I expanded my answers... so please
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?An Auror. Many things about that job strike me as something I would like to incorperate into a job of my own someday. It also holds this sense of honor and power among the wizarding world. Theres not much more that I could say about that...
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
Charms because I would love to make things fly and do different things.
It would be awesome to know how to make things fly and make my brother
be quiet...
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once
again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why
not? I would. I am always up for a challenge and always want to
prove that I can do things that people say I can't... I've always been the stubborn girl who dosen't let anyone tell me what to do. And I know someone would laugh at me when I said I was thinking about entering the contest and I would want to show them and others what just I can do. It's not to make others proud of me, but making me proud of myself and always expanding my comfort zone.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why? Hard to choose but.... I'd have to say something that flys... I'v always wanted wings. I've always wanted to just soar away from where I am and just go somewhere where I can think things through. In the air I do think I could do that... just change and fly. I could also get a point of view that others couldn't, which is something I always strive to do.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Tonks most definately... As I've said before, I like to change what I look like and to be someone who can change it at will would be awesome. She is such a hero to me. She dosen't let anyone get her down (except Lupin) and makes friends with alomost anyone specialy those who are younger than me! Maybe it's because she identifies with them more, which I most certianly do. I love the fact the Tonks is not the norm and she does things her own way.... just the way I am!
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? I don't know. Maybe going to college and paying for it myself. This is something that I'm stuggeling with right now. Everyone is questioning my choice of school and major and I just want to prove to them that I can and will do it!
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? College tution , a car, and a house. Then with the rest I would probably save it. I might travel a bit too. I want to see some friends of mine in Poland that I made some deep connections with this past summer. And I would do anything in the world to see them again.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
The one I can most remember is a marine biologist. I was born by the sea and have always loved the ocean. I can remember sitting in front of the Big tank at the Monterey Bay Aqurium when I was younger and just looking in awe at all the animals in that tank. Then I found out that I was bad at science... SO I sorta gave up on it even though I still love it. I don't know what I want to be still... maybe a photo-journalist for National Geographic. I want to be able to help people and let them see things that they wouldn't have seen other wise. I want others to have a diffrent point of view, not just thier own.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm,
what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it,
and what would you call it?It was already made... the one where people go quiet... I can't remember the name.... but sometimes it's hard for me to concentrate when people are talking. I could just make them go quiet think things through and let them talk again.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
my death... I'm not too sure what it would turn into after... maybe me being a zombie... I just think there funny so that would amuse me greatly.
- What do you look for in a friend? honesty and loyalty. caring of others. I know this isn't much but this is what I look like in all of my friends. I have some friends that aren't like this and I have some who are.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?being disonest, talking behind someone back and using of other people. This has heppend so much to me in my life that I am just sick of it. I can't understand why people would do it to another people when it hurts others so much.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? humor, honesty, bravery, caring for others, and determination. These are all things that I look for iin friends and I think all of these qualities have made me into a better person
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
being lazy, arrogant, stubborn, tying to make others happy, and lying. I'm not perfect and no one is... these are all things that I struggle with and my weaknesses have also made me better, by knowing what they are and dealing with them.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: going outside your comfort level, doing what you
think is right all the time not just when it's right. Standing up for
someone who can't do it theselves
- Loyalty: being honest to those who are close to you and standing by them in thier times of need (no matter how little or big they are)
- Intelligence: Book smarts and street smarts and knowing how to use them well in all sorts of stiuations.
- Ambition: going for your dreams and not letting other people tell you it's not right for you or you can't do it. You should always listen to others concerns for you but if you feel you have to do it... do it!
- Name: Rachel
- Age: 19
- Where did you find out about us? I was on hp_knitting saw something about Ravenclaw house got curious and wandered till I found this!
I know my answers are still short but I hope you can get a better idea of me by my new ones.