Feb 01, 2006 16:49
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? I would most likely chose...a teacher, preferably a herbology teacher. I love the outdoors and I have quite the smarts in biology. I know a lot of plants and enjoy working with them, seeing them as little seedlings first, then grow and bloom into wonderful, beautiful plants that are healthy and full. It makes me feel a sort of satisfaction that I created and helped something grow, something that came to life.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why? Like I said in the question before, I would most likely want to be a herbology teacher. For the fact I love creating life to something that might not have lived so long or have been so healthy, or not have been living at all. Some plants also give rewards for helping them grow, such as, say an apple tree. If you treat it well and take care of it, it can give off apples. Something you can eat to keep your self living.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not? I would not put my name in the Goblet of Fire, for the simple fact that, you can die in the Goblet of Fire. I would not want to risk my life to get eternal glory, it's just glory. I would rather live and not have glory, than go in and die. You only live once as a human (or so do I believe) and why risk giving it up? I want to live to the fullest, even if it means no eternal glory for me. :)
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why? I would chose a swan. I would chose a creature such as a swan for that, it resembles gracefulness and structure. It can glide on water so gracefully, but at the same time be strong and structured too. I would also be able to fly. I would enjoy the gentle breeze and looking down at the wonders of nature, I could also escape danger from flying too!
- What HP character do you identify with most and why? This would be a tricky one. I physically resemble Ginny, with orange hair, a strong face, and I do believe she has some freckles(I have freckles too!). But with Hermione, I have her smarts and standing up for what I believe, like when she started the house elves group. My parents call me a know-it-all sometimes. I can find myself correcting my family at times without even thinking about it.
I tend to worry about my grades a lot, which also ties in with Hermione. But I think I lean towards more to Ginny. I look like her physically and am the youngest in my family(just like her).
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? I would probably see, perhaps, a thinner me? I really want to lose weight, in fact I'm doing this 4 week workout thing. But what I really want is to be thinner. I guess Hollywood has taken a little of an impact on me, but its also a little harder to find clothes in bigger sizes than smaller sizes. But don't take it the wrong way, I also care about my health. I'm no really over-weight person though.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? I would give equal amounts to my family members. Splurge on a designer bag, and MOST definitely buy myself a DAMN NEW COMPUTER! I would chose an alienware computer...then get the sims 2 nightlife, AND another computer for the internet and things, my alien ware computer would just be for the sims...now....wheres my million dollars?? (just kidding!)
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now? I didn't know what I wanted to be when I was a little kid. But my ideal job now, that I am VERY MUCH INTERESTED in is to be a paleontologist. Paleontologists focus on dinosaurs, I am very much interested in them because it's amazing what they looked liked, how they acted, what they did, how they survived & so on.... I think its just simply amazing. Paleontologists get payed a lot too, ranging from 80,000 to 90,000 per year, but that doesn't matter because that is what I really want to be.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? I would invent a potion. It would probably let you pick something you would want to do, say heal someone/thing, or make you invisible. Basically it would do whatever the person who has it disires. You would have to drink it to work. I think I might call it, Humballa.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus? It would turn into a demon. I am scared to death of them, and when I throw the counter-spell, it would turn into my cat, Molly. She always makes me smile and happy!
- What do you look for in a friend? I look for, loyalness (so I always know I can count on them), humor (nothing like a good ol' joke to cheer you up!), kindness (I wouldn't want anyone saying mean things to me) and smartness (so I can know that they wouldn't do anything stupid that would get them or me in trouble!).
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
1. When people think they're all that! and they definitely aren't, at all! They think they're above everyone else.
2. Stupidity, I just can't stand people that are like, what? or when this girl said, how do they get the juice in the carton when it's closed? And you know whats scary? she was serious, and she USED to be smart!! Now- when someone asks that...they were totally dropped on their heads when they were little!
3. I tend to think, that when people are popular they think they rule the school, and they think that they are above other people.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1.caring- I think I'm really caring because, I always almost put other people ahead of myself.
2.humor-I think this is a majorly important quality of me because I always crack a joke and can make people laugh, and make them happy too!
3.protective-ness-I am super protective of my family! If someone says something or does something, they better watch out! and I always worry about their well-being.
4.helpful-I'm quite helpful around the house. I also try to help people at my school if they need it.
5.spontaneous-I always say spontaneous things and do spontaneous actions. I believe that being spontaneous is an important thing because, who would want to do the same thing over and over again without any spontaneous things happening??
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1.unfriendly-ness, sometimes I find myself to be a crab and am mean without knowing it. It's mostly just a little in the afternoon when I'm hungry though.
2.immaturity, I can be immature sometimes, like get in trouble for something really stupid. But I'm quite mature most of the time.
3.giving up easily, I tend to give up easily. I don't really stick with a lot of things, and if I don't succeed I tend to think I can't do it anymore either. But of course, in the end I pull through.
4.smart-ass, I'm definitely a smart-ass! I correct my family allllll the time, in fact, it probably gets on their nerves.
5.anal-ness, I'm very anal. I like things my way and always check things, or make sure papers aren't sticking out of my folders. Or like, my books, I ALWAYS have to have them straight. Like today, I was fixing my friends paper on top of her folder without even knowing it at first! I tend to look past the details and correct every single thing.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage:standing up for what you believe.
- Loyalty:never leaving someone behind.
- Intelligence:the IQ factor of someone.
- Ambition:never giving up, always continuing forth.
- Name:Jackie
- Age:13
- Where did you find out about us?My best friend, Troughgirl1
sorted: gryffindor,
term iv