To everyone who gave me the 'no vote' I've elaborated my answers, and would love a second chance!
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? I would choose to be either a Professor of potions or DADA because I find them both to be very interesting and what better way is there to carry out the things you like most? In the real world being a college proffesor is one of the carreer choices I am thinking of going into, so I would probably be thinking the same way if I were a witch. I would probably prefer potions though because I like to mix things and see what the outcome is. Also I like complete and detailed instructions, and when making a potion you would need to be able to follow those kinds of instructions. I think it would be nice to get the chance to teach someone else your art, and if I were a witch Potions would definitely be my art. I would love potions just as much as Snape, only I wouldn't be so mean. But if I couldn't teach Potions, I would want to teach DADA because I am strongly against the dark arts so it would be nice to help others learn a way to defend themselves.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why? Potions, for all the reasons I just stated above, I would consider potions my art, and I would love potions, so I would most certainly choose potions.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not? No, I would very much want the fame and glory, but I would be far too scared of the dangerous tasks. I love being the best at everything, and I love it when I get to be showcased for my accomplishments in sports and school, so even if I didn't win the triwizard tournament, I would still be loving all the attention I would get just because I was a champion. But I don't think I could handle the tasks. Especially the one with the dragons, theres no way I could handle that, I probably would have just run away crying, and then in the maze I probably would have sent up sparks 5 minutes into it. I am a scaredy cat, so I most definitely wouldn't put my name in.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why? A cat. I love cats, they are so mysterious, and they get to nap whenever they feel like it. I also find that I am very much like cats, I am a very curious person, and you know the phrase goes 'curiosity killed the cat'. Also I always seem to land on my feet, just like cats. Not in a literal sense, but even when bad things happen to me, I always seem to shake it off in the end and I tend to come out of bad situations good as new.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why? Ron Weasley. Cheerleading and dance is a big thing in my family, and my two older sisters were always the best on their teams and I always kind of feel like I'm in their shadows, just like Ron. He's always in Harrrys, and all his brothers shadows, so I guess I relate to him most.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? I would probably see myself, surrounded by all of my best friends. I would also be wearing my Princeton University gear because my dearest desire is to get accepted there. I never really felt like my friends would be there for me in the end, and I've always wanted that feeling, so looking into the mirror thats what I would see. A group of the greatest friends imaginable. And ever since I was 8 years old I've wanted to go to Princeton University, theres just something about the school that appeals to me. And I always felt I belonged more at an Ivy League school than anywhere else.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? I would probably put enough away to pay for college, Princeton is really expensive, so I would need to save enough for that. I would also buy a hummer (a metallic blue H2 to be exact). Then I would take half of whatever is left and put it in an account and leave it there so that it collects interest. And the other half I would spend on a shopping spree. I would get a complete make-over and a whole new wardrobe.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now? Since I was about five I've wanted to be a lawyer, but recently I've come to realise that I don't think I really want that anymore. These days I'm leaning more towards teaching at a college or a university, or being a psychiatrist. For some reason I've always liked teaching others what I know, since I was in middle school, I always made it my job to help out my friends in the classes they didn't understand. Whenever they were struggling with something they always came to me because they knew I loved to help, so recently I've been thinking that becoming a teacher is a good choice for me. Altough it would have to be at a college or a university because highschool teachers don't make enough money. Or I would want to be a psychiatrist, because I like to help people. I would probably specialize in teens and children though. I feel like younger people are looked at as having less important problems. Adults think that silly things like being dumped by their boyfriend or girlfriend is nothing, but to a teenager it's a big deal, so I want to help them because alot of other people don't think it's even something to worry about.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? It would be a potion that would make the drinker turn into whatever it is they hate most. It would be for use against someone you were mad at or someone you didn't like. For example, Harry might use it on Draco. It would make him disgusted with himself. And being what you hate would make anyone go crazy. I would call it degoutant (it means gross in French).
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus? It would turn into a rejection letter from Princeton because I fear failure most. I don't like loosing at anything, and I especially hate rejection. And getting into Princeton has been a very important goal of mine for 8 years. I would be devastated if I didn't get in. It would then turn into a letter from my friend Nikki who is absolutely hilarious, with a bunch of the funniest things she's ever said. Nikki and I have so many insiders and she always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better.
- What do you look for in a friend? Loyalty, honesty, humor, friendlyness, outgoing. I need friends that are going to stick by my side no matter what. And I need them to be completely truthful at all times, I myself am very blunt and honest, and I need the same thing in a friend. If I'm at the mall with my friends, I need someone to tell me if something truely looks good on me or not, sometimes I can't tell if something looks good on me, because I want to think it does just because I like it. And I need friends that can be honest even if it hurts my feelings, I'd rather go through 10 minutes of hurt feelings in front of my friends, rather then weeks of humiliation in front of many more people. I also want my friends to be nice, caring, happy people. I don't want friends that put a damper in my mood. And I want outgoing friends that can keep up with me.
- What trait most annoys you about other people? People who don't stick up for themselves really make me mad. I can't stand it when people just let themselves get walked all over and let themselves get treated like shit. It makes me super mad because I always feel like I need to step in when someone is being treated like shit and then I get in trouble because they couldn't just stick up for themselves in the first place.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? 1. I am smart, and I take pride in my schoolwork because I always get good grades. I know I can do or be whatever I want because I have the brainpower. 2. I am very outgoing. I am super fun and crazy when I'm with my friends, I love to dance around and have fun, and I am always in motion. 3. I am a hardworker. I never do anything half ass, and I put my whole heart and soul into everything I do. 4. I am very loyal. I stick up for the people I care about no matter, I have often gotten in a few arguments in the past because of people talking shit or being mean to my friends. If anyone wants to mess with my friends they're gonna have to deal with me. 5. I am extremely dedicated to everything I do. Once I set my mind to something I accomplish it. I never stop in the middle of something either, once I start I just can't stop, because everything I do has a signifigance in my life, and it always means to much to me to just give up.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? 1. I have a bad temper sometimes. I yell a lot because I get really angry and sometimes my anger becomes destructive. 2. I don't know when to shut up. I am constantly being yelled at in school for talking too much but I really just can't help it. I love talking, especially if it's gossip =/ 3. I'm stubborn. Once I make up my mind about something, nothing can brake me. 4. I always have to be right. I hate being wrong and I always believe in myself even what fifty other people are telling me otherwise, I usually choose my battles well though and only argue my being right when I know for sure I am, but still, it gives me a bad reputation. 5. I trust others way too easily. I am a very open person and as soon as I make a new friend I think the world of them and I think it's okay to tell them my whole life story, and half the time they turn out to be bitches and turn on me in the end.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Doing what you are afraid of because you know you have to. You don't have to have courage to do wild and crazy things. Someone who's not afraid of heights can climb a mountain and not be considered courageous. But when the person that climbs a mountain even though they are deathly afraid of heights and ends up hyperventilating by the time they get to the top, is a person that has courage.
- Loyalty: Standing by your friends and family no matter what. Even when the whole world turns against them, if you stick by their side, you are a loyal person.
- Intelligence: Having vast knowledge on a variety of subjects. I think intelligent people are the ones that easily absorb information. I happen to consider myself intelligent. I hate studying and I rarely do it, and I pay very little attention in class, but somehow I get almost straight A's in all of my classes. Someone that doesn't have to work hard at learning, is an intelligent person. I don't consider someone who gets straight A's to be intelligent if they have to study every night and have to study for 3 hours the night before a test.
- Ambition: The ability to want many things and strive to achieve all of them. If you can dream big and go for everything you are dreaming of, you have ambition.
- Name: Amelia
- Age: 16
- Where did you find out about us? I am in housesorting on and we competed against this community and another lj community in the triwizard tournament over the summer.