Jan 25, 2006 16:44
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I would choose to work in Hogwarts to tell you the truth. I love teaching and would have a blast teaching the students there. I would love to interact with young witches and wizards and help guide them through their time at Hogwarts. I couldn't see myself in any other job.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
I would teach Transfiguration because I find it fascinating to turn objects into all sorts of different things. It would also be hilarious to watch the first years' shock as I turned random objects in the room into different things.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
I would enter because I would want the adventure and the glory. I like challenges and would love to think I was representing my school. I would also like going down in history as the witch who won the TriWizard Tournament!
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
My animagus form would be an eagle. That way I could fly around without being noticed too much both in the muggle world and the wizarding world. Eagles are also thought of as noble so it would be nice to be thought of like that too.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
I identify most with Neville. No one ever really expects much out of him but he can stand on his own after some training. Neville is one of the most loyal characters. He was so loyal to his house that he stood up to Harry, Hermione, and Ron in the first book. He is loyal to his friends. When Harry thought he was by himself facing all those Deatheaters in the 5th book, Neville stood by his side even with a broken nose. I think of myself as loyal to my friends just like Neville was.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
If I looked into the Mirror of Erised, I would see myself surrounded by the friends and family whom I've lost and eating lots of chocolate cake. To me, there is nothing better then friends, family, and cake.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
I would save half for both my future and my children's future because I tend to think about the future in most situations. I would donate a fourth of it because so many people need things and I am already so blessed, and with the remaining fourth I would buy things for me, my family, and my friends because hey, you just won a million dollars, you HAVE to buy yourself something.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
My ideal job as a kid was owning a chocolate factory with my best friend. This has changed and now my ideal job is being a counselor to troubled teens because I really enjoy helping people and comforting them.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
I would invent the "Catch up" spell, which would stop time for a short while. I would use it when I was feeling overwhelmed with work so I could catch up. I find myself feeling overwhelmed a lot so it would really come in handy. Time passes so quickly that just stopping it for a little bit would be nice. Plus this spell would not have the dangers that a time-turner would because you wouldn't have to worry about seeing yourself anywhere.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
My boggart would turn into a demonic child like the one from The Ring. It would turn into a little blond girl in pigtails licking a lollypop.
- What do you look for in a friend?
I look for trust and loyalty. I also look for commen interests and someone with a sense of humor. A friend of mine should fiercly defend me through all circumstances because I will do the same for them. They should be loving and considerate when I need them to listen and encouraging when I'm feeling down.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
I'm annoyed when people don't live up to their potential. Like when you know someone is really smart but they just don't put up enough effort to get the job done efficiently. It's so annoying because you know that they could succeed if they just put their mind to it but they are just too lazy.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. I am a fiercly loyal friend. I will defend you till the end.
2. I have a crazy sense of humor.
3. I love cooking and am told I am a good cook.
4. I am a strong leader when I need to be
5. I will always encourage you when you are upset.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. I am way too stubborn
2. I tend to complain
3. I am not athletic in the least.
4. I'm not good at following others
5. I sometimes act like a know-it-all
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: facing what fears you
- Loyalty: sticking by your friends and family no matter what
- Intelligence: knowing things and applying them to your life
- Ambition: knowing what you want and getting it despite the consequences
- Name: Jessi
- Age: 16
- Where did you find out about us? from my friend lessthangreat
sorted: hufflepuff,
term iv