Here goes nothing!
Edited: To clarify the Hufflepuff comments -- obviously I muddled myself a bit, and the last thing I want is to be thought a House-Basher. Probably just made it worse, but the urge to try was astounding.
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
Start with the hard ones, don't you? What I'd like to do doesn't have a name, I suppose. I'd like to write wizarding erotica, but for something that works like the Weasley's Daydream spells. Literally a novel that sucks the reader in. It's really only taking the idea of a book one step farther, isn't it? A good book should make you feel like you're actually in the action, and a spell could make that real. Of course, considering what I write, there's no way they'd be suitable for sale in a joke shop...
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
Transfiguration. Really, it seems like the most interesting and useful thing a witch or wizard could learn! Completely ignoring the Animagus possibilities (which are so many as to be mind-boggling), the uses for Transfiguration are phenomonal. In a life or death situation and only have your wand? Transfigure yourself a weapon or a distraction. Lonely? Make the puppy you always wanted, just for the afternoon. For a creative person, the possibilities are endless.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
No, not a chance. Adventure can be fun, but risking life and limb for money is just... Completely beyond my understanding. I'm careful with my life, and not terribly fond of pain, so if I'm putting myself in danger I want there to be a good reason!
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
Choose my Animagus form? You know, that may even be harder than the first question! I love a lot of animals, but being able to turn into one is different from just liking the creature. Dragons may be fascinating, but what use? The chances of using it to hide or sneak around are zilch, and sneaking would be the major perk. Then again, the best animals for sneaking around are small and easily eaten, and defense would be a pretty big priority. So the best of both worlds would be a fox. It's sneaky, smart, not all that odd to see around and fast and feisty enough for defense. Besides, I like redheads. ^_^
- If you could be written into any HP Series book as a new character, which book would it be, and who would your character be? Why did you choose that book/character?
As a new character... does that mean slotting myself in as one of the current ones? Gods, I hope not. No fun. If I could just sort of jump in as myself as a new character, I'd like to be behind the scenes in book 6, where all the important action is. Being Hermione/Harry/Ron/Draco's new best friend would be great, but I'd rather be the semi-annonymous student in the background spreading the rumors and helping to pull strings and make scenes. Not a big part, but to be that girl who's always trying out Wizard Wheezes, or who says the most outrageous things at the worst possible time that somehow get Harry thinking in interesting directions... That's where I want to be. Subtext-important character, all the way. Huh, kind of like Luna, actually. Didn't think of that before. But in book 6, if I'd been there, maybe I could have tweaked the situation enough that the Tower scene didn't happen... Going at it straight on obviously wouldn't work, since I'd want it to end with Draco at least in hiding and hopefully in Harry's bed (cough), and Draco's the type of boy that if you say, "Don't touch this hot stove, it'll burn your fingers" he'll slap his hand on it every single time. (rolls eyes) So definitely a background important character.
- What is your favorite magical spell/charm? Why?
Alohamora. In the past month, I have locked my keys in my car no less than four times, and I'm only half way through the month. If I could get those doors open without a coat hanger, I'd dance for joy.
- Name three reasons why you would like to be sorted into each House.
Slytherin: A leg up-- with all those ambitious people in Slytherin, it wouldn't be hard at all to find someone to help me achieve my own goals. Rules-- Slytherins are expected to break them, so it there wouldn't be much expectations set to follow them. Loner-- The rest of the Houses travel in packs, but it's not unusual at all for an ambitious Slytherin to work on their own, something I much prefer most days.
Gryffindor: Action-- Gryffindor has it ALL, thanks to the bravery of its members. Loyalty-- from what I've seen, Gryffindor has a lot of House loyalty (though probably not as much as Hufflepuffs) on top of courage, and that will be very useful when I need my bacon pulled out of the fire. Enthusiasm-- as long as something looks interesting, I'm bound to find plenty of willing helpers.
Ravenclaw: Schoolwork-- plenty of help there, in the House of the wise. Quiet-- we don't see much of Ravenclaws, but what we do see doesn't look like it's very rowdy, and I like peace and quiet. Lowest Expectations-- other than getting good marks, there's not much expected of them (saving the day, for example, if you read fics), like there is with Gryffindors or Slytherins, but they don't have the negative reputation (read: stereotype) of Hufflepuff.
Hufflepuff: Variety-- Hufflepuff gets all the people who aren't overly-smart/brave/ambitious (overly as in annoyingly so, I should clarify, since anyone of that level is probably going to end up in the House that calls for that characteristic), and that would be very nice. Loyalty-- they're loyal, and you just can't get better friends than that! Underdog-- everyone dismisses them, and I'd love a chance to haul the House out of the slump everyone assumes it's in. A little extra visibility goes a long way to clear up assumptions, and Slytherin and Gryffindor tend to steal a lot of spotlight.
- You've received your O.W.L results. What are your results? (You have to have failed or done poorly in at least one subject)
Potions: T (Ask anyone who knows me; I am DOOM around the cauldron. It's bad enough when I cook, and Potions uses explosive materials.)
Care of Magical Creatures: E (I like animals... just not deadly ones, or it would have been an O)
Herbology: D (I have a Black Thumb, and have almost died at the leaves of various plants often enough that Sprout usually works near me, just to make sure I'm safe.)
Arithmancy: E (I'm pretty good at math and math-like things, I just don't like them. So Arithmancy is dull bones to me, and I don't bother studying at all.)
Transfiguration: O (I ADORE Transfiguration, and when I enjoy something, I pay attention. McGonagall double-checked to make sure I hadn't cheated. It's not that I'm a bad student on most assignments, I'd just rather experiment than do what I'm supposed to...)
Divination: A (Fun enough, I suppose, but my creative and Trelawny's don't mix. Really, you see Harry Potter shagging Draco Malfoy in a crystal ball one time and the woman turns purple. Not my fault at all.)
Defense Against Dark Arts: O (Another fun class, when there's a decent professor. Besides which, it's applied, and I like applied magic.)
History of Magic: D (Normally I enjoy history, but Binns... I write or draw, and miss most of the lecture, just to stay awake.)
Charms: E (Another applied class, and this one's even more useful and fun than Defense! Woohoo! Let's see what we can levitate today!)
- If you could have any superpower - but only ONE - what would it be?
Superpower? Oh, jays, friends and I talked about this once, and they all have negative side-effects. That said, I'd like to be able to charm people into adoring me utterly with eye-contact; rather vampire-like except that it would be permanent once done. It would mean that I'd always have help when I needed it, and no one would get in my way. I could literally get anyone to do anything for me, and they'd do it with a smile on their faces because they'd want to. Even better, with it permanent, there would be no worries about someone snapping out of it and coming after me. Of course, the downside is that I might accidentally hit people with it who I want to like me honestly... And that I couldn't be completely out of danger, since it's not impossible for people to kill people they like. Not to mention that it wouldn't work through cameras or anything. Then again, upsides and downsides to every Shwartz.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
... Hermione, I think. She's smart, but she gets ignored a lot in favor of flashier characters. Her friends adore her, but she doesn't have many, and there's no real reason for it. She has goals, and is fighting to reach them because everyone around her doesn't understand them. Yes, I definitely identify with Hermione.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
Personal question much? Similar to Ron's, I think. Myself standing there, with the love of everyone I care about and some sign that I'm special in some way. Incredibly special: a world leader, powerful, some fanastatic creature (half-Veela, vampire, such and such)... I don't think I can be more specific, really. I don't think most people know what they truly want deep in their hearts, and I'm one of them.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
I'd buy a house, a car, pre-pay all my bills for a few years, set aside some for daily use and then invest the rest. That way I'd pretty much be free to do what I want without worrying about work, and the money would still be growing.
- Which HP book is your favorite and why?
Prisoner of Azkaban. I adore Sirius Black, for one. Secondly, it's the book before things start really looking dark, and I strongly dislike angst.
- Which HP book is your least favorite and why?
Order of the Phoenix. Not only does it feature CAPSLOCK Harry, which disgusted me, it also has the end of Sirius Black. Plus there's his constant mourning of Cedric Diggory, which would have been so much more believable if Sirus's death had been met with something other than "eh".
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a race horse jockey. It seemed so perfect. They work with horses, get lots of money and get to travel all over. The whole idea suited me right down to the ground. Right up until I grew to be 5'8" and a half. (sigh) Now it's novelist. They create, which is magic all its own, and they can work out of their homes if they're good enough.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
Hm... This takes a bit of thought, doesn't it? I'd invent the Quam Plures Infinitus spell, that expands anything of volume to endlessness (such as bags that will hold anything you put in them) or to it's full potential by crossing dimensions. I'd use it for storage (since that's the obvious use), but I'd also use it to create havoc with the universe. How many Harry Potters can there be in the universe? Let's find out! I'm sure there's a MerPotter out there somewhere, and don't forget cat-person Potter and Girl!Harry... Oh the possibilities. I love possibilities; there's so many, and I never really get to play with them as much as I want. This way I could, and I'd be able to inflict my twisted imagination on the masses. Even better than writing, since there's no back button on a dimensional portal.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
Eto... Mine would be a bit difficult to visualize... I think it would be my friends and family leaving me. Being completely alone terrifies me, and I really don't know what I'd do if I ever had to face it. Riddikulus would end up shooting rainbow paintballs at them, or maybe waterballoons filled with permanent dye. Revenge is definitely giggle worthy.
- What do you look for in a friend?
A connection and for them to be interesting. I have to be comfortable enough to really talk to someone, and to be honest with them. I have no problem telling random strangers off the street incredibly strange things, but it's a cold day in Death Valley before I'll tell most people what I really think about something that hits me hard in the heart. To be painfully blunt, I try to be polite, but if I'm not really interested in someone, I tend to just sort of wander off and forget about them. My best friends are the people who keep me coming back time and time again because I enjoy their company. This is a very rare number of people. So far, only two. So they're my measuring sticks.
- What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
(serious stare) World Peace. ... I'm sorry, I can't keep a straight face even typing that. It'd be nice, but I'm not stupid enough to think it's really possible. What I'd like most to accomplish is an end to world ignorance. So many problems (prejudice, hatred, war) come from people not knowing what they're talking about, and making sure that EVERYONE gets an education would be a grand start to fixing things. Of course, it's not a goal I'm actually going to be able to achieve, but it's still a nice thought, and definitely something to work towards.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
When they won't give up. When it's clear that something's not going to give, why keep pushing? I see this every day, whether it's the person who thinks if they just click the print button enough times it will work to the guy who won't get off my back about a date after I told him no. It drives me absolutely up the wall with frustration -- I just want to shake them. Or worse.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. I think on my feet, and am fully capable of switching gears mid-thought. It made me a good fencer and a good debater.
2. I pay attention most of the time. I tend to notice little things, and little things are what trips up less-aware people.
3. I'm a good judge of mood. I can usually tell how to handle a situation to defuse it or make it explode, depending on what I want. Very convenient when dealing with people, I have to say.
4. I'm creative. Some people would say that it's a gutter-bound creativity, but it's still there. I revel in writing stories and far-out ideas.
5. I have no shame. (If you think this is hot air or me trying to get into a certain House, ask clex_monkie89. She'll verify.) Whether it's parading down the street nearly nude (or nude, if there weren't laws and such) or bluntly announcing my bisexuality, I'm not afraid of it and I'm not going to squirm. I long ago figured out that the only thing I have to be ashamed of are the things in my life I regret, and I don't regret anything. What I've done, even my mistakes, have made me who I am, and I like who I am, so there's nothing to be ashamed of.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. I can be too blunt. I forget to take into account other people's feelings and opinions, and sometimes I hurt them by not thinking before saying or doing something.
2. I procrastinate something awful. I don't think there's been a single assignment in any of my classes this semester that I haven't put off until the last day. The same thing with projects, stories, work...
3. I'm easily distracted. I've likened it to chasing butterflies. I'll be happily bouncing along chasing a blue one, and then I'll see a shiny purple one off to the side and veer off to chase that instead, thinking that I'll get back to the blue one after I've caught the purple. And then while I'm chasing the purple, I'll see a shiny gold one... (clex_monkie89 can verify this as well. And will. Loudly. Probably with pictures.)
4. Things either bother me way too mcuh or not enough. I don't think I really have many middle gears. Things that I know I should be upset over sometimes barely cause me to blink, and something completely silly will have me in a screaming fury. No, I don't get it either.
5. Obsesions. I pretty much collect them, and at any given time there may be a dozen things that I adore completely and utterly. This isn't a problem until you apply the Shiny Things error I seem prone to. None of my obsessions last; it means I have a very hard time settling down to really devote to anything at all.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Strength of heart. Doing what you know has to be done even though you're scared pantsless of it or the consequences of it.
- Loyalty: Standing by someone/thing no matter what the rest of the world thinks or does, and being glad you did it.
- Intelligence: Knowing when and where to find the answers you need, or being able to figure out the answer without any help but yourself. Also being open-minded enough to accept an answer whether you like it or not. (This doesn't only apply to book-learning, but to relationships and real life too.)
- Ambition: Having a goal where your urge to achieve it is so strong that your strengths and weaknesses don't matter and you'll work against or through them to get what you want.
- Name: Moon Faery/Crystal (pick your poison, I answer to both)
- Age: 21
- What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Hufflepuff. Now to figure out how to explain myself, since the last edition looks terrible even to me. Personally, I don't think loyalty is Hufflepuff's defining trait, but it's the one I go on since it's pretty much the majority-recognized one. (If we go with "hardworking", it'd be be easy, since "lazy" is probably one of my defining characteristics.) Loyalty, though... To be painfully honest, I don't think I am loyal. Loyalty is something that, to me and in a perfect world, should be absolute. Live breath and die for what you believe in. I'm not even that loyal to my own parents. (Once again, ony two people...) Yes, I will happily stick by a person or idea when the going's easy and maybe even in tougher times, but there's almost always a point where I'll throw up my hat and get out. I'm not proud of it, but there you have it.
- Where did you find out about us?
clex_monkie89, bless her. She's too pushy for her own good. That's my P-chan. (I notice that she was almost a Ravenclaw and goggle. Scary. Seriously. Give her a House of smart people and she'll be corrupting and taking over before you can smack her with a Stupify. Even worse, with intelligent backing, she'd probably expand operations to the whole school. Fear her.)