the courage of others seems to you out of the proportion to the triviality of the occasion? Thus wisdom creates cowards. And thus you miss Opportunity while spending your life on the lookout for it. You have to seize Opportunity instinctively, without knowing at the time that it is the Opportunity. Is it possible that I really did seize it once, without knowing? How can you feel like a coward because you were born in the wrong decade? The answer: You feel like a coward because once you were a coward.
    But suppose you passed up the Opportunity because you felt it was inadequate?

    Anyways. I’m not the type of person to pass up an opportunity when it comes to me.

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?

    I’ve actually had this done through hh_clubs, but I was also the one who ended up suggested my animagus, since I’ve thought about this before. I think I’d be a Loon. For those who don’t know, a Loon is a waterbird. Unlike a lot of waterbirds, though, they’re not the “flocking” type. They have a sort of quiet independence about them, and only depend on the few other loons that may be on their lake. While they don’t mate for life, they can. And I think that’s kind of nice, really. And as saptacular as this may be, I’d like to be able to mate for life. Sigh. BUT! If Loons are unhappy with their partner, they have no problem in switching to another one, even midseason. I don’t think I’d ever be one to let myself get stuck in a bad relationship. Loons are also very protective of their young, and could probably bite your finger at least hard enough to require stitches if the occasion so arose. The call of the loon is absolutely beautiful, for anyone who has heard it. And as a future teacher, I obviously want my voice to affect others (perhaps not in the haunting, mournful way of the loon, but more instilling feeling/learning kind of way.)

  • If you could be written into any HP Series book as a new character, which book would it be, and who would your character be? Why did you choose that book/character?

    I think I’d want to be written into Order of the Phoenix. That book has a lot of divisions between people and I’d want to be the type of person who takes a stand for what’s right, what’s true, etc. I’d want to snicker about Umbridge, I’d want to join the DA, I’d want to throw waterballoons on Malfoy and his gang. My character would be probably a 7th year student, who’d seen life, saw the good and bad. She’d probably be of wizarding descent, and would understand the fear associated with Lord Voldemort’s return, but she wouldn’t be the type of person who would seek comfort in a past that isn’t real. She’d deal with life with always the possibility in mind that things would get better.

  • What is your favorite magical spell/charm? Why?

    I’d love to say some exciting hex of some sort where like the persons’ intestines start tap dancing, but I’m going to have to go with good ol’ Accio. Seriously, if I were a wizard, I would use accio ALL THE TIME. I’d be writing a research paper and be like “accio book with that awesome quote about the Stuarts and the Blue Water Policy,” and BAM! It’d be in my hands. Or a lot of the time I leave my watch or my keys in different coat pockets and purses and so I could just accio them without spending forever looking for them. Plus, my little sister used to steal my clothes all the time, so I could totally call her on it by being like “accio my nice green tank top” and she’d be like :O. And I’d win.

  • Name three reasons why you would like to be sorted into each House.
    Slytherin - They'd probably be awesome connections, they're determined and they're sassy.
    Gryffindor - They're dreamers, they love to laugh and they're fierce friends.
    Hufflepuff - They're loyal, they're firm in their beliefs and they're love (okay, and they're hard-working, which would come in handy in motivating me).
    Ravenclaw - They're always interested in understanding, they're witty and they're creative.

  • You've received your O.W.L results. What are your results? (You have to have failed or done poorly in at least one subject)

    I’ve definitely bombed Arithmancy, although lord knows why I bothered to take it in the first place. Probably because I like to challenge myself, but really, taking Arithmancy when I know my lack of skill with numbers was just stupid of me. I’ve probably also done badly in Divination - which I know seems strange, since the logic of numbers seems to elude me, but something completely nonlogical like Divination would take a lot for me to believe, and I just don’t think I’d get into the topic enough to do well in it. History of Magic and Ancient Runes I’d probably have done well in, as I love learning those kinds of things. I’m a total history dork and although I haven’t done languages for awhile, they’ve always interested me. Things like Potions, Charms and DADA I would have done pretty well in, but not exceedingly well. They’re basic skills and I’d concentrate enough to get a good understanding of them. Herbology and CoMC I'd probably be pretty good at, because, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm a pretty caring person and I like animals and plants!

  • If you could have any superpower - but only ONE - what would it be?

    I would totally want to be able to teleport. There are so many places in the world I’d seriously consider living in if they weren’t so far away from everyone that I care about. And NO, teleporting is not being telekinetic, no matter what faroutdragon1 tells you. You can't telekinetic yourself through walls, so it's obviously much better. But seriously, distance is really really annoying sometimes. I don't know if I'd want everyone to be able to (like apparating), since I really don't want my parents showing up unannounced or anything, but if someone in my family got hurt, or was sick, or needed me, I could be there automatically instead of having to take a 3 hour bus ride to get home.

    Plus, it sure as hell beats public transit.

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?

    I’m going to have to say Neville, no matter how much I want to be Ron or Hermione. I think I identify most with Neville because people constantly look at his qualities and underestimate him, or think he is easy to walk all over. And although sometimes that may be the case, he’s really an amazingly strong person on the inside. People are always underestimating me, either they think I’m too nice to stand up for myself or I’m not getting involved in something because I’m afraid. But I have my own beliefs and my own opinions and if you try to wave me from those there’ll be a certain hell to pay.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

    I wouldn't see myself, I'd see someone else. Someone I knew either really well, or only in passing. And I'd either hear their thoughts or see them telling someone... but either way, they'd be thinking/saying that I'd made a difference in their life, and their life was better because of me. YEAH, lame, WHATEVER. There's a "laura is lame" icon over in drunkoncheese for you to take to mock me with.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?

    I'd put it towards school, firstly. And then, I'd somehow pay my parents back for the money they'd spent on my schooling, although, knowing them, they probably wouldn't take it, because it was "part of their jobs" as parents. However, they WOULD accept lots of money in like CD/DVD/Swimming pool form, so I'd probably give them that. One thing I'd really like to do? I'd like to buy a property up on Golden Lake, where my family cottage is (North Eastern Ontario, just south east of Algonquin Park). I absolutely adore the outdoors, and as a teacher I'm gonna have lots of time off during the summers. I want our family to keep being able to go up there without having to worry about whether it's our weekend or my uncles' family weekend, or how crowded it's going to get one my generation are adults, have kids, etc.

  • Which HP book is your favorite and why?

    OH MAN. Talk about a tricky question. I think probably Order of the Phoneix. The younger characters begin to come into their own, in a way. Like we see the strength of Neville, the sass of Ginny, etc. And, in the same way, JKR reveals more about the adult characters, their weaknesses, their hopes. We learn more about the Mauraders, we see people like Dumbles, McGonagall & Snape in an environment outside of school, and people like Molly, Arthur, Remus, Sirus, etc. take a more active role outside of "caregivers" of the younger generation. It's a book on the edge of something great, and I really love leaping off points. Plus, it's got action up the ying-yang.

  • Which HP book is your least favorite and why?

    Chamber of Secrets, for sure, although my reasoning is less sure. It's just sort of like the awkward tween of the HP books. You know, when your teeth aren't little and cute anymore but you haven't gotten braces yet, your face is changing to more of an adult face and suddenly your nose isn't as cute, or your skin isn't as clear, or you really should be wearing a bra/deoderant but haven't gotten your mom to take you yet. Okay, so I'm getting a little carried away with my metaphor. But Chamber of Secrets just sort of seemed like a book that was necessary in terms of timeline but really was a period I didn't care much about. Sure, Voldypants tried to get back into power again. But it wasn't THE FIRST time, like it was in Philosopher's Stone, and it wasn't a huge step forward like Prizoner of Azkaban or Goblet of Fire. It was a lame attempt, to be honest, and Voldy didn't even want it to happen since it was one of his precious Horcruxes. But anyways. I suppose I like the Ginny action, but really, it's still the awkward tween of the books.

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

    I've really always wanted to be a teacher, ever since I read Anne of Green Gables, and I read that PRETTY YOUNG, being the giant nerd that I am. I love learning, and being a teacher is really just a sneaky way of being a student for all your life. Plus, I loved my teachers and they had a huge influence on me, and I want more than anything to help young people/old people/purple people get through their lives a little easier, with a little more fun and a little more passion about everything that life has to offer. Particularly history. But you know :D

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?

    Assuming JKR hadn't invented it already? I totally wouldv'e invented conjuring spells. Like really, how wicked are they. "Hm, I could really use a glass of water, but my Brita filter is like a year old," and BAM! Water! Or when you want an extra blanket, or you really want like a coffee (as my NP character so often does), it's just SO CONVENIENT and really, since they apparently vanish after a little while, you're not polluting by creating mugs and then leaving them around. Because nobody has that much cupboard space.

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

    Okay, so my boggart would be darkness. Complete emotional, physical and intellectual darkness. In many ways I’m petrified that when I grow old I won’t understand anymore, I won’t know, I won’t feel the way I used to. My grandfather suffered from Alzheimers, and the fact that the possibility of being so in the dark about the people you’ve grown to life and the life you led? Absolutely petrifies me. Darkness would definitely be my boggart.

    As for what it'd turn into? Well, honestly, when you say Riddikulus you really think of the first thing that'd make the darkness silly, so what I imagine is like this pin that goes around and it pokes holes all over the darkness, and it keeps poking those holes like someone would poke at a black piece of construction paper, and the light would shine through more and more until there wasn't enough connecting the darkness for it to stay together any longer and it'd fall apart on the floor and I'd sweep it under the rug, and then probably do like a celebratory jig on top of it.

  • What do you look for in a friend?

    First and foremost, I look for someone who'll make me laugh. If I can't enjoy myself when I'm around the person, I don't really see the point in being friends with them. And I don't think that's such a harsh way of looking at it. Once they are my friend, I look for loyalty and I look for support through the rough times. It's all good and well to have someone who'll make you laugh, but if they won't do that when you're not making them laugh back, or if they aren't sticking by you when other people put you down, it's not a very nice relationship.

  • What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?

    And here comes the lame Laura again. I want to make a difference in the life of a child. If I can make a difference in one child's life, then really, I keep on living through them, and I live through the people they influence, and I'll keep making the world a better place after I'm gone.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people?

    I hate people who think they can get away with making fun of other people constantly. I'm not talking about like friends calling eachother skanks or whatever, I mean friends who constantly put you down. I don't know, I'm really a very cheerful and optimistic sort of person and I've had people who think that this means they can walk all over me, and it doesn't. When you're being genuinely cruel, you know it, and you should stop. Because it's not funny. [/rant]

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?

    my optimism. Although it’s let me down sometimes, no matter what life throws my way, somehow I always know I’ll get through it. It’s like my Neverland star. My optimism is my second star to the right, straight on ‘til morning. It keeps me going, it keeps me sane it keeps me happy. Without it, I’d probably crash and burn.

    my intelligence. Yeah, I'm a smart cookie, and I'm not afraid to say so. My intelligence has allowed me to continue onto University, and it'll allow me to help other people in ways I used to only dream out.

    my loyalty. I love my friends. Love them. If you're one of my friends and you think I don't love you, you're WRONG. If they ever need me, I'm always there, 100% for them. We may not always agree, but I'll always be there for you if you want me to be.

    my creativity. I do a lot of creative things, actually. I play piano, guitar and bass guitar. I sing. I write. I act, I direct, I stage manage. And I'm pretty good at most of those things. Except bass guitar, but whatever. I also basically run a children's camp, so I make up costumes, stories, theme days, etc. I pretty much rock creatively.

    my self-confidence. I'm really quite confident in myself and who I am. I can get up in front of 80 children by myself and just talk to them (and did so on a daily basis, AND held their attention, what what.) I know that I'm smart, I know that I'm caring, and I know that I'll get through things okay.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

    ironically, my self-confidence. I put off papers and work and I know that I’ll get them done, or I’ll know that I’ll be able to worm an extension out of the professor somehow. It’d be a heck of a lot better for my school work if I was more worried, because then I’d plan ahead, get things organized a little better. But I’m so rarely worried.

    my stubbornness. I'm always right. No, I don't just think I'm always right. I am always right. Okay, yeah. It can get me into trouble sometimes, particularly when it comes to compromising my beliefs or values.

    my pickyness. And I'm not just talking about the fact that I hate onions, tomatoes, peppers, olives, eggplant, squash, AND THE LIST GOES ON. I'm pretty picky about who I'm friends with and who I give my loyalty to. It takes a little while for me to open up to people, and even then, really few people ever get to some of the big important stuff.

    my perfectionism. Although I can always find the silver lining in things, I definitely also see the dark cloud. Sometimes it's hard for me to be content with just how things are, and that can make life a little suckier sometimes.

    my ambitions. I tend to set really unrealistic goals for myself. I dream big, really really big. And sometimes it can prevent me from even starting on getting that dream.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's the decision to do something in spite of it.
    • Loyalty: Loyalty, in the end, comes down to whether you're strong enough to support the people who you love, or whether you're weak enough to remain on the sidelines.
    • Intelligence: Is knowing you can never know everything. (And yet some of us continue to want to know everything!)
    • Ambition: An ambition... is a dream with purpose, and a dream with action.

  • Name: Laura
  • Age: 20
  • What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
  • Where did you find out about us? Seriously? I joined this community in like, May-June 2004. I have NO RECOLLECTION of how I came across it at ALL.

sorted: hufflepuff, term iii

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